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MaximumRD last won the day on September 21

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About MaximumRD

  • Birthday 02/11/1968

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  1. New plan with ISP, slight increase but just for uploads which will have little difference for me but whatever, happy with it. 🤷‍♂️ This is hardwired, not Wi-Fi.


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. RickR


      Completely agree.  During the pandemic, we had four people here all either working from home or going to school from home.  We had some pretty immediate problems with wifi coverage.  So I invested in a really nice router and all the issues went away.  Our internet speed was always just fine. 

      Now that it's just two of us and only me working from home, absolutely all good. 

      But boy what an ordeal to get the cable company to remove TV from our service!  They kept trying to upsell me into a "deal" that cost more but had more channels or speed.  No!  I just want internet for less than $100.  They actually made me go in to one of the brick/mortar stores to get the TV cancelled. 


    3. MaximumRD


      🤔All that said, I was curious and thought only fair, I DISCONNECT the ETHERNET and enabled the 5g Wi-Fi since it's built into the Legion desktop I'm on to compare. My first post was the hardwired / Ethernet, this is strictly the Wi-Fi, gotta say pretty impressed, just now result (wife currently working from home on her setup, but that is the only other thing I think using the Wi-Fi)


    4. MaximumRD


      😂Oh Rick I KNOW, upselling is crazy, a rep or hell even a neighbor when we say WE DON'T HAVE MOBILE phones we use a landline, it's just like - BZZZZZ DOES NOT COMPUTE -  I mean after all, how can one survive in modern society without being constant connected and available 24/7. has not been easy but has been a CHOICE. To be clear since you guys get it, YES we have devices, wife has iPhone SE, I have old Android 7 PHONE and previously older iPhones, we just don't pay for any cell service plans, on occasion if my wife travels she gets a cheap "eSIM" just for the travel and safety but in our daily lives our only connection is over Wi-Fi, there is always a similar app that allows one to do things you'd typically do over cell service. As for me, well, my internet "access" is all I need to watch any show or movie, not condoning, but I do what I do so yeah, the rep tries to upsell us on streaming boxes and services, and we are like "Naw we are good, we don't watch TV just YouTube" and it's like "Oh REALLY?" 😝 Telling them that is just simpler 🤷‍♂️

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