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Posts posted by socrates63

  1. On 12/8/2020 at 9:08 AM, Rocker67 said:

    Later on I went to a friends house and he showed us Space Invaders and I was hooked and had to have that game myself. On my birthday in 1981 I received the 2600. I think I finally pinpointed the date as I remember the games I received for that Christmas were 81 releases. I got Space Invaders, Air-Sea Battle, and of course Combat with the system. Then a few months later for Christmas I got Asteroids, Missile Command, and Video Pinball. The one thing I do remember was the frustration on waiting for a time to play as we only had one TV and my parents loved watching it, so I had to wait, sometimes days and maybe a few weeks, before I could play again.

    I don't remember which game it was but I had to have a 2600 after playing it at my friend's house. I got it in 1981 or 82.

    That one TV in the house was definitely real back then 😆 Luckily for me, my parents didn't watch TV. I didn't have equipment conflict with them until several years later when I got into BBS and would tie up the home phone line.


    On 12/8/2020 at 9:25 AM, RickR said:

    It brings up an interesting point that I had forgotten about.  Most people who owned Atari bought Atari games, and Sears buyers bought Sears games -- even though they were the exact same thing in different packaging.  I remember that my family would go to Sears a lot.  I'd look at the Atari games but always bought them elsewhere to get the Atari branded item.  For me, it was more about getting the more colorful and popular packaging.  But I'll bet a lot of parents assumed they were locked in to Sears games only. 

    I always wondered why people would buy those black boxes with the boring looking cartridges, but that makes total sense -- if you're a Sears shopper, you bought your games there. I'm also about the colorful packaging, and it was the reason why I got into collecting 2600 games. And now, it seems like a lot of the Sears games are all the rage for serious collectors.


  2. Hmm... I remember paying $300 for my 800 from Toys R Us because that was my dad's weekly net pay at the time. I suppose I could be wrong about the price. I gave zero hesitation about getting the 800 and gave no thoughts to anything else because it was Atari. It felt natural and obvious to me as a kid to get another Atari product.

    Yes that big price diff between the C64 and 800, and 5200 and CV for that matter, would have been a deal breaker for mom and pop. I guess when you've been the big dog in the market, it made the company feel like it can call the shots. Looking at those game prices now, they were very expensive! Game prices have only doubled since the 80s. I guess that's pretty good relatively speaking, but then again, the modern gaming market is so huge compared to back then.

  3. 5 hours ago, peteym5 said:

    It is great that someone is doing this. I found many of the comments on these patches amusing. Perhaps we should consider something for our games. 

    Yes! Patches can definitely enhance the physical presentation of a game. What I like about these patches is that they're not reproductions of the actual Activision patches. They pay homage to the official patches while infusing some humor and are made for games that did not receive official patches.

    @RickR I actually haven't thought about how to display the patches, and it sounds like maybe a trip to Michael's or some other craft store is in order -- maybe Pinterest for some ideas 🙂 For now, they are sitting in the envelopes that they were sent in.

  4. I just got another batch of new patches from Machine on AtariAge and ordered some more as new patches became available yesterday. If you're interested or want to see what's all available, see the links in my first post above.

    I especially love the Adventure patch -- very nicely embroidered. I got three so I can offer one or two for future trade or giveaway or junk box.

    The Venetian Blind patch came out a bit muted.


  5. Looks like Howard Scott Warshaw e-published a new book on Amazon yesterday -- Once Upon Atari: How I made history by killing an industry. It looks to be only available on Amazon (paperback out in two more days). Another book that I really want to read! My life is a backlog.

    paperback: https://www.amazon.com/dp/0986218669/

    Kindle: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08QG9XSWZ/


  6. That is a fantastic collection and setup! 👍 ❤️

    I also prefer CIB copies but because of crazy prices, I've decided to buy loose copies of HERO and Cosmic Commuter to complete my NTSC 2600 Activision collection. With the savings of foregoing boxed copies 🙂 I ordered a cartridge holder for HERO. I will follow up with him to have one made for Cosmic Commuter next year.

  7. Here's my GameBoy stuff (OG GB, GBC, GBA).

    Getting the games out for the photo shoot, I was surprised by how many I still had back from the day as I had given away a lot of games with the GameBoy to a little kid. The Duke Nukem, Metal Gear Solid (pricecharting shows $80 for loose 😮) games, Tennis, Nemesis, Madden, Chessmaster, and In Your Face are games I bought back in the 90s iirc. The others GB games and GBA games are stuff I bought within the last two or three years. One thing that is not shown is my GBA multi-cart from China that I bought off of ebay. I bought the GameBoy Player for the GameCube and briefly dabbled in GBA games.

    • I can't remember where the fanny pack came from. I may have gotten it from my cousin.
    • Of the GB games, I believe Loderunner is the only complete in box game that I have.
    • The cases for the GBA games are reproductions. They came in the case from the local store that I bought them from.
    • There's also a homebrew and a multi-cart I got for free from someone on AtariAge.
    • I believe the GBA Pokemon game was for Son #2 who played it on his DS Lite. Outside of that game, all of these are stuff that I bought for me. If I showed my DS collection, there would be a bunch that I bought for the kids. 




  8. That's some cool stuff you guys.

    I only have the GameBoy Color since I gave away my OG GameBoy many years ago. My kids grew up with the DS Lite. I gave away one or two but should still have another or two around. They briefly gamed on the 3DS.

    I don't think I have any rumble pack games but later will share a photo of what I have for the GameBoy.

  9. The TG16 looks to be the console of my dreams -- its game library is strongly appealing to my sensibilities. I actually pre-ordered and got the mini (still unopened) but would prefer playing on actual hardware. That's one I may want in the future (is there anything that I don't want outside of Pokemon games? 🙄 😁)

    I got my Jaguar, composite cable, one controller, and three games for $300 from a local seller. With the conventions gone this year, local guys have been selling online regularly. I believe Pink Gorilla has a Jaguar for $350 for the console and probably controller (can't remember). With the extra games, composite cable, and no 10% sales tax, I figure I saved at least a Benjamin.

  10. Because of family circumstances, I find myself having to operate the family business (dry cleaners) this week. It's been extremely slow because of the pandemic, so I don't have much to do all day at the store. And then the 💡 finally went on in the dark recesses of this brain. I have an unused 20" Trinitron in the house, and I brought it to the store 🙂 And today, I brought the Jaguar and fired it up for the first time.

    Here are my impressions from playing 15 minutes of Cybermorph this morning.

    • The original Jaguar controller feels fine and works well. I had read about how terrible it is.
    • The Jaguar throws up some mean looking beautiful graphics! I haven't seen an Atari ST era game in person since the early 90s, and the look and style is very reminiscent of those times. I look forward to seeing ST games ported to the Jaguar. I am in heaven.
    • Cybermorph looks very pretty on my Trinitron, and I'm using composite. I was thinking about getting the s-video cable later, but right now, I don't feel the need. The photo does not do it justice.
    • Still trying to figure out the game display.
    • The game feels very responsive.
    • Initially, Skylar the AI reminded me of Ilia (the bald lady character from Star Trek: The Motion Picture). After playing a bit, Skylar looks a little scary and reminds the illustrations of the AI from the game System Shock (I've never played SS).
    • I'm having fun with Cybermorph. I had read it wasn't that good and wasn't well received.
    • The instruction manual was a fun read, and the backstory was humorously written.

    Also, I wanted to drop a thank you to the I/O and Justin for this high score challenge. If it wasn't for this occasion and the folks here, I would not have gotten a Jaguar and would have missed out on this beautiful machine.



  11. Congrats @SuperTrooper!

    Woohoo! I made the Top 5! Not that it means anything, but still, it sounds good. I'll take that as my consolation prize for the December giveaway 🏆

    And yes, NSG, thanks for doing the videos. I think I may have said this before, but I don't know how you release so many videos a week. Even if short video or simply a gameplay video with no narration, it still takes significant time to edit and produce these things. Much appreciated!

  12. 12 hours ago, Rocker67 said:

    Love these. Although I had the Lynx Model 2, I love the look of the original. I now have three Lynx and a Retro Cart for it. I also have 3 Atari and 1 Sears 2600, and 2 7800. I never want to be without a system again. I need to see about getting on of my Lynx modded with a new screen.

    That's some serious Atari street cred right there 👍 😁  Are you going to do that McWill screen mod that I've heard about? 

  13. Welcome, Rocker 🤘

    I totally agree with you about homebrews. They really got me more excited about our beloved consoles.

    One other thing that unexpectedly added to the excitement for me has been participating in high score challenges. Justin runs high score challenges here in the I/O on various platforms. There’s also the I/O high scoreboard where you can compare and compete on your own timetable.

  14. 5 hours ago, Rocker67 said:

    I was thinking more on this after I finished posting. I then thought about AtariAge. I bet there will be some new home brew at AtariAge the next day or two and maybe a few of those would be on the wishlist after the reveal they are about to have.

    Welcome to the I/O, Rocker!

    If you go to the AtariAge store front, there's a photo that shows all the new games in this release cycle.

  15. I got no skin in this conflict because, like Crossbow, I too was a part of the PC Master Race and only dabbled in console gaming in the late 90s. I recently got both SNES and Genesis. Both have incredible libraries with a lot of exclusives, so we retro gamers win.

    And piling on the SNES Mortal Kombat issue, for the longest time, Nintendo consoles and games were considered kid games. When you became older, you outgrew Nintendo stuff and moved on to big kid/adult gaming with Playstation, Xbox, etc.

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