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Everything posted by MaximumRD

  1. http://video.wired.com/series/retrograde RETROGRADE 1 SEASON, 8 EPISODES These days, technology is all screen-touch-this and Bluetooth-that. Remember when tech products used to really be state of the art? From the sweet joystick on the Atari 2600 to the compact Apple lle personal computer, relieve the glory days of gadgets past.
  2. I've not made a new video in sometime but it occurred to me I should share some of my older videos in which I checked out some ARCADES ! We do not have much locally so when I had a chance in my travels over the years I took the opportunity. Hope you enjoy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pd9896I9qfk&index=3&list=PL5JnLOJAHULkrydH-gvs52y663kiNMXAV https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J45vp5bHzao&index=1&list=PL5JnLOJAHULkrydH-gvs52y663kiNMXAV https://youtu.be/-jYOIc3zqL4?list=PL5JnLOJAHULkrydH-gvs52y663kiNMXAV
  3. This is literally blowing my mind, never would of dreamed this possible on any Amiga let alone a A600! Check out these great vids by Modern Vintage Gamer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lEjtc6JWlsk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P5imzOM2XFU
  4. For all that doubted the Coleco Chameleon dream! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iKR1XNsHKeU
  5. Seems Mike Kennedy continues hiding, well I guess that is better than hearing more BS? Probably he will lay low, I cannot imagine he will appear or make statements to the retro gaming community anytime soon.............
  6. LOL seems I hit submit while you were posting, you are on it! Seems that I...
  7. ANNNNNND to the shock of absolutely none..... Coleco officially pulls its name from the Chameleon http://www.engadget.com/2016/03/08/coleco-pulls-support-from-chameleon/
  8. It's funny because it is sites like these that are all to happy to jump on the Coleco Chameleon or RetroVGS bandwagon with clickbait headlines and little research and fact checking but when the community discovers the truth they are right there to put out their article on the "facts" we already concluded some time ago! Oh they are so out of touch.
  9. RE: John / Gamester81 Honestly myself, I been saying it without flat out saying it to be polite, I really do NOT think John was in on the fake prototype or console scam, he simply is not smart enough, ignorance is bliss, he follows because he does not know any better. When he says "My company (CollectorVision) just develops games" he says it like we are supposed to believe that he has anything to do with that process lol. "John" does not develop anything, he has a personal financial stake in the company that ports games but he is just a face, someone people for god knows why relate to and admire because he has a huge collection but I never found him personally to be very knowledgeable beyond the most basic info you can look up on wikipedia regarding his consoles, games etc. I am sure he loves classic games and yeah he has a killer collection and I've no doubt at heart he is a nice guy but at the same time I only ever considered his involvement with Collectorvision like Steve Jobs with APPLE, a frontman, a face except more of a lobotomized Steve Jobs who really is just there to be the go between man for Collectorvision and the gaming community as it were. I THINK to assume he was in cahoots with MIKE KENNEDY is giving John far too much credit but yeah his video addressing things was horrible.
  10. @Delorean - 100% agree with your assessment on John / Gamester81 and this video he recently released imho not only confirms your opnion but does him no favors at all. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xgl2fzHjy84
  11. Brilliant loll! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aq-zDb-Xdws
  12. Well it is blowing up all over Facebook, various forums, youtube etc. Feeling vindicated and oddly none of those on Facebook who insisted I was a troll or just some guy who had no proof and was just "hater" seem to be saying anything now lol. I always call them as I see them which is not always popular when you are conveying things people just don't want to hear so it is pretty sweet to see this outcome.
  13. Coleco Chameleon Caught Using Capture Card In Fake Prototype Posted on Feb 29 2016 - 10:55pm by Ryan Shoptaw https://www.gamingconviction.com/coleco-chameleon-caught-using-capture-card-in-fake-prototype/
  14. After posting a image on Colectorvsion Facebook page (one of the devs that was supposedly backing this) , the reply -
  15. Yep same board, even the RED wire attached lol.
  16. And BEHOLD with some sleuthing by some others the actual content of the "prototype" revealed! That's it, anyone STILL wanting to believe Mike Kennedy has not been purposely lying and deceiving? How much more proof is needed at this point? The internal board is from a DVR capture card. No matter how you slice it, however some choose to spin it there have just been to many questionable coincidences and too much double talk etc. Even if the Chameleon actually appears in some form (as apparently is the promise after the missed kickstarter launch) I am surprised anyone would seriously back anything to do with this now. With this evidence the images have disappeared from the Facebook page. That's all she wrote folks.
  17. Carrie Fisher Leads a Support Group for Robots in "Coping With Humans" IBM Commercial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f8T8eWBmls0

  18. Yes it is and in fact all his articles and insight have been on the ball without the fanboy wishes as a factor, every article he has done was sourced from facts and actual available information and not just speculation or personal opinion. Been following his articles from the start and we have in fact messaged a lot back and forth on facebook while we watch the whole fiasco go down.
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