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About this blog

A blog where I chronicle my vain attempt to complete all the RPGs I own. It's an ever expanding list so don't expect me to get to the end any time soon. I am infamous for starting games and never finishing them, so hopefully this blog will help me stay focused, especially if people actually read it. Hey, a guy can dream. 

Entries in this blog

First Steps

Hello and welcome for my first blog entry. I am going to discuss the rpgs I am currently playing and the progress I am making. Don't expect and complete walkthroughs or detailed step by step descriptions. I want to keep things a little more casual than that, and besides I'm not that good of a chronicler. The last thing I want to do is keep constant notes of every step of the process. I will also do reviews here including games that I have already finished. So, what am I focusing on at the moment


nester in RPG Progress

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