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Road Trip - Multnomah Falls



Q:  What is the most popular tourist attraction in the entire state of Oregon?
A:  Amongst many natural wonders in the state, Multnomah Falls is the winner

My wife and I left our home early this morning to beat the crowds and visit the falls.  It's about 50 miles east of Portland...about an hour away down the scenic Columbia River Gorge.  The Gorge was created in one of the last ice ages 10,000 years ago by the tremendous water flows of the Missoula floods.  The falls are 620 feet tall with a very difficult trail that goes all the way to the top (we ended up going about half-way up).

What's different for us locals who have been here 100 times is that a lot of the forest is gone or thinned out -- a result of the wildfires the last few years. 

The view from the parking lot:



The historic lodge:


Majestic falls:



From the bridge, you get a spectacular view of the upper bowl, and also quite wet from the spray.



And the view from above isn't too bad:


We had a very nice time and drove on to the beautiful town of Hood River after for lunch and sight seeing. 



Edited by RickR

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