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Everything posted by MaximumRD

  1. So pretty much THEY ARE DOING WHAT PEOPLE HAVE ?BEEN SUGGESTING FOR WEEKS NOW ! I almost can't believe they actually realize people are not just "haters" or haven't stopped "Believing in the dream" lol.
  2. Just caught this video by Lon Seidman a great Tech and gadget review I am subbed to "Withdrawing my Retro VGS Pledge" - smart choice LON lol. He touches on some good points beginning around 4m45s mark https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YU2O32xMn6c He explains why he withdrew his pledge, how he feels they are rushing the project and not ready as well miscommunication among the team etc. Just a clip from his video description - Last week I mentioned that I was backing the Retro VGS Kickstarter, but I have since decided to ask for a refund. The reason is that I don't think this project is ready for market. The team doesn't feel cohesive, with the hardware engineer John Carlsen revealing in a post this week that he withholds information from his business partner, Mike Kennedy. A subsequent interview with the full three person Retro VGS team posted by Retro Gaming Magazine had the partners frequently talking over each other and at times contradicting one another.
  3. heh....think of it as a ROM like from a cartridge but in this case ISO or ISO image. Definition: An ISO file, often called an ISO image, is in fact an "image" of an entire CD or DVD. The entire contents of a disc can be represented in a single ISO file. So, like a ROM (in the context of emulation / emulators) is basically a single file contain all the game data of a game cartridge a ISO or ISO image is the equivalent except from Optical Media such as CD or DVD. It is a little thing but I like to use terms properly, generally many people while discussing emulation will simply call any game a "ROM" whether it actually be from a cartridge or ripped from a DVD / CD, a minor thing but I tend to be irked by the improper usage. Note also that ISO is just one possible container for such content as they can also come in containers labeled Bin (usually with an accompanied with a cue file) or CCD, IMG etc. Though for sake of games ripped for the purpose of emulation those other formats are less typical. See : https://www.wikiwand.com/en/ISO_image
  4. As a great resource for ROMS / ISO's Homebrew / Emulators / Mods / Unreleased / Translations etc and at Yo-Yo's suggestion I am posting this info to share for those who might otherwise be wary of the site. PLEASE READ ALL FULLY. ESPECIALLY THAT BOLDED STUFF For everything mentioned including emulators already packed with associated ROMS my only and best resource is http :// www.theisozone.com / (no spaces of course) but that said WARNING - I have learned many times in past when saying this, this site is crazy with advertising , pop -ups etc, I AM TELLING YOU THIS UP FRONT, for me it was never an issue and in past when giving this site recommendation would get people come back complaining the site is malicious, it gave me this or that etc. YES the site does generate revenue through ads etc I have never noticed as I don't use IE on there, I use Chrome or Firefox with pop-up and adblockers add-ons like uBlock etc. SO, IF YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING and can navigate such sites securely and without worry then it is a hell of a resource. You find what you want, click the link for info and chose the FREE download link option, do NOT pick the ISO RECOMMENDS as that is for paid members, the FREE option download mirror on the RIGHT (see second example image) THAT will take you to a file download site FIREDROP (See 3rd example image) your download link will appear after a few seconds, click THAT and ONLY that, a window will appear and you select location to download to. For the record I am not trying to sound like a douche, if I am telling you things that are obvious to you or you think "I am not an idiot" please understand that is not the intention, I have just gotten shy about recommending such sites only to have people come back complaining about the ads, pops-ups, downloading malicious files etc, it used to surprise me honestly because I use to think "What the hell are you talking about?" then I tried the same thing in IE without pop up or ad blockers and I understood what they were complaining about lol. So no, this is not over kill, it is much needed advice for some as I have learned and frankly I would rather cover my butt than having someone complain later. Lastly, I will say well worth the effort to just use a little precaution, good to learn anyways because as a resource http :// www.theisozone.com / is just way above the other places where you might find an emulator here or a game there, or download every rom separate, on http :// www.theisozone.com / just download, unzip and burn to disc (I use ImgBurn for those tasks, google it, free, light and just works ) So I leave it at that, do or don't, research and learn and the rewards are well worth it IMHO. Tips - use search , works pretty good on the site if looking for a specific emulator or homebrew, most are usually full archived packages complete ready to burn and play. There is a nice forum community there as well. Some are probably tired of the "I CAN'T BURN THIS GAME!" or "HOW DO I UNZIP THAT?" type posts BUT if you tread lightly, ask nicely, be respectful and thankful you will find many helpful and friendly people as well. Get use to the layout, click the DOWNLOADS tab up top and find your category. IMPORTANT - I take the time and effort to present a great resource option for those up to it. Beyond that, if you chose to go this root I offer no other support, help etc, I simply do not have the time or frankly the motivation. I simply like people to be informed and aware of options whether or not it is right for you is your decision, if so you can find any further help or assistance in the forum guidelines and help as well as the community over there - THIS IS MY ONE AND ONLY POST LIKE THIS FOR THIS SITE, TAKE IT FOR WHAT IT IS. Before anyone complains or point it out YES there are a ton of ripped games / iso / roms commercial , retail of course, whatever your stance on this the site just so happens to also be an awesome hub / resource for Homebrew , Emulation , Hacked ROMS, Translated ROMS, Unreleased titles etc so that said you are your own moral guide and live by your own code and guidelines, keep it that way, do as you will (or don't) but as well do not inflict your morals on others. There is no pirating of current or last gen there as well you can read there forum rules regarding upload restrictions, this is there own set guidelines, accpet them and participate or don't, nobody is claiming they are 100% legit lol. - (FROM THE SITES RULES AND GUIDELINES) NOT ALLOWED - Any files related to current or last generation console or PC titles. Wii, WiiU, PSP, Vita, PS3, PS4, X360, XBONE Any games currently being sold by their rights holders. Cracks, Hacks, Serials related to current gen consoles or pc PSP retail Isos NDS Roms Released after 2008 PC Titles released after 2007 PC Titles which are available on Steam, Regardless of age. The original versions are OK But not the Steam versions. PS2 Titles that are new releases i.e Fifa 13 Homebrew titles which have been released by independent developers that are for sale Androids apps which are not freeware Iphone apps which are not freeware Linux software that isn't freeware GOG [Good Old Games] Titles - The original versions are OK But not the gog versions. Thanks! Enjoy or don't, I just want people to be aware of an awesome resource and then chose to follow of their own accord.
  5. I keep a fairly accurate listing on my About.me page in my signature. Of course it does not include various tons of related accessories / magazines / flyers / memorabilia etc but otherwise pretty accurate. I will past it here: NintendoDS / Gameboy AdvanceSP/ 2 original Xbox (modded / 2 TG-16 / JVC X'Eye / Nintendo Wii / GP2X WIZ / GP2X Caanoo / Dingoo A320 / Sony PS2 (one Phat and one SLIM) / 2 Gamecube (modded) / 3 Dreamcast / Sega Saturn / Sega CDX / CDi / 3DO / 1 Sega Genesis model 1/ Sega Master System / FC Mobile II / PS1 (Original and SLIM) / 2 Colecovisions / Intellivision II / Ti99a / Atari 5200 / Atari 7800 / Atari 2600 Jr. / Atari 1040ste / Atari 1040stf / Commodore 64c & c64 / Super Nintendo / NEO GEO CD / N64 / 2 NES / Retron3 / JXD s601 Android / JXD s602 / JXD s7800b / RetroBit SuperRetroTrio clone / Open Pandora handheld / Atari 5200 VCS Adapter MODDED for Stand alone operation /
  6. I was quite interested when I first started hearing about the RVGS though I was cautiously optimistic. By now though considering they don't even have a real prototype yet and then the console projected price increase and now the insane funding goal all I can think is.............
  7. Though never owned one back in the day a friend and I rented it from the local video store. With Keith Courage and I cannot recall what else but I DO definitely remember being impressed with the colors, speed and big sprites! Otherwise I did not know ANYBODY who actually owned one and though I thought it was awesome I did not have access to much back then so I think getting one for myself just seemed too scary because there just did not seem to be any support here in Canada. If only I knew than what I know now about how it would be great for collectors purposes as well as awesome games.
  8. lol SO JUST now hit 4000 "subscribers" on Youtube, the last few 100 due to a bigger Youtuber mentioning MaximumRD in a recent video. That is cool I guess though 90% don't actually watch my content which is fine as I will never monetize. NOW if I can just get out of this funk and feel like making videos again...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MaximumRD
    3. Justin


      You always make great videos Rob! When you're feeling it, you'll know it and you'll know exactly what you want to do :)

    4. Yo-Yo


      I hope this website brings you lots of motivation :-)

  9. Oh NICE one, of all the ways I can play a 2600 cart this method still eludes me lol, so cool I gotta get one someday especially considering my only Intellivision is an INTV II anyways lol. That one looks very clean. Funny both Colecovision and Intellivision got expansions to play 2600 but the good old 2600 was never given ability to play Intellivision / Colecovision, yeah I know it was the less powerful console but just funny how that was. If you had an Intellivision and this add-on you would have been doing pretty damn good I think.
  10. Starpath Supercharger for 2600. Anyone have one? I don't but hope to someday just for collecting purposes more then anything, will have to wait though until things improve but always found the concept intriguing. So my understanding is the device plugs in like a cartridge and has built in memory (and maybe some other bits) to play more advanced games on Atari 2600 compatible systems? The original games came on cassette I know but various sources has converted them to mp3 so any mp3 playback device could be used instead. I even have most of the games that were converted back to ROM format which I use on my Harmony Cart and yeah the games are pretty impressive, I played Frogger and could not believe the difference! I guess between my Harmony and converted roms there really is not much reason to own an original Super Charger other than the cool factor, well I think it's cool, that's why we love this stuff right? , what you see in this picture is about the only thing I have relating to the device, Stella Gets a new Brain v2.0, these are a collection of the Starpath compatible games on a CD in MP3 format, this was included with something I bought off Atariage a few years back I think, so when/if I do ever get one I can either use a CD player or transfer the MP3 from it and use an MP3 player to load the games. Furthermore there was a collection called Worship the Woodgrain (4 cd's I think) that was a large collection of games converted to audio, over half of which could be played directly through the Supercharger and the other half IF you did some kind of mod to the Supercharger. Well, that is all I know about it through some quick searching BUT please if any of you guys actually own one feel free to chime in, correct anything I have stated as I am sure I am either missing some info or made some errors. Also, anything you like to add as far as what you think about the device, do you think it is worthwhile having and any other relevant thoughts thanks.
    1. Doctor Octagon

      Doctor Octagon

      So very sad.. like Star Trek, these classic shows are reaching an age where so many actors from iconic television casts are now passing away.

    2. Rowsdower70


      Sad. She was indeed one of the first Orion Slave Girls..

  11. WOW AWESOME! Colecovision is a favorite of mine, I have two units maybe I will do this one day.
  12. I have always known about several unreleased and / or vaporware consoles and hardware but I recently stumbled onto this one I had never heard of and so for any of you who are interested in such things and might not know check it out. Here is a link to the story ( an Interview with Yukiharu Sambe, R&D manager of the unreleased Taito WOWOW ) on Unseen 64's site - http://www.unseen64.net/2015/08/10/interview-taito-wowow-console/
  13. Sigh......I've not uploaded a video in some time and truthfully just don't feel like it. I have even started making a video 2-3 times over the last few weeks but then stop because just not feeling it, hope this is a phase :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The Professor

      The Professor

      We'll have to change that ;-)

    3. Rowsdower70


      I hope YouTuber block goes away quickly! I enjoy everyone's vids.

    4. leolinden


      I'm working on mine. School starts soon though...

  14. From 2011 ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MIPwcdSTPuo
  15. I am enjoying this season as well. Here is my desktop
  16. Having never owned or played a Jaguar I am really enjoying these, thanks guys!
  17. Remember folks anytime you want that retro break just use Google Images and search Atari Breakout - ;)

    1. The Professor

      The Professor

      It's like a mini-vacation for the mind!

  18. Keith Carlson ATARI DONATION video REDO ! As the title says, it had been bothering me since the original video I uploaded Sept 12th of last year because of back-lighting it was hard to see most of the items I was attempting to show. Now I have corrected that mistake with this video, while not perfect allows you to see all the Atari related goodness in clear detail. THANKS! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=14fEd0MGFBE
  19. http://www.retroist.com/2013/09/06/how-to-play-your-atari-2600-on-a-modern-television/ How to play your Atari 2600 on a modern Television ;) OBVIOUSLY not for most HERE but MAN this one has had to be explained so many times over the years lol. Always Face palm when I hear "My picutre is fuzzy when I tried my NES RF switcher...."
  20. Great show, I know some go way over with the "But this is wrong and that is not accurate" HEY I am the biggest nerd, they make a good and interesting show that is sort of a reflection of a fictional company that obvious takes cues from things that went down with some good fan service thrown in, I take it for what it is, it is not a documentary, honestly we are lucky to just have a show like this lol. Oh and Cameron is pretty hot.
  21. WOW what a gem right there !
  22. EVERY)ONE ! I just purged all my Youtube subscriptions as it was getting out of hand with 800 subscriptions lol. I am in the process of adding back my favorites in case you notice me recently subscribing, this time around I really am being picky, IF you have a channel centered on Classic Gaming and or Computing let me know and I will defintiely consider it THANKS (NOTE: THIS IS NOT A Sub4Sub thing!- no promises)

    1. Yo-Yo


      I don't get why people expect subs 4 subs

    2. MaximumRD


      @Yo-Yo some people are desperate to inflate their sub count, I have always done the youtube thing for my own fun, I only sub to channels I watch and only want people to sub me because they like my videos, sadly many others have a different agenda.

  23. Currently 25c / 77f here in beautiful Kelowna BC Canada, just got back home from a new Italian place where we had Meatball and Sicilian sandwiches and Cappuccino's, we brought home some Gelato (2 flavors Dark Chocolate and LIME ! Have a great weekend everybody!

    1. Yo-Yo


      What a great life!

    2. The Professor

      The Professor

      mm now I'm hungry for Italian for dinner

    3. MaximumRD
  24. Just another video of opportunity, seems the only ones I have time to do these days but eh check it out THANKS! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDnQwV__Na4
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