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ATARI DAY! - Thanksgiving - Thursday, November 26,

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:pole_position_blimp_big: ATARI DAY! - Thanksgiving - Thursday, November 26, 2015


This month Atari Day falls on Thanksgiving! It’s an extra special opportunity to share the fun and joy of Atari with those around us.


Usually for Atari Day we do something like wear an Atari shirt to work or school to spark interest in classic gaming. Since Atari Day falls on Thanksgiving this month, let’s do something special to share Atari with those we love most! One idea is to have an Atari set up under the TV this Thanksgiving, with all of your favorite classic games ready to play!


If you’re having family and friends over for the holiday, it could be fun to play a few rounds of Warlords, Space Invaders, Galaga or Ms. Pac-Man with the ones you love! Even if you’re not having a big crowd, it’s still a great time to enjoy the World of Atari.


Sharing Atari fun with your kids, spouse, siblings or parents is what it’s all about! Even if your most cherished memories are of playing something other than Atari, maybe a classic console you received as a kid one Holiday, now is the time to enjoy those games again and share them with loved ones.


People used to set up model train sets under their Christmas trees. This is an opportunity to set up your Atari or classic console under the TV this Holiday season to share with the loved ones in your life, young and old alike!


MORE ABOUT ATARI DAY: http://forums.atari.io/index.php/topic/291-atari-day-on-the-26th-day-of-each-month-show-the-world-how-much-you-love-atari/


JOIN ATARI DAY FACEBOOK EVENT: https://www.facebook.com/events/958020620958342/





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