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Everything posted by MaximumRD

  1. Ughhhhh.....nope.........nope..........must resist this nonsense..............
  2. Great video and nice take on it Justin! So professional as always.
  3. Well honestly quite old videos lol but wanted to post here.........hopefully will get around to real new videos someday...
  4. Might as well post the video about my other cool Homebrew while I am at it! Unboxing ARMY OF DARKNESS 2600! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KeLQYJJuiNI&feature=youtu.be AND DEMONSTRATING THE GAME ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZEZAyU1eayg
  5. Seeing Arenafoot post that awesome Ed Fries interview prompted me to post this video I did 5 years ago. My look at Halo 2600 Homebrew! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DTBP00r_q2s Original Description..... Sorry for the audio problems my camera SUCKS! Halo for the 2600 Released at CGE! Download the game here! http://www.atariage.com/forums/topic/166916-halo-for-the-2600-released-at-cge-download-the-game-here/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halo_2600
  6. Nice thanks for sharing! That is a great read. Halo 2600 is one of only a couple Atari 2600 Homebrew carts that I actually have!
  7. RETRO VIDEO GAME SYSTEM BECOMES COLECO CHAMELEON CONSOLE http://retrogamingmagazine.com/2015/12/18/retro-video-game-system-becomes-coleco-chameleon-console/
  8. Good idea, it really is just the same thing really. I will look forward to see what they actually roll out at the TOYFAIR, someone should swing by and pull back the curtain to make sure it's not actually running off a PC (or maybe even a Jaguar lol) I hope they actually go about things the right way this time but they came back so fast and the fact they are allowing articles to out right lie and mislead people into thinking this is the same COLECO that was behind the ColecoVision when in fact it is nothing more than a name / ip does not instill confidence to me that anything will be different this time around. I guess we'll see.
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GzvIS63h-7s Also from our own awesome member nosweargamer ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eHUw1Vytm0M
  10. Hell I am worried it will dilute the legacy of Coleco !
  11. Here is a great article that I am sharing to clear up some of the Coleco / RetroVGS etc confusion ! Good to see someone covering the truth. COLECO CHAMELEON, COLECO HOLDINGS AND THE REAL COLECO http://retrogamingmagazine.com/2015/12/17/coleco-chameleon-coleco-holdings-and-the-real-coleco/
  12. THAT would be a lot closer to reality than what many are already being fooled into thinking............... In the end I would LOVE to be proven totally wrong but I have eyes and ears all over and from my experience if I were a betting man I would NOT be putting any money on the odds of anything substantial coming of this. :mellow: Well put. People who are gobbling this up have no understanding of what these guys have done prior (or are missing much of the story) you we hear much hype, a lot of talk and discussion but in the end well...........wake me up when it can be purchased with some games and real support.......
  13. Sadly this "NEW COLECO" is nothing more than a name. The brand / IP has been licensed by the RetroVGS Team. In other words don't get too excited yet
  14. With the RetroVGS "Team" behind it...what could go wrong? Power goes in............ I will believe it when I see it, so far all we got from Mike and the RetroVGS Team is promises, renders, lot's of hype. To be clear Uhm, there is no "involvement" from Coleco, it is just a name now licensed out to the RetroVGS guys lol. They made a deal with River West Brands (a brand acquisition and enterprise development company ) to use the name. It literally is just the name and branding. They acquire and hold IP's for the primary purpose of licensing them, everything else is left up to the licensee. Coming off as if "COLECO" is behind them when in fact there is no Coleco other than an IP and a name does not seem to be starting off on the right foot with me, whatever, we'll see I guess. I would love to be proven wrong and see something actually come of this BUT I suspect a repeat of the RetroVGS fiasco
  15. You know nothing Jon Snow...........

  16. You know nothing John Snow..........

  17. ---------------------- RED ALERT! ATTENTION EVERYONE PLEASE ------------------------------- Well put LOST DRAGON, I was about to post similar but you summed it up well. I posted this thread A YEAR AGO and all was fine, no squabbling, no "suggesting" what people should do with it etc. If you don't like something here MOVE ON AND IGNORE IT, we don't need the "drama" or need to hear from someone new they want to "ignore" a topic, you are adults, participate or not, read or ignore, if you cannot post a supportive comment (a "veiled" supportive comment does not cut it) then just don't post anything. We have been trying in subtle (and not so subtle ) ways for about, oh 3 weeks or so now to get across the point of these forums, what is expected from participants, the community we are trying to nurture and that not only are we not like other forums but that the team here behind the scenes are ready to do what it takes to ensure drama coming from other forums will not be allowed to take foundation here. Leave the baggage from other forums at the door or you will be shown the door. This includes complaining about other forums, we don't want to be known as "that site" that bad mouths other forums as we have members that frequent them as well. Enough is enough, it is not rocket science, nobody is asking you to sing praises of something you are not interested in or have a personal issue with some aspect of it, if that is the case simply don't post and move on. The way some people have been starting out here they are already on thin ice. Lastly, to the point, I am well aware of the arguments, trolling, constant back and forth that goes on about all things "Jaguar" that went on in threads "elsewhere" and see that type of thing slowly infecting us here and that nonsense is simply is not going to be allowed. That's it, if anyone else goes on about it let's just say you will just be asking for more rope to hang yourself. Too many times people abuse the freedom of discussion on a site and a topic just spirals into petty squabbling and forceful opinions, we are seeing too much of that around here as of late. Knock it off, play nice or move on. This is the last word on this, a warning to all, if it continues by anyone privileges to post here will be revoked permanently. Geez people this isn't politics or religion or other hot button debate topics it's about Atari, gaming, programming, having fun, sharing resources WHY is it so hard for some people to not suck the fun out of every little thing? You have been warned - RANT MODE OFF.
  18. I have only the INTVII with Voice module and some games. Would LOVE someday to get the model based on original design (IE the model 1 or 3 or TandyVision etc) just something about that original design. Otherwise would LOVE the SEARS ARCADE MODEL though that is unlikely lol.
  19. Eminem | My Name Is | Muppets Version

  20. Well it has been over 6 months now so that strike on my YouTube account has been lifted (verified tongue emoticon ) so at least if I ever feel like making a video I am no longer limited to 15 minutes maximum. Good to know.

    1. The Professor

      The Professor

      Glad to have you back, MaximumRD!

    2. Rowsdower70


      Welcome back to the Tubes of YOU!


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Rowsdower70
    3. Justin


      THANKS GUYS! Thanks for thinking of me on my bday!

    4. Video 61

      Video 61

      Happy Birthday Justin!

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