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Console & Computer Game Reviews

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First Time Playing Crossbow

I have had this game called Crossbow in my collection for a while now.  It is for the XE computers.  Tonight, I played it for the first time.  Keep in mind that I have never played this game before let alone heard of it. How did I do?  I got 478,000 points.  I have no clue if that is good or bad because it doesn't take long to start racking up points in this game. Did I enjoy the game?  Oh yes!  I even played a second game but did not do as well.  I have yet to discover how to reach th

Atari 5200 Guy

Atari 5200 Guy in A8 Software

Magneto Bugs (A8 Game)

Magneto Bugs is a one player, dot munching, maze game.  The objective of the game is to get as many of the white dots as possible while avoiding the bugs in the maze.  As you move you leave behind red dots that can attract the bugs.  This game is played with a joystick controller. I have spent my weekend trying out this game along with two others I picked up.  I kept coming back to this one.  While it might look like a Pac-Man clone it is far from that game.  The back of the package me

Atari 5200 Guy

Atari 5200 Guy in A8 Software

Decision In The Desert (A8)

When it comes to Microprose games I immediately think of those 386 PC days when I spent countless hours on Railroad Tycoon, Covert Action, and Lightspeed.  I never knew that Microprose really started with the C64 and Atari computers making tons of WWII based simulation/strategy games that I missed.  So I started collecting just Microprose games for my XEGS.  Today I write about one of those games called Decision In The Desert. I'm not familiar with any of Microprose Commander Series games. 

Atari 5200 Guy

Atari 5200 Guy in A8 Software

Silent Service (Atari 8-bits)

There was a time when buying a new game required using the packaging material to grab the consumer's attention. There usually was no limit to how far a software company would go to deliver a package that created an impulse buy. And by that I mean there was no other way around it...you simply had to have that game no matter what based on what the package looked like and how it presented the software inside the box.   Silent Service for the Atari 8-bit computer consoles was developed by

Atari 5200 Guy

Atari 5200 Guy in A8 Software

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