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SIO2PC USB was meant to busy bee...

Diving back into the A8 world and while I have an older sio2pc that uses a serial connector (no access to that on my current laptop setup), it can't be used. I was certain that I would have managed to get a nice Indus GT or XF551 by now but so far, null results. I'm still disappointed by the whole fiasco over my last Indus GT purchase, especially since it had such a nice box. Oh well...


I've officially ordered the SIO2PC USB version so I can put one or both of these machines to use in upcoming weekends and have some competitive gaming nights with the daughter and girlfriend. I'll finally be able to load up some Yoomp! and GTIA Blast! Would really love to see a Cosmic Ark clone on the A8s using the enhanced GTIA mode... that and many more games in general make use of it. Outside of alienating the core 800 base, was there really any reason as to why more games didn't use said mode?


Anyways, order placed and incoming... hopefully come this time next weekend it'll smell like warm 8bit machines in my room!


Really enjoy the translucent plastic used....


Recommended Comments

Clint Thompson


I'm still using the SIO2PC serial edition.  See my "Scraptop" blog entry. 


Checked out your blog before this and it's definitely a good idea! Seeing as how I already have a laptop though and multiple desktops that are a little less mobile, I just decided to upgrade to a USB version. At least this way, I have both! =)

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