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Classic Console Magazine UPDATES

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Classic Console Magazine is back after going MIA since Feb. 2015 issue.


Their magazine is a free download here: http://classicconsolemag.weebly.com/issue-5-download.html


The first 4 issues can be downloaded here: http://classicconsolemag.weebly.com/back-issues.html

Brian Matherne - owner/curator of "The MOST comprehensive list of Atari VCS/2600 homebrews ever compiled." http://tiny.cc/Atari2600Homebrew

author of "The Atari 2600 Homebrew Companion" book series available on Amazon! www.amazon.com/author/brianmatherne

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and I'm even in this issue on page 5 with my comments ......... Listed under the topic “Is there anything you want to see in a future issue of the magazine?”

Brian Matherne - owner/curator of "The MOST comprehensive list of Atari VCS/2600 homebrews ever compiled." http://tiny.cc/Atari2600Homebrew

author of "The Atari 2600 Homebrew Companion" book series available on Amazon! www.amazon.com/author/brianmatherne

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the next issue of Classic Console Magazine is out.........  http://www.classicconsolemagazine.com/uploads/3/0/0/2/30025367/classicconsolemag-issue615.pdf




Brian Matherne - owner/curator of "The MOST comprehensive list of Atari VCS/2600 homebrews ever compiled." http://tiny.cc/Atari2600Homebrew

author of "The Atari 2600 Homebrew Companion" book series available on Amazon! www.amazon.com/author/brianmatherne

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I love being able to assist Classic Console Magazine, but as i mentioned i've really no idea which interviews are planned for what issue as that's out of my control.

No problem......I guess wish they would have more consistent issues (monthly). 


Are you a columnist or writer over there?

Brian Matherne - owner/curator of "The MOST comprehensive list of Atari VCS/2600 homebrews ever compiled." http://tiny.cc/Atari2600Homebrew

author of "The Atari 2600 Homebrew Companion" book series available on Amazon! www.amazon.com/author/brianmatherne

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Looks like they will have printed copies of the next issue!



Brian Matherne - owner/curator of "The MOST comprehensive list of Atari VCS/2600 homebrews ever compiled." http://tiny.cc/Atari2600Homebrew

author of "The Atari 2600 Homebrew Companion" book series available on Amazon! www.amazon.com/author/brianmatherne

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Hope sales go well enough to continue the physical route, i know just how much work goes into each issue and printing costs are high.

Yeah I'm wondering how much they are too............

Brian Matherne - owner/curator of "The MOST comprehensive list of Atari VCS/2600 homebrews ever compiled." http://tiny.cc/Atari2600Homebrew

author of "The Atari 2600 Homebrew Companion" book series available on Amazon! www.amazon.com/author/brianmatherne

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