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About this blog

This is a blog where I review classic and retro video games. A great many of the games I play come from WAY before my time. Growing up at the tail end of the seventh generation and the eighth generation, many people my age have grown up with games like Grand Theft Auto, Halo, Minecraft, Call of Duty, and Five Nights at Freddy's. I grew up playing the old stuff like NES, SNES, and Nintendo 64. Mainly I used my Wii for emulation of NES and Atari 2600 games when I did get it near the end of its life. While my friends played non-Nintendo games on other systems, I was stuck playing completely different games. I have always loved retro games, and so I thought I would start a review blog of games that were popular before my time and see if they still hold up today.

Entries in this blog

Metroid (and Metroid Zero Mission)

Revolutionary. This word is tossed around a lot when it comes to NES games. Indeed, a lot of NES games were groundbreaking titles unlike anything else people had seen on the Atari 2600, Colecovision, or any other system prior to 1985. Super Mario Brothers was revolutionary because it offered a game with a size unlike 99% of the previous generation's games. Zelda was revolutionary because it had a massive open world with secrets to explore in every nook in cranny, offering an adventure so va


HDN in Month of Metroid

BLOG ANNOUNCEMENT: September is the Month of Metroid!

Hey guys! I know it's been a while since I updated the blog. I had a lot of stuff going on for a few months after that last post and eventually I sort of forgot about the whole blog thing. But I'm back now, and with a very special month planned for you all. As some of you might know, Metroid (specifically the 2D games) is my favorite video game series of all time. So you can imagine my shock in June while I was watching Nintendo's E3 presentation live with my friends when out of NOWHERE Nin


HDN in Month of Metroid

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