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Blog Entries posted by MaximumRD

  1. MaximumRD
    I consider my RETRO GAMING CORNER officially complete ! 😎🤟🧐includes 14inch TOSHIBA CRT / ColecoVision w/ AtariMax Flashcart / Retrobit SuperRetroTrio (nes, snes, genesis w/ Everdrives for each) / TG-16 w/Everdrive 😎👍as well, I can hook up the 2600 module to ColecoVision or even play Master System using the Everdrive on the RetroTrio. Happy covering 7 platforms with 3 consoles. Wanted to cover as many platforms with what I already have in the space I am limited to.


  2. MaximumRD

    Classic Computing / Gaming
    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  CURRENTLY JUST A PLACEHOLDER AS I GATHER MY THOUGHTS / IDEAS DECIDE HOW I WILL PROGRESS OR NOT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Welcome to MaximumRD's Amiga Appreciation Hub. For fans of one of the greatest computer line of all time! Including the entire Amiga line from the original A1000 to the blockbuster A500 and even then CDTV and CD32 come join in on the fun relating to all things AMIGA! YES the C64 was awesome but the AMIGA was magic!
  3. MaximumRD

    Modern Computing / tech (well, at time of writing)
    😎😉I like using one machine to opt-in for Windows Insider Preview Evaluation builds of Windows, WHICH machine do I use for this? Well, certainly not our main desktop (THE HUB OF MY WORLD 😜) and certainly not our main Laptop which is a 17' Dell that Melissa currently uses as her daily driver working from home. Our third best machine / second best laptop is the HP Pavilion I found with just an AMD A6 with 8gb ram (I upgraded from 4) is pretty much MY go to when not on desktop so that leaves another machine I found, the beautiful but very slow Sony Vaio Laptop. This machine with just 4gb ram - 5400 rpm Hardrive and sluggish CPU: Intel Mobile Core 2 Duo P8400 @ 2.26GHz, originally came with Windows VISTA 😒 but I removed that for a basic install of Windows 10 Home which considering the hardware runs "well enough" in that it is stable if a tad slow and unresponsive. Yep THIS machine was the one I choose to evaluate the latest preview builds Of Windows 10. 😂Because in the end it is my last choice normally to use Windows on anyways and if it crashes or becomes unstable it will hardly be a setback or cause any issues. BUT THAT SAID the latest Insider's Preview Build seems to be running just as well and stable as the basic retail build I was previously running. 
    If it runs good on THIS hardware that bodes well for anything newer. Between the customizing and settings I always change or restrict on any Win 10 OS I run, I really cannot notice or tell you about any differences without looking up specific details. Other than a nicer looking icon for some of Windows 10 default tools / apps (Camera / Calculator / Defender ) I cannot tell much difference, so I will keep this machine on the FAST RING opt-in for Preview Builds just for testing and giving me an excuses to boot up this old Sony Vaio more often. Oh, and all this while dual booting Linux Ubuntu on the same machine has caused no issues. 😜

  4. MaximumRD

    Slice of Life (stuff I am doing / going through etc)
    So yeah, hair care IS a thing since we cannot go out and social distancing blah blah. I just recently SHAVED my beard off 😮 because I like to "reset" every now and then, let my face breath etc, it's cool, I will have 5 o'clock shadow by 3 o'clock again 🙄 I mention this only because I am posting these silly low res images I took in Linux on one of my low end craptops recently and so you can see my before and after. I used a webcam effect in the after image because I was MAD LIKE HULK or something 😆 Now, as for the hair on my head well, who knows? We don't have clippers and I am not hacking away at my head for over 2 hours with disposable razors like I did my face so, I am expecting my hair to get longer than I have allowed it in years, I will likely have the Mod Squad Clarence Williams III / Linc Hayes Afro going before this is all over. 😎

  5. MaximumRD

    Slice of Life (stuff I am doing / going through etc)
    I been suffering severe sinus issues past 3 days. FINALLY everything that was jammed up in my nasal passages released into my nose and I was able to blow it out, required much sudafed, inhalation and mostly ibuprofen and Tylenol because I get a severe sinus headaches from it, the first day really bad and painful but the next couple days even after doing everything still experiencing a constant low underlying headache which clearly was wearing me out. Today is the first day I actually feel relief. Blew a bunch a shit out of my nose and throat in a hot steamy shower, unclogged finally!  I will continue on sudafed for the rest of the day until I go to bed then hopefully I can do without it after that, knocks me on my ass though, I hibernate like  bear but it makes me dream like crazy and I feel it helps in the body healing process. First thing I noted was no cough or any other symptoms so not jumping the gun or being paranoid about Covid but at the same time need to be careful, don't want to be compromised by anything that might cause me to be even more susceptible to virus. Would not be the first time where I was sick and got through it only to be knocked on my ass by something even worse! But yeah, feeling much more like my old self which may never be GREAT these days but at least it allows me to be functional and for that I am thankful.

  6. MaximumRD

    Classic Computing / Gaming
    RE: Commodore 64. Once (I learned a lesson 😎) back in the early days, my first C64, the classic breadbox model, I loved it so, I even painted the case a cool shiny BLACK with spray paint. NOTE: Image shown is not mine and included for descriptive purposes only. Sadly, I had more balls than knowledge and was always tinkering, wanting to see the guts of a machine etc. Do you know where this is going? I disassembled the machine BUT, and I think this was my biggest mistake in all this, with the cover and shielding OFF for some reason I still had it plugged in and turned on and poking around looking at the chips with screwdriver in hand I explored the guts noting numbers and labels when suddenly I dropped my tool (I MEAN MY SCREWDRIVER!) and there was a pop sound followed with a spark. It all happened so fast, I do not recall seeing any obvious damage but....well after putting everything back together, at first I was happy to see the machine start up and at first thought eh, everything's fine but.....nope. Turns out everything I loaded, whether from cassette or disk just ran at the wrong speed, everything was now super slow, like slideshow slow, as if every process went from normal to the speed of a snail crawling through molasses, it seemed to work normally otherwise from what I recall but nothing was playable or usable after that. Oh man, I was soooo upset and mad at myself. Such things were rare commodities for me at that young age and I was never going to get a replacement that's for sure, I had gotten it used as a hand me down. I learned a valuable lesson that day I can tell you. Oh I still tinkered, took things apart and explored every electronic item I would be lucky enough to get, MOST reassembled and working again successfully. Anyway, there was a time I got ONE hell of a shock that I think made my heart possibly stop temporarily while working at the back of a 26' cabinet RCA CRT Television but that's another story 😛 
    Note mine (it's long gone 😢) but similar

  7. MaximumRD

    Games I'm playing
    😎I've never finished it but I played the original SHADOWMAN first on the N64 followed by the DREAMCAST then years later the PC version (from STEAM or GOG I cannot recall) of course, each version had some minor improved visuals but here I am again this time playing the recently released REMASTERED version on PC. It runs great and though still incredibly dated it's the best it's ever looked. I like the atmosphere and it's somewhat a guilty pleasure game for me like NIGHTMARE CREATURES etc. Here's a couple grabs I took just now. 


    ANY FANS? 😎
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