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About this blog

This blog, from time to time will have stuff of interest to me, mostly TI-99/4A related stuff, but you never know what might get posted here! 

Entries in this blog

One Man's Journey With The TI-99/4A (Part 2)

By the beginning of 2015, I had upgraded to a Lotharek HxC and an F18A, dropped on a Lantronix UDS-10 and started hitting Heatwave BBS... By the middle of 2015 I added a PS/2 keyboard, and an extra disk drive and WiFi capability to my UDS-10... Around the middle of 2016 I had a modem, which was not used much, and I think the HDX card (which has since been removed).  It was around this time that I obtained a TI compatible Wico trackball and customized it to match the TI.  I a

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