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Wanted: Feedback For Meltdown & Scrapyard Dog


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I'm looking for feedback for the next episode of the Atari 7800 Game By Game Podcast (you can find it on iTunes, Stitcher, YouTube or use this feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/78gbg )


What are your memories and/or thoughts on Meltdown & Scrapyard Dog on the 7800?


Also, how would you rate them? I use a system of 4 choices (From Best to Worst):


Hall of Fame Game (Top 5 game on the system out of the original, non homebrew games)

Solid Game

"Meh" Game

Trash Game (Bottom 5 game on the system)


These games will be covered on Episode 29

You can also e-mail text or audio to atari7800podcast@aol.com

Just keep it family friendly                  icon_smile.gif

You can also send feedback on previously covered games or the system itself. 

The No Swear Gamer on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChtJuo040EOCTVziObIgVcg

Host of The Atari 7800 Game by Game Podcast on iTunes, Stitcher and YouTube

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I think Scrapyard Dog is a Solid Game but had the potential to be a Hall of Fame Game had it and the 7800 in general received the time and resources it needed to put out really good stuff. Scrapyard Dog was an original idea and fairly detailed. It told a story, it had a unique little world, the characters and sprites looked good, but Atari could have put much more effort into competing against Mario and the rest of the "mascot" games.


I would call Meltdown a "Meh" Game. It was essentially one screen with graphics that didn't seem like much of an improvement over the 2600 or 5200, and Meltdown felt a lot like Reactor on the 2600 with a light gun. Once again, when competing against Nintendo light gun games like Duck Hunt, Wild Gunman, and Hogan's Alley, it was a half-hearted effort and Atari could have done much much more to putting out great games.

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"Louie the junkyard guy, was just setting down to hi regular sunday afternoon lunch: a foot long head-cheese sandwich with tons of mustard, six garlic pickles, a two pound bag of potato chips and a diet soda. (The diet soft drink was because Louie was watching his weight, nobody likes a fat junkyard guy!)"


Writing like this is one of the many reasons why I love Atari.  I'd say Scrapyard Dog is solid title on the 7800. If you're hungry for a platformer on Atari, there really isn't much else to choose from, aside from Pitfall 2. 


My first thoughts after booting up the first level: "Its bigger, oh my science, the nose is getting BIGGER..." 


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