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Everything posted by MaximumRD

  1. Just another night passing time in front of the pc. Our Christmas will be pretty calm as usual just some good food and each other’s company.



  2. Tues night on the old 2011 Macbbok now running ZorinOS currently, I love PopOS! the most on it so far but I just cannot stop tinkering and Zorin is working great so far. It's by no means a daily driver so I don't mind testing different Distros on the hardware.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MaximumRD


      I like it fine so far for the couple hours I've tinkered. Interestingly there are "paid" options, obviously I am not using that. Paid gives you things like more customization options and themes etc. As is though there is enough to set it to look like typical Linux or more Windows or more Mac like depending what one is use to so that is nice. Placement of start, menus, app display to mimic those other Operating systems. Normal Linux storefront to download more software for free from the Linux repositories. 

      I will likely keep it on for some time, cannot say I like as much or better than PopOS! (that would be surprising) but I tend to keep it on for a while and use over time, it's like a third machine after my main PC and desktop so I don't spend much time with it in the grand scheme of things.

      Here you can see a quick video with a nice visual tour of what to expect in the latest core edition (what I have installed)


      Now this one is slightly older but longer and descriptive, I watch this guy for Linux content. Worth the watch imho. 



    3. Justin


      Do you feel like any of these these are an improvement on Ubuntu? Or Mac or Windows?

    4. MaximumRD


      Improvements? For the things I do Linux Mint, Zorin, Ubuntu are all pretty much the same with difference really only being in presentation or style, I just don't dig deep enough. At heart I will always be a Windows guy through and through as it is what I use the most on a daily basis for years, the rest really is just tinkering. My exposure to MacOS is only what came with this 2011 Macbook, I think I upgraded it as far as I could, if I recall it came with  OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion and I managed to "upgrade" it as far as macOS 10.13 High Sierra after much tinkering 😆

      I considered shoe horning macOS Mojave onto it which can be done but it sounded very involved and really would have sacrificed some features on a hardware level and also introduced some glitchy results at best so I stuck with High Sierra for some months getting to know it well enough to understand all the "basics" at least for general use, though I cannot say I really "liked" it more than Windows I just always have a need to understand an OS, never would I have thought I'd be editing Kext files but I even did a bit of that lol. So all this is just to say I don't really consider anything "better" I just know what I like and am more familiar with, there was a time years ago I recommended to a basic user that I thought ANDORID was "better" than IOS, I believed it at the time but the person got an Android and hated it, was totally lost and all of their friends / family were of course on APPLE devices so my recommendation was not a service to them, I cannot think like that, only what would be best for the person and not from my point of view.

      Today of course after much exposure I'd take an iPAD over an ANDROID without thought 😜though I really still want a good ANDORID tablet. So to me it's up to the individual to just try and see what they like best, listen to people smarter than I comparing Linux / Windows etc, someone who uses each as a daily driver in some form because I am bias in that I will always go back to what I am more familiar and comfy with every time which for me is WINDOWS, all the other platforms for me are just tinkering. Sorry, I cannot answer better or just give you a simple straight forward answer to your  simple question. That's just me and the way my brain works. I turned to Linux Distros on the Macbook because I could not take MacOS any further on it and so my thinking was the best way to get a modern and supported OS on it was to switch to LINUX, first I tried was Linux Mint If I recall and really in that respect I could have left it at that but my mind is easily swayed by fancy new distros and features, I probably tried like 5 different Linux distros, some worked, some were dead in the water. seeing that System76 own Linux machines came with their PopOS I of course had to give that a go and honestly, was very happy for the last several months, it just worked straight away, all features and function keys etc. But I just get bored and never settle so decided to take a chance and try ZorinOS.

      No doubt another Distro will catch my eye in 3 months or 6 or a year from now. I WILL SAY THOUGH outside of basic use and functions which many might be happy with ANY Linux distro, even ones designed to ease the transition from Mac / Windows, there is always a learning curve or a moment when you have to get your hands dirty in Terminal or other areas that are not as intuitive as Windows or Mac. I've managed to muddle my way through thanks to people smarter than I who post the directions online, at least I AM good at Googling and following directions. 🤷‍♂️

  3. I envy you in that department. I swear if I could turn back time I'd have collected far differently. OF COURSE during years of buying I always intended to trade / sell the "extras" but I've learned I am just horrible when it comes to organizing, selling / trading, I always been a procrastinator outside of absolute necessities (IE: Stuff my wife insist on 😜) so despite good intention I just never had the motivation to take the necessary steps to go through my collection, itemize, prioritize and sell / trade the stuff that I have no connection or nostalgia for. And even the stuff I DO since we don't have and will never have more room I cannot justify having 2, 3, 4 etc, of the same console or compatible platform, though I do in many cases in spades. And this is where the 2600 falls sadly, YES I love the platform and games and have a nostalgia for them obviously but if you had told me 30 years ago that the Atari 2600 and compatibles would be the platform I have today with the most option to play original cartridges I'd have thought you were nuts. BUT I SWEAR the 2600 consoles are like TRIBBLES, those things just seem to accumulate / multiply at an alarming rate. 😆Over the years they just been so hard to resist good deals one not to mention my 4 switch woody / Vader / Light sixer were all sent to me from friends and Youtube subscribers so that was unexpected and so thoughtful I just cannot bring myself to part with those ones especially. 😍But then there was like the Coleco Gemini something I thought I'd never have and I got sweet deals on the Atari Jr's I could not pass up, well I am sure many of you "get it".
  4. I have a light sixer and a 4 switch woody but no Heavy Sixer which is fine. Also have a Vader model, all in decent condition.
  5. Wow, if you have not seen it and are a fan of TIM BURTON'S BATMAN films, check out this short film, very well done and so good I could totally consider this cannon with Burton's classics! 😎
  6. Awesome guys! Thanks for the info and replies. 🙂 At some point I will test them again, check which has the better RF output, these days I don't have the spare $$$$ for modding etc but my Colecovision has decent RF out and I use a nice little 14 inch Toshiba TV I found some time ago that works great with surprisingly nice display. 😎I don't have a ton of original carts but definitely some good ones but thankfully I've a HARMONY cart so I can load up a lot of titles. Yeah the all black variation is really nice looking and they really do still stand up in terms of design whereas the original models definitely look of the era but that's why we love those as well.
  7. Of course I am the biggest fan of the OG models, woodgrain, Vader, 4 switch, 6 switch, I have them all except a HEAVY SIXER and I am good but over my years of collecting I DID acquire a couple of Atari Jr. models. Now I THINK it's the PAL model that had the cool BLACK label on the Jr?, or at least that is one variation, also differences in the Atari logo / Rainbow from what I have seen, I am no expert here. My two models appear pretty much the same but apparently from what I have learned elsewhere one may have been the 1-Chip Rev , I think near end of the run a reduced cost version, I submitted various images first just of the consoles but just recently I opened both up as well to show the boards. Thought I might share all those images here as well and ask if anyone else has these or different looking variations, show what you got in image or video form, no need to disassemble in fact would be happy to see just the logos / stickers etc. If you don't have any feel free to still participate with nay thoughts, discussion, stories, memories based around the Jr. I never had one back in the day, might have moved on to other interests by the time the hit the scene but I really gained some appreciation for them of late, cute little machines. 😎🙂 Here are both of them, outside appearance they appear the same though I can tell one is heavier by hand I did weight them to confirm. The lighter model - assembled weight = 1lb 2.1oz / 512g (IS IT JUST MISSING THE SHEILDING OR WAS NEVER PRESENT?) The heavier model - assembled weight = 1lb 6.5 oz / 640g And the underside of the board on this heavier model. I kind of have interest retesting them with my Harmony cart soon. 🤔
  8. Would be better than STAR TREK DISCOVERY. 😏
  9. Nice yeah, we are only starting to get places like this FINALLY as Kelowna is heavily Alberta and Prairies influenced for better or worse so good to see this, I expect such a place in Seattle or Vancouver or even Toronto where I grew up but when we moved here 20 years ago it was a very closed off and closed minded bible belt type city, younger people and open minds are finally taking hold and we are here for it.
  10. You guys will love my latest outing post. Instead of separate videos and images I link a collage video of our visit to Jack Knife Brewery here in Kelowna. Awesome pizza, Beer selection all wrapped in a HEAVY METAL themed atmosphere, you gotta see this! 🤘🏼😎🍻😉


  11. RE: Jackknife Brewing An 8 min collage of image's and videos from our most recent outing 12/9/2022 At the Jackknife Brewing in Kelowna, good to see places like this here in Kelowna! Best beer, pizza, friendly cool staff and atmosphere! This place ROCKS.
  12. It IS the NES RF switch that is the issue. You see, by the time the NES came out (later the Snes / Genesis) the RF switcher was different in that merely turning on the system was enough to power and automatically switch over to the console output. The Colecovision and indeed consoles and several computers before that relied on a switchbox where selected between console / TV and these older machines don't put out quite enough to fully switch over so you tend to get that, snow and static interference. So the option is either get one of the old type of Pre-NES RF switcher OR as many do these days, a plain RF cable with an tiny adaptor at the end that plugs directly with no need to switch. That is what I use on my own Colecovision. Let me add you WILL get people that swear up and down the NES RF box is perfectly fine and they use it with no issues, they are either straight up lying OR remember wrong. To clarify keep the NES RF switcher / cord for most systems from NES onward, for Pre-NES (Colecovision / 8-bit computers / Atari 2600 etc) you need either THIS: RF cord plus Adaptor to TV input: !NOTE a standard composite cable will do if a true RF cable not available if using this adaptor. OR THIS ORIGINAL PACKED IN OPTION: RF cable (or quality AV composite cable) + proper old-style switchbox that fully switches between the two: OR THIS : I don't recommend this route though since it still requires an adaptor for the Antennae output to TV input and they won't all come with that if you buy it loose, a whole other can of worms. So really the most straightforward option is the first method, you can find these little adaptors easy on Ebay / Amazon searching " RF Adapter F Male Coax to RCA Female " that with either a proper RF cord OR a decent Composite cable will do as standalone RF cables are getting scarce. Example: https://www.amazon.ca/RFAdapter-Connector-Convertor-Commodore-Colecovision/dp/B07VWQF6WS/ref=asc_df_B07VWQF6WS/?tag=googleshopc0c-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=459812522877&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=7423408870647340250&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9001468&hvtargid=pla-872226698298&psc=1 Lastly for those that prefer visual instruction, this little kid 8 years ago, nothing fancy but short enough video and he covers what is important clearly showing the steps, he even uses a composite cable many have with the 3 cords (video + 2 audio) obviously he uses only one as required but I think it's good to show what most people have but still solving the issue, near the end he does display the Colecovision Start screen if only for a couple seconds but I think you will agree overall a pretty damn good output anyone would be happy with using RF. 😉 😝If I seemed just a tad bitchy about those that insist the NES RF switcher is fine it's just because I hate that type of misinformation especially when people absolutely insist on it when I know form first hand experience this is not the case and I have had such people make this claim elsewhere when I am giving all this detail and the reasons why it is absolutely not adequate so I get a bit salty over it since Colecovision is hands down my favorite console Pre-NES and i want people to enjoy them to the fullest.
  13. A.I. is weird, here is a couple generated results from a recent selfie post I made 🤔😝   


    0 (1).jpg




    1. Justin


      Bottom looks kinda like Walter Day 😎

    2. DegasElite


      That isn't bad for AI. Cool! :)

  14. My UGLY? but cool and special Super Nintendo Just sorting through the old collection looking for my Super Nintendo and I was reminded that it always amused me how my Super Nintendo console stood out, fortunately not just for the poor attempt at painting the shell but it has a couple mods to it that can be useful.
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