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Everything posted by MaximumRD

  1. Those are all great and exactly what I was hoping for! I used to dream about getting all these things as impossible as it was back then! 😍
  2. Simply not possible as we have dealt with many such people over time and will continue to enforce the rules of conduct here. A lot goes on here behind the scenes believe me. Anyone exhibiting any type of "gatekeeper" behaviour here is quick to realize it is not tolerated and this is not the community to try it. END OF. We welcome all equally but are very strict about extinguishing any cross-forum drama if someone has a bad history elsewhere that is known, we are wary of such people and do monitor them perhaps a little closer 😉 but in the end, all will be judged by their own merits, all are expected to conduct themselves according to HOUSE RULES (see link below) so, anyone who hasn't yet would do well to familiarize themselves with them, I do not think it's particularly difficult to be a productive contributing and positive member here, by the same token we will not become the "Island of Misfit toys" of forums either.
  3. Yes, it's obvious, let's just leave it at that. We don't discuss "WOKE" here.
  4. Hah that was great and cool to see in modern times, somewhat related are a couple of animated Treks in the style of FILMATION but done recently for Voyager and TNG. I don't remember if they've been posted before:
  5. One thing I loved about classic video is all the great advertising, you know wacky and weird stuff by Sega to hard edge "Exteeeeeme" type of advertising you got from Turbo graphics and Neo Geo and even the family-friendly Nintendo stuff or all the advertising Atari 2600 that helped you visualize all the fantastic adventures, characters and scenario's that maybe didn't translate completely with the stick figured pixels in the games, but we still loved them all. They were a work of art in themselves and you just don't see as much of that in modern-day coverage of Video games with most being on STEAM or DLC on consoles. But they always fired up my imagination or made me laugh but either way they enticed me and made me think of the possibilities seeing those print ads in Video games Magazines like Electronic gaming or even ads in my favourite comic books. Let's use this thread to share the memories of video games and Computer tech that grabbed our attention from the 70's through to the 2000's. I'll kick off with a few examples. PLEASE NO PARODY OF FAKE ADS, keep it real with Ads that actually appeared in publications (Magazines /Comics / Newspapers etc)
  6. Occasionally we get a craving for a place we shouldn't for sure, here it is called Asian Pear but we went out of convenience, crowded, sub-par, we are done with that place now though, once you've experienced so many better places old ones get pushed farther down that list but we are constantly trying to find new places to add. We actually feel bad giving a place overall a thumbs down but we got to be honest and try to be fair.
  7. Norman''s diner 😎🍺☕️🍔Tried out Normans Diner. Sadly very meh, won’t return, presentation, atmosphere were great, food “looked” good but tasted no where near matching, so bland, don’t know if low quality ingredients but even I could prepare better-tasting food and that is saying something 🤷but you don’t know until you try so it’s off the list.
  8. Welcome @Wumperdinkle Sniy , hope you enjoy your time here, I'm "OldSchoolRetroGamer" on Atariage as well as "MaximumRD" on Videogamesage and here obviously, if I had a do-over I'd be MaximumRD everywhere online (after my Youtube channel) but you know, early days, took a while to settle on something 🤷‍♂️😝I hope you will enjoy the vibe/community here. 😎
  9. There will always be some that will collect anything with an ATARI name, logo on it. It's not for me but I do like the look of it and hope with feedback they can improve some compatibility and features by release.
  10. 😲Very kind of you sharing all your amazing work with us. Well guess I will be adding a D r Clu Game Hacks folder to my Harmony cart! 👍
  11. Cool hacks, great ideas, thanks for sharing!
  12. It happened only once before a while back on a weekend and so took 24 hours to resolve the issue and yes it is INVISIONS responsibility to prevent such problems. Service is garbage with so many things these days, like how hard is it to have a notification in place as a reminder tickets are due to expire and resolve it before it happens? The fact that it has happened before is even more a reason they should have been more prepared, like literally the hosts job.
  13. Our site has always been its own thing, we've peacefully co-existed for some time and to even claim we are a "replacement" would send the wrong message to Albert as well as being an outright lie. Regarding the current state of atariage, it is by no means "shut down" while it's currently displaying an error it is a separate issue that is nothing more than bad timing. Here is a message Albert has linked to a RED WARNING BANNER on the main site just for information for those having an issue connecting. Albert sent this out to members in bulk as well.
  14. Thought this was cool as someone is always curious about blending old and new tech especially creative uses for it. NOTE: Was not sure exactly what section to post this in so move accordingly if required. LINK TO ARTICLE: https://www.macstories.net/stories/i-used-a-game-boy-camera-for-facetime-video-calls-in-ipados-17-and-it-was-glorious/ Related image:
  15. It makes perfect sense, it is why we knew there was a place for another Atari (and other classic gaming platforms ) site, I can assure you all of us staff and everyone here are very protective of this community and feel the exact same way. 👍The more people feel welcomed here and are comfortable to share and discuss all things retro the more we like it. We do try to keep it light and fun and never at the expense of others, we want this to be an escape from the drama and outside turmoil as much as possible.
  16. Charles Martinet, the fan-favorite voice actor of Mario, will now serve as the official Nintendo Mario Ambassador. https://www.xfire.com/mario-voice-actor-charles-martinet-nintendo-ambassador/
  17. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ATTENTION !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A reminder whatever anyone's personal take on this, KEEP IT CIVIL and no trash-talking Atariage (OR ANY OTHER SITE) NOT SAYING THIS HAS HAPPENED YET but past experience on several occasions has taught us how discussions like this can quickly decline. WE are not a source of, nor do we encourage or foster any type of cross forums "DRAMA" our site is friends with and respectful of ALBERT and ATARIAGE. Everyone has an opinion but keep it civil, respectful etc. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Posting a copy of these posts from Atariage for informational purposes as a courtesy for clarity and convenience, this will be the only one 😉 for anyone who cannot or prefers to not access over on ATARIAGE: Pinned Post - AtariAge + Atari Greetings! I have an important announcement to make to the AtariAge community, and I'll cut right to the chase: AtariAge has agreed to be acquired by Atari, and I have come on as a full-time employee at Atari. This won't be a surprise to some of you, given the speculation I've seen over the past month. The first thing I'd like to say is that this is not a decision I made lightly! If you asked me 20 years ago if I would have considered working for Atari (much less selling AtariAge to Atari), I would have said no. But fast forward to the present, and this is the first version of Atari I've seen since the 1980s that is taking many positive steps to restore the magic that we all associated with the original company, the Atari that left so many of us with enduring memories of experiencing the Atari 2600 for the first time, learning how to program on an Atari 800, or pumping quarters into the amazing arcade games produced by Atari in the heyday of arcades. Atari is now taking its retro-related IP seriously and is creating a wide array of hardware and software based on that IP, while also creating new, original content. It is very exciting to see Atari release the 2600+, a new 2600 you can feed actual cartridges, and without giving anything specific away, this is just the beginning of what we're going to see from Atari going forward. Atari, for the first time in years, is targeting and embracing enthusiasts like ourselves, while also making products that appeal to those who grew up with Atari and have a fond nostalgia of the brand, but aren't steeped in retro gaming as we are. I am very excited to be working for Atari, and with Atari's resources I will be able to make significant improvements to AtariAge over time. This also opens up many new opportunities for homebrew developers, where original games created by the amazingly talented community at AtariAge will have a much broader audience. My role at Atari will be multifaceted, but my primary tasks, especially early on, will be to operate AtariAge as I have been doing for the past two decades. This includes managing the forums and the AtariAge Store. Longer term, I will have more time to significantly update the games database, something I've wanted to do for some time, but simply have not had the bandwidth for. And I will be moving the store early in the new year to a new ecommerce platform, something I’ve wanted to accomplish for a while now. Since AtariAge’s modest beginnings in April, 2001, AtariAge has grown significantly. The early version of the site only contained the games database and forum, with the store coming later with a handful of titles. Fast forward to 2023, and I've published hundreds of games for a variety of consoles, and that shows no signs of slowing down. There is an incredible community of talented developers, consisting of programmers, pixel artists, musicians, sound engineers, artists and designers all weaving their magic to create amazing games with stunning packaging. It is remarkable the talent that is involved in creating these new games, as well as new hardware, and I am honored that so many have allowed me to publish their games in physical form in the AtariAge Store over the years. And the store has allowed AtariAge to exist without placing advertising on the site, and we intend to maintain that ad-free policy going forward. While I have greatly enjoyed running AtariAge and the amazing community that has evolved throughout this journey over the past two decades, it's taken an increasingly large amount of my time to manage. I had come to a point where I needed to make some sort of change, and I began scheming on ideas that would help reduce the amount of time it takes me to build and ship games. And I really have not been happy that the games database has languished over the years, as that was always an enjoyable area of the site for me to work on. Early last year, Atari approached me about the possibility of working more closely together. Talks were slow at first, but they accelerated at the beginning of this year, and after months of going back and forth, we finally worked out a deal that benefits both parties. What does this mean? Short-term, nothing is going to change. I will continue running the entire AtariAge website, including the forums and the store. Nothing is going to be neutered in the forums, and Atari will not have access to personal conversations, private forums and clubs, and so forth. No content is going to be removed from the forum, and those posting content will be liable for anything they post (which was already the case). I will also be running the store, building games, shipping games, and publishing new games for the store. In fact, I am currently working on releasing over 20 new games on a variety of platforms for the upcoming Portland Retro Gaming Expo. Over time, and with Atari’s help, I will be able to more efficiently produce and ship these games, without sacrificing quality (which is very important to me). This will free up more of my time to make improvements to other areas of AtariAge, as well as embark on new and exciting projects. Working with Atari was one of several possible solutions to bring some sanity back to my life. Other possibilities included shutting the site down and walking away, taking the store down and leaving the forum and games database, or some combination of the above. Or I could have just sold the site to some entity, whether it be Atari or another company or individual, without further involvement from me. However, it was very important to me to find a solution that allowed me to keep the forums and store running with my involvement. Working with Atari was the best way to do so while working towards the goal of reducing the hours I am working every week, while opening up new and interesting ways for Atari and AtariAge to work together that weren’t available previously. AtariAge will still have a large, 45' x 30' booth at the Portland Retro Gaming Expo this year, which is 50% larger than any booth we've had in the past. And I expect this to continue each year going forward, with the possibility of attending additional events during the year rather than just PRGE each year. One fun thing we're going to do this year with this extra space is have several Atari 2600+ consoles on display, complete with a large assortment of games to play on them, including homebrew games. As I mentioned above, this does open up some new avenues for homebrew authors. For instance, Atari is interested in bringing more content to their VCS platform, and a few homebrew authors have already been working with Atari to sell their games on the VCS (such as with Amoeba Jump and Tower of Rubble). And such arrangements don’t affect the AtariAge Store. I still plan on offering digital downloads in the store once I get the store moved to new software, which will be a primary focus of mine once I get through several other major tasks (such as surviving this year's PRGE). There's also the possibility of original homebrew games being released in physical form under the Atari label if they do well in the AtariAge Store. With the new 2600+ console, Atari is certainly interested in compelling, original content to augment that platform, and of course the XP line will continue along as well. And I anticipate many other interesting possibilities over time as well. I feel this will greatly benefit the homebrew community, homebrew authors, and everyone who loves seeing new games for the Atari 2600 and other classic systems. I want to thank all the homebrew developers who have allowed me to publish their games in the AtariAge Store over the years. You are a very important reason why AtariAge still exists and has thrived, and why AtariAge remains a free and ad-free website. It’s very rewarding to help authors realize their games in physical form with beautiful packaging, and your creations have helped keep the Atari 2600 and many other classic consoles and computers fresh in our minds. I look forward to working with all of you to further expand the library of amazing games for our favorite classic consoles and computers. I also want to express my extreme gratitude to the moderators who have helped maintain some semblance of sanity over the forums all this time, especially the global moderators who have purview over the entire forum. I greatly appreciate the time you have put into the forum, as it's impossible for me to see everything that is posted. Without you, the AtariAge forums would likely not still exist! Here’s to another 20 years of discussing a wide variety of retrogaming topics on AtariAge! Thank you for reading and take care, ..Al --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pinned post - AtariAge + Atari Q&A Here are a few questions and answers to get things going. As more are asked and answered in this thread, I will also add them to this post. Will Albert Yarusso continue to be involved in AtariAge? Albert Yarusso will continue to oversee AtariAge on a day-to-day basis and manage the forums, supported by volunteer global and individual forum moderators. In addition, Al will become Atari’s new internal historian, and will continue to work with homebrew developers seeking to bring new titles to market. Is Atari planning any significant changes to the AtariAge site, forums or mission? Atari has no plans to change the AtariAge site or its mission. The only near-term change that users will experience is the roll-out of a new ecommerce infrastructure, an effort initiated by Albert Yarusso that precedes Atari’s involvement. How does Atari view the AtariAge forums and the community it supports? Atari views AtariAge as an invaluable resource to the community of fans and developers who have supported the brand for 50 years, and to Atari as a brand and a company. The AtariAge community has contributed to the long-term resilience of Atari, the documentation of the company’s games, and sustained interest in Atari’s legacy hardware and software platforms. Will Atari censor speech within the forums, including criticism of Atari? The content of the forums is ruled by the posted rules of conduct, and enforced by the site’s moderators. Atari has no intention of censoring speech or restricting topics of conversation.
  18. Easy for me, while I own both today it's not even close, ultimately besides a few specific titles the 5200 is mostly just re-hashes of Atari classics which is cool but been there, done that over and over. Also, I had virtually no history or experience with the 5200 back in the day so I've no attachment or nostalgia for it. Colecovision is my hands down favourite of its time, besides several titles that you just didn't see on other platforms outside of the arcade I did have it back in the day along with several of the best titles so if I had to own one and the entire library it will always be Colecovision I have the most love and nostalgia for.
  19. Games That Defined The Atari 2600 From 1980 & 1981 Family friendly, informative and entertaining, Retro Reviews with The No Swear Gamer contains plenty of retro goodness. I’ve reviewed games for the Atari 2600, Atari 7800, Atari Jaguar, Atari Lynx, Intellivision, NES, Game Boy, Game Boy Color, GameBoy Advance, Nintendo GameCube, Nintendo Wii, Magnavox Odyssey 2, Sega Master System, Sega Genesis (Mega Drive), Sega CD, Sega 32x, Sega Saturn, Sony Playstation 1, PS2 as well as covering plug n play systems, retro toys and other cool retro stuff. Check it out and subscribe today! Recorded From Real Hardware.
  20. I am a day late but Sept 1st was Frankenstein Day!

    On this day in 1797, author Mary Shelley was born. 21 years later, she published ‘Frankenstein’ anonymously and over 200 years later, we’re still celebrating Shelley and the legendary Frankenstein!


    1. RickR


      The Universal "Frankenstein" movie starring Boris Karloff is on MeTV tonight.  I'll be watching. 


  21. I voted obviously only for what I had seen. Based mostly on my personal entertainment level. Unless it is set in stone how about adding the movie Pirates of Silicon Valley? It always comes to mind when I think of these types of shows/movies.
  22. Well Star Trek Strange New Worlds seems to "get it" they got the balance between serious, heartfelt, satiric, and comedic, all down perfectly, the last couple of seasons of Discovery on the other hand, felt like I need therapy after every episode, it was way too dark and serious in tone with most characters coming off as broken and miserable. That is not entertainment for me.
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