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Everything posted by MaximumRD

  1. Sean J. Michelin on Facebook made a good point with his comment "No working prototype = no Kickstarter, as per Kickstarter's rules. Simple math."
  2. I expected anything except the Kickstater to kick off ! So in that respect yes I guess........ I see nothing in the announcement except excuses, more hype and BIG SURPRISE they are already back to deleting posts and comments and anything that is not 100% supportive on the Facebook announcement post as well as outright blocking people from commenting, I know this for a fact and it is the behavior I keep seeing from them. Anyone in doubt post and comment or question that challenges their position and just wait for the result see, that is a big part of the problem people are not seeing those deleted posts and comments so they think everyone is completely on board with their decisions. I knew the kickstarter was not launching today and in the final hour that is exactly what happened. Honestly I would have been amazed and eaten my words if the Kickstarter launched but I was not too worried.
  3. Already people are defending them in comments lol. As for the Coleco branding well, it was all part of their plan to entice and interest Coleco fans by securing the branding. Sadly, that is all many people see, the average casual consumer believes this is the same "Coleco" they knew and loved back in the day when in fact brands like Atari, Coleco even Commodore are merely names today, licenses to be slapped on any piece of crap simply by licensing the IP - in short it means literally NOTHING in reality but they count on misinformed nostalgic consumers to throw money their way.......
  4. JUST POSTED ON THEIR FACEBOOK PAGE (ANYONE SHOCKED? ANYONE? BUELLER? BUELLER?) 9 mins · We’re delaying the Kickstarter for the Coleco Chameleon to make it even better! Last week during Toy Fair in New York, we had the opportunity to demonstrate the Coleco Chameleon to the industry, gamers and retailers for the first time. Their response was beyond anything we’d imagined. Major retailers provided feedback on the product and expressed real interest in carrying the product for the 2016 holiday season. And, very importantly, major game companies expressed interest in providing games for our system, which meant we’d need more time to solidify those partnerships and maximize the content. Our team’s overriding goal has always been to deliver the best possible system and experience for gamers. If there’s ever anything we can do to enhance the product, we believe the extra time is worth it. Therefore, we have decided to delay the pre-sell, i.e. Kickstarter, campaign in order to finalize our prototype and work with developers on having the best possible content. This delay will not affect our overall launch date for the Coleco Chameleon. There has also been a whirlwind of interest, speculation and curiosity regarding the insides of the Chameleon. We are delighted by this and happy to confirm that we will be releasing photographs of the system now on our Facebook page, and we’ll focus on turning our prototype into a production-ready product. We’ll keep you posted on any major news on our Facebook page and will let you know when we launch a pre-sell program leading up to the Christmas season. Stay tuned, and thanks for your continued support.
  5. Finally went and saw DEADPOOL tonight, loved it, that is all......

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DeLorean


      Wasn't it crowdfunded or something?

    3. greenween


      My daughter just started her first job at a theater so Im gonna see it for free tomorrow! Hearing good things.

    4. MaximumRD


      @DeLorean I do not beleive so, it was brought to attention of the public with terrific viral marketing convincing the studio that fans wanted it and wanted a "proper" Deadpool movie and it worked out for all involved big time.

  6. Back from the NY Toy Fair 2016 – Coleco Chameleon Edition. https://pikointeractive.com/blog/back-from-the-ny-toy-fair-2016-coleco-chameleon-edition/
  7. COLECO CHAMELEON AT NEW YORK TOY FAIR – SNES MINI UNDER GLASS? February 22nd, 2016 Carl Williams http://retrogamingmagazine.com/2016/02/22/coleco-chameleon-at-new-york-toy-fair-snes-mini-under-glass/
  8. But that is just it, they HAVE responded to them by deleting comments on the very subject. Every time the question is posed or they are given the opportunity even on their own Facebook page and other forums etc they either do not respond, ignore or simply delete, block or report anyone who questions anything on the subject and THAT is why I am done giving them the benefit of a doubt, their very actions tell me all I need to know. And now for fun https://youtu.be/XXxdPQo8-Gk
  9. I think a lot more evidence supports that it is exactly what it is (a Snes mini running a flashcart) than there is proving it is actually the prototype Mike was promising. Mike has a history of dancing around the facts deleting negative comments while never actually providing anything solid. Have you not been following everything since the RetroVGS fiasco? Seems far more likely Mike felt pressured to come up with something to show at the ToyFair in order to have a good showing to help promote and secure funding towards the campaign, after all the hyping and and the pounding he had already taken from the previous attempt and failure he definitely could not fail to show something. What he displayed actually was very amateurish and not convincing at all. I think you give people behind the expo far too much credit in knowing the difference. What I CAN tell you is things may be falling apart for this project very soon concerning some parties involved but that is all I can say on that. Stay tuned though.
  10. Because it is our prototype and definitely NOT a Snes mini with flashcart running a ROM!
  11. RIP :( Dave Needle. Thanks for your contributions to one of my earliest and best computing experiences!

    1. DeLorean


      We will never forget Dave Needle

    2. Justin


      Thank you Dave. Your legacy will live on in our forums, on our blog, and in the hearts of gamers everywhere to whom you brought so much joy over the years.

  12. So word recently is that the prototype is nothing more than a SNES Jr. Board lol https://youtu.be/deOe1y2arJk I am not shocked to find out it is all a scam....... https://youtu.be/q2d_3bpuFRY
  13. I still seem to be missing something lol......There was a post on fb were I asked about the coleco and Intellivision games shown and how would they be played without a keypad? The response was enough keys could be mapped on the controller for those functions. I suggested that was kind of a sucky alternative. Today I read a post suggesting the inty and coleco games that require a keypad won't be on the console......uhm, isn't that like.......the MAJORITY OF THEM??????? Ugh the usual answers that are not winning me over........
  14. Off to CUBA tomorrow!

    1. Rowsdower70


      Have a safe trip, take lots of pics, smoke lots of cigars!

    2. RickR


      How cool! Cuba was never off limits for Canadians, right?


      Have fun.


  15. Exactly my thought for sometime, soon as I heard Coleco I thought well, do they plan to have ColecoVision titles because if so that controller ain't going to cut it! Also while the games look well emulated I am still not seeing proof this is running off the console or a prototype? Could be PC emulators as far as I can tell..................
  16. As much as you will assume this is a HOAX I assure you the impossible HAS happened. Abe Vigoda AKA FISH has passed away. RIP http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/tv/abe-vigoda-barney-miller-godfather-star-dead-article-1.2510170

  17. Spent 6+ hours overnight in Kelowna Hospital Emergency. Woke up around 1:30am this past Friday night experiencing severe upper back that not only made sleep impossible but greatly hindered my upper mobility, as well interfered with my breathing, deep breathes inhaling was very painful and laying flat just about impossible. Long story short an effect of Postural Kyphosis. Years of bad posture and slouching likely due to my low self esteem and bouts of depression.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. RickR


      You have friends here, man! I hope you feel better soon, and game on!


    3. The Professor

      The Professor

      It's important to feel good about yourself MaximumRD!!

    4. MaximumRD


      Thanks all much appreciated!

  18. lol KEITH that was already posted on the previous page POST # 4 However, if your gonna repost it consider the improved updated version I re-did for you from now on where you can actually SEE the contents as I already did in post 29 above !
  19. So glad to see you Mark! Lot's of great topics here now, still small but quality group here, any questions about the site or anything give me a shout anywhere!

  20. 2016 is being a BITCH so far! How many more great people must we lose to cancer?

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