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Intellivision - No sound on CRT?


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So last night I had something happened that completely baffled me... I connected my Intellivision to my 25" Panasonic CRT for the first time, and had no sound! I was using channel 4, so I switched to channel 3 instead to see if that made a difference, and I experienced the same issue.


I tried taking the RF cable and attaching it to my NES to rule out the cable, and sure enough I had sound from my NES. I then took my Intellivision and connected it to my Samsung LCD in the living room, and I had sound.


Has anyone ever experienced this type of behavior from their Intellivision? The picture looks beautiful, but I can't seem to get sound for some reason...

Edited by Starbuck66
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If sound works on a different TV...maybe it was the RF connector? Or maybe you just need to crank the sound way up?

I tried cranking the sound up and didn't hear anything. I used the same RF cable and connected my NES and got sound, but maybe I'll try swapping out the RF adaptor and see if that makes a difference.

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Intellivision is not designed to fully engage the signal using a NES RF switch. IF that is what you are doing, Nintendo redesigned to make the RF switchbox switch automatically when the console was turned on. Pre-nes systems (2600/ Intellivision/Coleocvision/ various computers etc) do not output the necessary output to "push over" the switchbox fully, You need to connect directly to TV using the RF to coaxial adapter OR use an original swithcbox (where you manually switch between video / TV) Nintendo RF switch box does not work with these older systems. 

I am Rob aka MaximumRD aka OldSchoolRetroGamer and THIS is my world http://about.me/maximumrd

"For you, the day Bison graced your village was the most important day of your life. But for me, it was Tuesday."

 - M. Bison

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Intellivision is not designed to fully engage the signal using a NES RF switch. IF that is what you are doing, Nintendo redesigned to make the RF switchbox switch automatically when the console was turned on. Pre-nes systems (2600/ Intellivision/Coleocvision/ various computers etc) do not output the necessary output to "push over" the switchbox fully, You need to connect directly to TV using the RF to coaxial adapter OR use an original swithcbox (where you manually switch between video / TV) Nintendo RF switch box does not work with these older systems.

Yes, unfortunately that's not what I'm doing, I used the stock Intellivision RF cable and coax to F adapter with my NES to make sure there was nothing wrong with my Intellivision RF cable.

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Yes, unfortunately that's not what I'm doing, I used the stock Intellivision RF cable and coax to F adapter with my NES to make sure there was nothing wrong with my Intellivision RF cable.



Oh ok thanks for the clarification, sorry for my confusion, I seen this happen a lot so wanted to rule that out. 

So NES works fine with RF adaptor and cable but not INTY.....Hmmmm, so this particular Intellivision has worked or worked on a different TV? These Pre NES console CAN be fussy from one TV to the next as some TV's are just better at tuning them in. You are getting a display but no sound, is it manual tuning on the TV? Maybe a slight adjustment, if digital tuning with no over ride option I am not sure, solid picture but no sound is puzzling. I hate to suggest but if it currently works on another TV than it is likely the Panasonic is just not up to it. IF not perhaps lightly tap  flick  the cable just where it plugs into the Intellivision while a game is displayed, just maybe the internal RF unit has a cracked solder joint or something, whether or not you can fix it at least you would know the culprit. FINALLY if you have the option try sending the Intellivision RF output to the input of a VCR or any device with it's own built in tuner and output it to the TV as that sometimes does a better job tuning in the signal and boosting it for display on the TV. Annnd THAT"S ALL I GOT anyway, hope you figure it out! 

I am Rob aka MaximumRD aka OldSchoolRetroGamer and THIS is my world http://about.me/maximumrd

"For you, the day Bison graced your village was the most important day of your life. But for me, it was Tuesday."

 - M. Bison

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How old is your 25" Panasonic CRT?  If you can give a year and model we might be able to Google some information to help you along.


I think RickR might have hit the nail on the head.  If the TV has auto-tuning, and you have a way to disable it for a bit, try the INTV on the Panasonic TV with the auto-tuning turned off.  If that doesn't work try changing the signal type (if your TV has an on-screen display) from "Cable" to "ANT" or "Antenna" while using your INTV.  My grandmother had an RCA stereo console TV that would not detect my 2600 JR very well unless we switched the type of antenna being used.  Considering that pre-NES consoles were made before cable was mainstream, and some TV models still had the 300 ohm (two screws) connections, it might be the INTV tech is too old for some newer TV models.


So...if you can, try changing the connection type on the TV itself through something like a setup menu and see if that helps.  That would be the only suggestion I could think of.  It's obviously not the INTV ( :thumb: ) since it is producing sounds on another TV.  


Last resort: run the signal from the INTV through a VCR to your 25" Panasonic and see if you get sound.  It is possible that some older VCRs can boost a signal coming in from a coax connection.    

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