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Everything posted by MaximumRD

  1. Oh no thanks for the offer but I have no JAGUAR equipment at least at this time, even being an Atari fan and having a fair size classic console / computer collection I just never ended up with anything Jaguar related, I will be honest, a year or so ago I kind of bumped it down on my priority list specifically because I had some annoying experiences in the Jaguar community and forums and yeah you guessed it over at Atariage, silly I know to be effected by such things but these days of course part of the fun of any system platform at least for me is discussing it sharing with the community (I am sure you get that lol) so I was kind of soured on it and pushed it down the list and than other things happened I wont get into that pretty much ensured I would not be getting into any new/old platforms anytime soon :mellow: BUT anyway I try to keep options open and look at things with a different perspective and screw what anyone else say / thinks. As for FMV honestly, I quite like the genre, being from a time the industry just found they suddenly had dis format capacity and multimedia capabilities I think they all wanted to exploit but just really didn't know how to go about it perhaps in some ways it was too much too soon and ahead of it's time. While 3do titles like Plumbers Don't Wear Ties was a definite bad idea I really enjoyed things like Sewar Shark or PHANTASMAGORIA etc, I liked them a lot on 3DO as that system outside of a full blown multimedia PC offered the best visual quality. Thanks for the info and pictures.
  2. Could you post a video of the aplpha/beta in action? I have never seen or heard of it before! Does it include anything more than the OP video?
  3. How can 30-year-old receivers sound better than new ones? http://www.cnet.com/news/how-can-30-year-old-receivers-sound-better-than-new-ones/

    1. RickR


      It's true. But on-line reviews for sound quality really do help. Also, no 5.1 output on those old receivers.

  4. Heading off to San Diego this week, anybody been?

    1. Justin


      Sure have. It's one of my favorite cities to visit! Had lots of fun shopping and dining at Horton Plaza.

    2. MaximumRD


      Just a couple nights so far and having a great time!

  5. JUST A REMINDER FOR EVERYONE - DeLorean has made a wonderful thread for any wanting a proper Avatar, it's very simple thing to do and helps give you something we can all identify with, OK I AM OCD about default blank avatars OK? God damn http://forums.atari.io/index.php/topic/1008-avatar-clinic-for-new-users/

    1. Rowsdower70


      I'm pleased with mine. :)


  6. IMHO THIS video sums up the whole Retro VGS mess very well. https://youtu.be/IujP9GDcp-Y
  7. Reading the comments on the Asesembler forums looks like $650. Nice for collector purposes but there is nothing to run on it.
  8. Just seen a member post over on Assembler, he bought an Infintium Labs Phantom Console, I was not aware anything beyond a case / shell was ever produced. Looks like it pretty much would have been like the original Xbox but with a modified Windows XP operative system. Sounds like a Windows version of the upcoming Steam Consoles. Here is the thread on Assembler http://assemblergames.com/l/threads/recently-bought-a-phantom.58385/#post-836198 Here are the images : Unseen64 Entry info: http://www.unseen64.net/2008/09/12/phantom-console/ The Phantom console was a game system developed by Infinium labs in 2002 but it was canceled for financial problems. This console was able to run games without using cartidges, DVDs or CDs: instead, the games would have been downloaded from internet by a pay-per-play service. The phantom console was designed to be very easy to set up and all the accessories were wireless, so you did not had to worry about any cables. The console did have an AMD Athlon XP 2500+ CPU, an internal 40 GB Hard drive, 256 MB of RAM, Nvidia GeForce FX 5700 Ultra video card and Dolby Digital 5.1 Audio sound card. About the kernel, the Phantom had a modified [/size]Windows XP operative system. The phantom also had his own keyboard (the Phantom Lapboard) that now is selling at the site of Phantom Entertainment (once time Infinium Labs) and is compatible with PC or Mac. The console first appeared at E3 2004 as a working prototype (there were only a few games available, one of which was Unreal Tournament 2003). Infinium labs said that the console would have been avabile in January 2005. The date was missed and people that pre-ordered the console were angry.. but Infinium Labs said that the Phantom would have been avabile later, in autumn 2005, the same relase date of the XBOX 360. That date was also missed and then Phantom Entertainment (the company Infinium Labs changed his name into) decided to stop the project for the console.[/size] Wiki Entry info: https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Phantom_Entertainment
  9. Indeed, and with that in mind see THIS thread for your needs (at least regarding MAC) I know nothing of it but hopefully those that do will chime in but I think it might be off to a good start for you StormSurge http://forums.atari.io/index.php/topic/957-emulating-console-gaming-platforms-on-a-mac/
  10. I know a original modded Xbox kicks ass for emulation for sure. Of course a Windows PC is probably the best all round. I don't have a MAC or any experience with that but likely your best option would be MAC. I like the fact one can emulate on Dreamcast but even still I always considered it to be a bit of a novelty more than anything. Though you might want to just keep an eye open and see peoples comments, I think some pretty good compilations have been put together and uploaded there so keep the option open.
  11. Not sure, success can vary burning discs for Dreamcasts. For any particular one always good to post in the thread of that download to see if anyone else had issues. In general though emulators are hit or miss on Dreamcast, anything more than say NES can be choppy or have frame-rate issues. Other times even something as old as 2600 it is just up to the quality of the emulator or the port of it to Dreamcast. I was always more into unreleased games like Propeller Arena or even Half Life that you can play now on Dreamcast. Homebrew and emulators you just never know until you try. There may be options for skipping frames and such just depends on the particular emulator.
  12. Not a bad little system! Man I LOVE systems from other parts of the world. Funny how different the popularity of different consoles were worldwide. Here are some games on this system that looked pretty cool. https://youtu.be/8mU5SvIRdhc
  13. Love my SMS. Truly I don't give it the love and attention it deserves, par for the course with my collection these days. I DO recall seeing in the department store back in the day on display and thinking it seemed cooler than the NES and from what I could tell graphically more powerful. Of course same old story, everyone I knew already had a NES and I was not exactly in a position to make different choices back then as cool as I thought it was. So I never owned the console or had much to do with it back during the original run. Fortunately I picked up a pretty sweet package back in the day including the original model, some games and even the 3D goggles, I later supplemented the goggles with a third party yet compatible pair off Ebay. Here is the package I got, I posted a video about 3 years ago about it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2X-IXFelZyQ
  14. Excellent and thanks for sharing with us.
  15. That is indeed one sweet gun! Don't go waving it around outside lol.
  16. Awesome I love hearing stories like that, good on you Rowsdower70 I also have that combo, a slim and a original "phat" PS2, I am incredibly impressed with the slim but there is just something about the original even if it is just nostalgia, though not my original I associate my mother (who passed a few years ago too young) back when the original came out, I was living on my own and I had a birthday coming up, I knew it was a bit much to ask but I really sold her on the idea of how it would be so great because it was the awesome new game console from SONY and it could even double as a DVD player! Well, she swung it and got it for my birthday and I had so many amazing gaming experiences on it but the circumstances on how I got it mean much more to me these days.
  17. Excellent, see I knew everything you need is right on that site and there all all types there using PC / Mac etc. CONGRATS, HAVE FUN ! Clearly you are well on your way and have can figure things out for yourself. Welcome to the world of backups / Emulators / Homebrew etc.
  18. Ah OK downloaded and Extracted. I this case the image format is a CDI file ( .CDI extension ) to handle such a file I actually had to update IMGBURN with some .dll's, but it works now and is of now consequence for MAC. Though obviously whatever Burning program you end up with for your MAC it will also need to be able to handle that format. ANYWAY, I burned the image successfully as far as I can tell. So, exploring the resulting disc on my PC it appears as THIS: As you can see several files. If you have but a single file ( possibly the same as extracted file NesterDC SE 3165 by cOcO! ) that means you simply copied the entire image to the disc and not burned the image contents back to a bootable Dreamcast disc. THIS should be the files you see on the properly burned Disc. If you can get this result do same onto a CD-r, if it still does not work try a different brand CD-r (Dreamcasts CAN be picky) IF YOU ARE SURE YOU ARE BURNING TO CD-r PROPERLY BUT CAN NOT SUCCESSFULLY BOOT A DISC AFTER TRYING THE CD-r WITH DIFFERENT BRANDS TRY ANOTHER DREAMCAST IF POSSIBLE. Some will tell you about later model MIL-CD or some such Dreamcasts that were incapable of booting backups. I have 3 Dreamcasts spanning first to last production run and it would be very unlikely you'd have a Dreamcast that simply does not boot backups, I believe most people that make that claim simply burn their discs improperly. ONCE PROPERLY BURNED THE RESULTING DISC APPEARS AS FOLLOWS ON MY PC: HERE ARE THE FILES ON THE DISC, YOU SHOULD BE SEEING AT LEAST THE SAME NUMBER OF FILES AND FILE-NAMES: I hope these are your results or that you can figure out how to replicate these results in the end. Good Luck To You.
  19. OK thanks for the link, I am downloading now.......my Dreamcasts like most of my consoles are packed away but I have made many copies no problem. None of the comments suggest this disc does not work / boot so I will burn it properly and let you know exactly what the directory structure looks like off the CD. Later.
  20. If you look at the content of the disc you created on your computer what do you see? Is it simply a copy of the file you unzipped or does it appear to be several files (this would be the difference of simply burning the file to a disc and restoring the image back to disc form to be something bootable on your Dreamcast) In the meantime can you give ME a link to the exact file on ISO Zone that you downloaded? I will burn it myself and let you know exactly how the structure of the properly burned disc should appear. As Rickr suggests using Re-Writable media is good practice for burning images so not to waste discs but remember once you are confident you got the burning down you must use only CD-r (non re-writable) format only for actually booting / playing on your Dreamcast. AS FOR A IMGBURN alternative for MAC, a quick look shows this, free and looks like as simply an interface. I KNOW NOTHING OF THE MAC WORLD lol, obviously I can give no guarantee but the description and the look of it seems promising. Otherwise googling ImgBurn alternatives for MAC gives many results you could sift through, just make sure they say FREE and appear smile for the task of burning images (you don't need some over complicated Burning suite) http://macdownload.informer.com/simplyburns/
  21. Well that's a relief! Ha you have a MAC so it was never an issue, ah well still it resulted in a good and worthy post for us Windows users. OK great, happy researching and learning, I think you will find this stuff gets addictive after a while lol, I am living proof!
  22. DOH! - Well thanks for chiming in RadioPoultry. Shame to hear such a fine product has resorted to bundling Adware :mellow: UGH the power of greed. I've not updated ImgBurn in some time so I was not aware. Anyway, seeing this I felt responsible to follow up at lest one more time, ugh this is yet another reason I hate giving advice, stuff like this biting me on the ass making me look bad :unsure: HOPEFULLY Stormsurge either you had not attempted to install yet or it did not install OpenCandy adware, since I don't know though my conscience motivated me to post the following since it can also help others with OpenCandy or even other Malware / Adware just as well (Hey never hurts to check, you might not even be aware you this or other adware / malware) IF you might be infected either way here is an excellent guide for removal, a little daunting for the beginner but just follow slowly and step by step, at the very least it is info WELL WORTH KNOWING and I can say I myself have followed these steps with great success! Typically steps 1-3 suffice, the last step 4 near the bottom (Hitman Pro scan) you usually do NOT need to go that far, it is an extra precaution. To start first of all have MalewareBytes Anti Malware FREE installed (at the very least everyone should have this installed and at the ready to use for scanning if not running continuously), direct download HERE : https://www.malwarebytes.org/mwb-download/ OK installed and ready? Good, here is the guide (Note -THIS guide is straight from Malewarebytes using their and other FREE excellent software, I give you this because sadly if you google and search for such a guide often much of the resulting "advice" is either attempting to get you to download other adware / malware through fake anti-virus programs giving false results OR just scams trying to get you to license / buy their own inferior products. Sorry it IS a scary world out there. That said though this link is reputable, tried and true brand recognized FREE software and good advice I have personally tested (IE: It saved my bacon lol) So have total confidence PUP.Optional.OpenCandy Removal Guide http://www.malwareremovalguides.info/pup-optional-opencandy-removal-guide/ You will be good to go after following that and again it is good software and advice regardless. LASTLY, as per RadioPoultry's advice here are some clear and free links to older versions of ImgBurn definitely Adware free, I have done the footwork for you. From a great resource Olderversion . com , form now on when I recommend ImgBurn it will be THIS link given. Just click the big DOWNLOAD NOW button on THIS page http://www.oldversion.com/windows/imgburn-2-5-7-0 wait a moment and you will be prompted where to download to and you will have the ImgBurn 2.5.7 installer. Also keep that site in mind, great when newer version of software doesn't agree with your system OR you simply did not like later upgraded versions! OK I am out , again , hopefully if you had any issue I have at least made efforts to redeem myself :mellow: I DO care and I DO try. !!!!!!! UPDATE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have just the moment updated the link in my original post #7 to reflect the link for the older / safe version of ImgBurn with credit to RadioPoultry , checked and personally verified
  23. You are definitely NOT a bother, I admittedly just have my issues and so prefer to direct people where they can continue to get the help they need, it's ME dude and it was not my intent to suggest otherwise, You and anyone else can feel free to continue posting related questions in this thread, we are still a smaller community so I cannot say how many others here might be able to assist you in the same way (any who can are welcome to chime in ) just thought it best in the meantime to get you involved over in a community that is the source for such things and thus more likely to help and advise swiftly and accurately and everything I post is for anyone reading as well. I just wanted to be clear if I no longer seem to be responding you will understand why, don't take it personally. I tend to lay low for a period, week, month, longer? Than suddenly appear active like this recent spurt of posts, just my nature. - Rob aka MaximumRD.
  24. Well even if you cannot find the answer there please be sure to join the forums there and you can post such questions Click the community tab and sub menu forums. Here is a direct ink to sign up, I urge you because you have to consider this is what they do, pretty much like having 100's of ME over there and they can guide and advise because really I think after this post I will be done, it is my own demon, I am compelled to help / answer but it is NOT how I want to be spending all my time so I rather direct you to a community with many more who can do this for you. Here is the registration link : http://www.theisozone.com/forum/ucp.php?mode=register Otherwise , yes it pretty much should be that simple. Download, unzip from archive and burn the resulting image (ISO whatever) to a CD-r (use only a CD-r disc) Now, I will only say this as I have seen it as a point of confusion for beginners, going by your wording this may apply to you. The ISO or DISC IMAGE(s) you are not just "copying" them to a disc, that would be like copying any file to a hard drive or USB stick, Simply burning that to a disc results in a disc containing a copy of the image, so the DREAMCAST would only see it as a blank CD containing a file it does not understand. What you need to do is using the appropriate burning program, that knows how to handle ISO's, Disc Images etc because they can properly burn the image to a Disc to duplicate or recreate the disc as it originally was, essentially transferring the content of the image back to a bootable disc. As mentioned earlier I suggest ImgBurn , others will recommend programs ranging from Alchohol to DiscJuggler but my preference for simplicity just take my advice and stick with ImgBurn as it is free, light, simple as it gets (download and install from any mirrored link HERE - !!!!!!!!! UPDATE !!!!!!!!!! THIS LINK HAS BEEN UPDATED TO PROVIDE A SAFE SLIGHTLY OLDER VERSION of the ImgBurn Installer as I was informed (thanks RadioPoultry ! ) and verified that newer versions from the manufacturer contain greedy Adware in the installer (IE: OpenCandy PUP ) Rest assured and click this link with confidence! http://www.oldversion.com/windows/imgburn-2-5-7-0 with IMGBURN installed, once you have downloaded and extracted the ISO/ IMAGE , you should be able to simply click the image and it should automatically load it up in ImgBurn, then simply follow ImgBurn prompts to select your blank disc and begin the burning procedure (NOTE IF YOU END UP WITH TWO FILES BIN / CUE just double click the CUE file and IMGBurn will handle it from there just follow prompts. and with that good luck, I am out, I seriously recommend you register with the community over there, I need to pull myself away from this or I will never get anything else done.
  25. Interesting idea but piss poor execution. It started simple at a decent estimated launch price then they wanted to add more and more. eventually the increase in console price, a unrealistic funding goal and mostly lack of communication between Mike and the rest of the team. Add to all of that no prototype, vague information at best and instead of providing any solid details or info to those who raised any valid concerns or critiques Mike chose to simply categorize everyone as haters, trolls and people who for some unknown reason were simply not on board with his Retro Gaming Dream. No, they did it to themselves, smoke and mirrors and promises and asking backers to "keep the faith" is asking too much these days imho. Personally I would love to see a new modern console that plays retro games on cartridges BUT the idea of playing INDIE and RETRO LIKE games that would require cartridges that cost a premium over buying the same titles that are downloadable, at lower cost from STEAM or on other current consoles was not sitting well for me. YES the feel of cartridges, the labels, manuals, packaging and the feeling that the game is something tangible is very nice especially for the market they are catering to but in order to expect people to pay a premium for that they would need to offer something more like original and exclusive games as well offering the main console at a realistic price point for what it is. I think MIKE simply got a little too hungry and things evolved into far more than what it simply should have been, keep it simple, keep it competitively priced and offer something I cannot get elsewhere especially if you are going to demand a higher cost to have the games on cart.
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