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Everything posted by MaximumRD

  1. WTF? 2016 Suuuuuucks!!!!! First Bowie dies at 69 and now Rickman??? I don't friggin believe this!!!!! OK 2016 THAT WILL BE QUITE ENOUGH !!!!!! RIP ! http://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-35313604

  2. Much to my won surprise after 5+ moths I am finally back with a fun little video! Check it out wont you? http://forums.atari.io/index.php/topic/39-maximumrds-youtube-videos/page-2?do=findComment&comment=14081

    1. Rowsdower70
    2. The Professor

      The Professor

      This is a happy surprise MaximumRD!! So happy to see The Captain back in the saddle again!

    3. MaximumRD


      Thanks guys means a lot!

  3. What are YOUR 4 Favorite Childhood Toys? I actually uploaded a new video today! After 5+ months, it was not planned, I did not wake up thinking I would make a video today BUT I was watching another YouTuber I like who was making a response video on the subject of 4 Favourite Childhood Toys. I enjoyed it and also immediately it flashed in my mind some of my own great childhood toy memories. This inspired me so I thought oh what the heck, turned on my pocket cam and did a quick 1 take video off the top of my head (those type of videos are usually my best anyways lol) it was a quick and simple video which I figured at the very least would be an indication to my subscribers that at the very least I was still alive. It was fun thought and gave me an excuse to do my first video of 2016. I may not necessarily be "back" yet but it did feel good and so there you have it. Here I will post the video and underneath the complete Video Description with links etc. So feel free to chime in on your own memories of favorite childhood toys you received way back when. Thanks. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=riWkr2qxdIc Favourite childhood gifts VR to NoveBug's Friday Foursome #12 Vote for my video on Novabug's FB page here - https://www.facebook.com/Novabug/ This is my response to NoveBug's Friday Foursome #12 see his original video HERE - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SBhxqnmKOxE Consider making your own response (2 weeks to go!) and remember if you DO a response make it to NovaBug and not ME. Also check out his excellent channel HERE for more Retro Gaming fun! https://www.youtube.com/user/Novabug Got the idea only after just watching another favourite Classic Gaming Youtuber MonkeySpaz5000 who was doing a response as well. Be sure to check out his channel also as there is plenty more retro and classic gaming fun to be had! HERE - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChuwDyIb4BvOH-nCkPk5SaQ I figured this would be a great spur of the moment video to do as well for my viewers and subscriber's it serves the purpose of letting you all know I AM still alive at the very least lol. Maximumrd MonkeySpaz5000 NoveBug gaming classic retro toys
  4. I get a lot of SPAM titled HOOK UP TONIGHT and I keep thinking the only thing I wanna "HOOKUP" is one of my Atari consoles to my TV lol.

  5. Kodachrome for life! Check it out lol

  6. David Bowie dead: Singer 'dies after 18-month battle with cancer' DAMMIT !!!!!!! NEW album drops on his 69th Birthday and now THIS? I've no doubt he wanted to go out with a final album to leave us with. RIP to a legend. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-3393470/David-Bowie-dies-18-month-battle-cancer.html

    1. Rowsdower70


      Blows my mind. He will be missed. Very sad day.

  7. All fine examples of AMIGA games for sure. Of course games were a HUGE thing for me using my AMIGA especially since back then for some time my main gaming machines were the AMIGA in before, after and in between my ownership of various 8 -16bit consoles while both living at home and later on my own many times if it had not been for my a500 and later the a1200 I would not of had a gaming platform at all. During this time sadly I would go through many downhill moments in finances having to sell or trade consoles and computers those many years ago but honestly and thank goodness for my own sanity whenever I had an AMIGA in my possession at the very least I was not wanting for games. I had like many a huge assortment of floppies a friend or two would supply me with copies of all the latest hit games and add to that all the PD / Shareware / Freeware etc I could "obtain" for little more than the price of a floppy disc and they would all auto-boot straight from floppy and I owned a nice little external floppy drive to go along with the internal so even multi-disc titles were not too troublesome. I also had a set of little amplified speakers hooked up ( I think many owners did ) so all these free, cheap games with stereo sound and great bass pumping sound. thousands of colors, layered scrolling etc accounted for endless entertainment. Whenever a friend, roommate etc popped by the first reaction (I would usually have a bass heavy motion captured demo playing) would be "What system is that?" or funny enough "What kind of PC is that?" , which even though was a fair enough term to use for an AMIGA I knew they specifically meant it as in "What kind of Windows machine is that?" so needless to say I always took much pleasure in going into my whole presentation about this platform that was little known or used in Canada comparatively speaking but pretty much totally unknown to 99% of the people I knew personally. To say I took joy in explaining how I had this unknown machine that had stereo sound, 4096 colors, parallax scrolling, multi tasking with everything running smoothly in 1/2 MB of RAM would be an understatement Good times that I admit I have missed for many years, thank goodness for emulation (obviously I am NOT saying it is any kind of replacement) but at the very least it allows me to once again experience a platform that for me these days in my small part of Canada is just a little too pricey and rare to indulge in as I would like.
  8. I was not speaking about file-sizes , I was speaking about the versions - Example MAME V 0.169, ROM V.147 etc. When you mix versions you get errors like yours because even though all the files are present the version of MAME does not recognize all the rom files because the version numbers are mismatched. This is why MAME and the ROMSETS are upgraded for changes in compatibility. You start with a fairly recent version of MAME and use a ROM SET with the same version number OR you upgrade the ROM version using a tool like Clrmamepro to update / merge / rebuild the ROMS, honestly I suck at using the utility so I always just downloaded matching versions so everything was ready to go.
  9. MaximumRD

    AMIGA Memories

    Please post a comment answering the following: 1. Your first exposure / introduction to THE COMMODORE AMIGA. 2. What attracted you to the AMIGA platform. 3. How did you use your AMIGA computer? Let's kick off the new AMIGA Forum with a celebration of our favorite Amiga memories! With this new category I really wish I could post images or talk about my own AMIGA hardware as it has always been my personal favorite classic computer. The sad fact is I just do not have any (other than possibly a mouse and a few floppies and CD's of software) but I wanted to kick off this section in a great way, celebrating our best memories of the Commodore Amiga! Let's start with an "open tag" video I made on YouTube when a viewer invited me to respond with a video on my best Amiga memories and the 3 questions above. Of course for posting here nobody is expected or obligated to respond with a video but if any of you have personal history with the wonderful AMIGA platform please fell free to comment and share. Thanks in advance to all who participate! Original Video Description Your AMIGA RELATED MEMORIES GIVE THEM TO ME! This is an OPEN TAG calling upon any and all AMIGA fans! PLEASE comment or better yet do a Video Response and share YOUR AMIGA related memories. Please Stay On Topic To Sharing Your AMIGA Memories Please stay on topic to sharing your Amiga memories. This is not a discussion about specs, dates, or a roster of engineer names. Remember we welcome and support all retro and classic platforms here. Old rivalries between Atari / Amiga must be left at the door and are not part of this discussion. Feel free to respond in your own way to the 3 questions posted above.
  10. You know the ROM, CHD and version of MAME should all be the same right? A missing files error is usually the result of unmatched versions..... However even if you get it running it really does not seem worth while at the present time......maybe it will be added to a future MAME ROM SET once it has been figured out....... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SfvGNv3J7Uk
  11. Well I got to give credit on MIKE's Promo music video for the Coleco Chameleon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lIweR23A9Ig OK , OK, I kid, this was made by a buddy of mine Corporal Coleco all in good fun.
  12. I have had these glasses for some time but I tend to wear the older fashioned black rim type more.
  13. Winter Wonderland at our Condo 2015 1 Winter Wonderland at our Condo 2015 2 Winter Wonderland at our Condo 2015 3
  14. We have had more snow for a couple days since I started this so here are some additional pictures for fun - DESCRIPTION - Winter Wonderland at our Condo 2015 Just a few quick shots from neighbours, our bedroom and the outer hall windows. Will add a couple short videos once uploaded as well...............
  15. I had mentioned an outing Melissa and I would be doing for Christmas Eve in our small Canadian City of Kelowna in THIS thread - http://forums.atari.io/index.php/topic/1374-happy-holidays-to-all/?do=findComment&comment=13186 Candy Cane Lane was something started by one East Indian fellow for his son but the rest of the community soon joined in turning it into a charity event (you donate canned food items) and is nice for families to peruse the Christmas decor. Here I share a couple short videos (I mentioned our humble little site ) and images with you all. I don't have the best camera for night shots but here you go - https://youtu.be/MLnB44Ih_9c https://youtu.be/IjLaI9_Up44
  16. Don't bother now, they are pretty much gone under. It launched, went for a couple years then they closed up shop. As for the unit, not the most powerful even for an ANDROID BOX, some complained of controller sync issues, mind you some people loved it for basic emulation and some android games but the point is moot since they are now gone. If you are wanting a good android gaming device save up for an Nvidia Sheild or something.
  17. Is Carrington S. Scott head of your marketing team? Clearly he should be! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ciIj7fMxlOg
  18. Thanks for the links and the sanity check, pretty much what I've been saying to people jumping the gun every time the subject comes up......
  19. Latest gab.... MORE TROUBLE WITH COLECO CHAMELEON SURFACES, REVISIONIST HISTORY SPOTTED http://retrogamingmagazine.com/2015/12/23/more-trouble-with-coleco-chameleon-surfaces-revisionist-history-spotted/ As detailed in the article MIKE already seems to be back tracking and tipping over what he is saying from one moment to the next so it is tough to give him the benefit of a doubt, I just do not think he is up to accomplishing this...
  20. lol Hilarious! http://retrogamingmagazine.com/2015/12/23/sega-could-be-publishing-more-dreamcast-games/
  21. Well, I am (shocker) still skeptical BUT with that said HERE is a post MIKE KENNEDY just made in the Coleco Chameleon thread over on Atariage I thought worth sharing for all of you following - Hello Everyone. It is the end of a very tumultuous year for me and in the spirit of Christmas and the holidays I wanted to come in here and ask those of you who will listen to let the past be the past as it relates to this (ad)venture. RETRO VGS is the past and COLECO Chameleon is the future. The Chameleon is not just a rebranded Retro VGS. Despite sharing some of the same internal components the hardware has been completely redesigned to lower the cost while maintaining much of its ability to play a wide variety of games in a variety of ways. To boil this all down to its essence we just want to produce a product that is different, affordable and will bring joy to people’s lives. The market will ultimately decide if we are crazy enough to believe a cartridge console can stand its ground in this age of digital delivery. There are clearly lots of people on both sides of this fence and ultimately it will all come down to the games that can be played and if they are compelling enough to vie for peoples hard earned money. The COLECO branding was a business decision I made to bring instant brand recognition to the Chameleon. But I did not enter into this licensing agreement lightly, knowing that if done so, we have a lot to live up to. COLECO made some very influential, high quality and fun video gaming and electronic products during their time and we will try endlessly to carry on that tradition with the Chameleon. The recognition of having the COLECO logo on the system and the (game and console) boxes will make the Chameleon immediately identifiable by millions of people right from the beginning. In the end this is a good thing for all involved including us, our customers, our suppliers and distributors, our contract manufactures, potential retailers and probably most importantly to game developers. Mark and Chris at River West/Coleco Holdings are also very behind this product and will be helping out in a variety of ways, beginning by inviting us into their booth at Toy Fair which is where they want to officially begin rebuilding this brand in more concrete ways. We know we have a mountain to climb and are prepared to do what it takes to plant a flag at the top. I will once again apologize to all of you for at times dissing some individuals and this community but it was hard being criticized by a group of my Atari and classic game lovin’ peers. I let it get to me on occasion and I do regret all of it. I am aware that we gave you all plenty to poke fun at and criticize but in the end, I believe the product will be much better for going through all of this. In my mind, the best way for me to apologize once and for all is to ultimately create a game system that will make most of you turn a 180 and win over your support and positive influence. And given the chance that is what I will do. All I ask is moving forward into the New Year is you try and give the Chameleon a fair chance to stand on its own, and again forget about the past. Let it speak for itself when we reveal it to you all early this New Year. And finally, let’s respect one another and our opinions (some advice I am directing towards myself) and that goes for both believers and non-believers of what we are trying to do. In the end, we all love and are passionate about video games and sometimes this passion causes us to do uncharacteristic things. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and I hope you all have a very Happy New Year! - Mike
  22. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9B_RHRnF_IU
  23. YAY ! A friend showed me this and thank goodness, anytime I see any variation of this particular rumor pop up I will simply link this article in response, wish I had this before my long reply above lol. Some sense in this article everyone should check out HERE: Opinion: So about Project Dream and their Dreamcast 2 plans – calm down, it’s not official or sane December 22, 2015 by Barry the Nomad http://segabits.com/blog/2015/12/22/opinion-so-about-project-dream-and-their-dreamcast-2-plans-calm-down-its-not-official-or-sane/ And just for good measure..... https://dreamcasttoday.wordpress.com/2015/12/21/is-the-dreamcast-2-real-no/
  24. It is nonsense and nothing more. "Dreamcast 2" has been rumored to be coming out since it stopped selling at retail lol. Rendered images appear, click bait headlines working up fanboys in a frenzy and there is never, ever any real facts or information, just a lot of vague type rumors. I don't know if it is done for attention, click bait or what. I swear these article writers get just the slightest bit of info and they take off with it, really seems to be like any rumor that starts off as one thing and just gains traction and snowballs into more and more nonsense. Everything posted in the original post is all derived from a rendered image, not even a particularly good one which was then added to a "change . org petition", you know those type of online petition anybody can knock off in 5 minutes? OH YES "our goal" is to get blah blah blah signatures, so what? Get 25000 signatures? DOES NOT MATTER IF YOU GET 10 MILLION, companies DO NOT WORK THAT WAY. Sega is NOT going to release a "new" console to support old games for a dead console. As for the proposed "kick starter", deciding you want something and making a kickstarter for it does not mean anything. Unless you are already in negotiations with the company and have a worked out an agreement then all you have done, at the most, is raise money. It would pretty much go like this......Hey SEGA I raised $$$$$$$$$$$$ through kickstarter, I want a Dreamcast 2! Sega responds "Uh, well that is nice however that is not our direction these days.....yeah we pretty much can barely release a decent Sonic title so yeah we are not interested in entering a console market already dominated by SONY / MICROSOFT / NINTENDO. We are pretty good at licensing our name / ip to cheap Atgames handhelds though so there's that...yeah........" Sorry but it is just getting really annoying seeing this Dreamcast 2 or Sega returning to the console market nonsense over and over and over in Facebook groups, sites, forums. Fanboys getting worked up over the mere mention and buying into it because "It would be cool to have a new Sega console", yes, yes it would be cool, I would be first in line in fact but the reality is it is not happening but don't worry 2 weeks from now, 4 months, 1 year, every year friggin year, there will be more poor renderings, more rumors, more fanboy wishes and caviar dreams lol. Please let's not start such nonsense here, lets have one place where people apply logic and common sense, could we? PLEASE?
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