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Posts posted by socrates63

  1. On 11/29/2020 at 8:41 PM, HDN said:

    You know, not many people talk about the REALLY old 2600 arcade ports. Many of Atari's 1970's coin-op releases are very obscure nowadays. Some of Atari's pre-Golden Age ports include Anti Aircraft (Air/Sea Battle), Tank and Jet Fighter (Combat), Canyon Bomber, Sky Diver, and Night Driver. Many of these games are much better known nowadays by their VCS adaptations.

    I'm sure the vast majority knew about these games, but I find it interesting. Not many talk about how these games originated in the arcade.

    You're totally right, Harry. I didn't realize many of the VCS games were adaptations of 70s coin-op games. I think Night Driver is the only one that you've listed that I remember seeing or playing in the arcades.

  2. 3 minutes ago, RickR said:

    Bummer on that flaky Vectrex seller.  Have you checked with Pink Gorilla to see if they have one for sale? 

    They didn't when I visited last Friday. I'm not sure if they ever posted having a Vectrex since I've been involved in retro gaming. I've seen a few Virtual Boys and those sell fast.

    Right now, they do have 7800, 5200, and 2600 Jr along with a few games that I normally don't see. There must have been an Atari collector who traded them in as I usually don't see Atari consoles at Pink Gorilla. Those Atari consoles are all in very nice condition. I was tempted to grab one (the Jr) or three 🙂 

  3. I know that this is over the $100 limit, but I almost had my hands on a Vectrex for $350 with a bunch of games which then became $400 and then, poof, the seller flaked out and stopped responding. Oh well, it's for the best. I rather pay more and buy from someone who loved it, restored it, and was looking for a good home for it. Some day...

    Back to reality... I'd like Defender in the large black box for the Atari 8-bit or a loose 7800 cartridge of the following games to complete my NTSC 7800 set (Midnight Mutants is on its way 🎉):

    • Mean 18 Ultimate Golf
    • Planet Smashers
    • Basketbrawl
    • Motor Psycho
    • Kung Fu Master
    • Tank Command
    • Mat Mania Challenge


  4. Cyber Monday pick-up! I wasn't planning to get anything today, but a friend needed a DS Lite charger, so I went to a local retro gaming store and pick up some games while there.

    Does anyone have any information about the Activision Super Action Pak? Were there more such multi-carts? I assume this is a legit release and not a bootleg of some kind. The inside of the case is in bad shape. I picked it up because I'm an Activision fanboy.

    The Defender cartridge is something I found in the house while cleaning this morning. I was excited to find it because it's one of the few artifacts I managed to hold on to from my original 80s collection of Atari computers.

    They also had 5 DVDs for $5, and I saw The Man from Nowhere with the slip. I had to get that and added a few others to make the 5.





  5. 2 hours ago, CrossBow said:

    Very cool! I still need Water Ski and Tank Command. The rest I've just been lazy and hadn't picked them up knowing I could at about anytime I wanted. But I know that for me at least with these two Froggo released titles, they would just be shelf pieces as I would never want to actually play the games. So due to that, I'm more hesitant to drop the $ on them for the time being.

    I hear ya, Jesse. I usually don't buy games for the sake of collecting and especially games that aren't good 😉 You're a wise man.

  6. 1 hour ago, HDN said:

    What types of 2600 games are you all collecting right now?


    Looking at this thread, it's amazing the number of arcade games the 2600 enjoyed. I suppose that shouldn't be a surprise given the 2600 enjoyed popularity when coin-op video games were king. Still, the sheer number is quite astounding. There are 2600 games listed in Ballblazer's post that I did not know were arcade games.

    As far as collecting for the 2600 is concerned, I mostly buy homebrews and hacks. I started collecting because of the box artwork on games by Atari. I probably have around 150 by Atari. With lack of space, I'm pretty much done buying 2600 games as I primarily play rom files with the Harmony Encore cartridge. I recently bought a few loose cartridges (waiting for delivery) to have some for future trades. The one subset of my 2600 games that I intentionally sought were games by Activision. I believe I am only missing H.E.R.O. and Cosmic Commuter. They're both very expensive, so I may call it good (enough).

  7. 23 hours ago, HDN said:

    Honestly, this might sound a little crazy and a bit funny to you all now that I am so comfortable here, but when I first joined Atari.io back in August, I was super hyped to see that THE No Swear Gamer had responded to my silly Metroid post. This YouTuber with nearly 15,000 subscribers had responded to MY stupid 2D Metroid post. It sounds silly and a little bit embarrassing now that we all know each other, but at the time I was super hyped to see that! 

    Well, now that the 😸 is out of the bag so to speak, I had similar reaction when NSG gave me a shout-out in one of his videos for supporting him on Patreon. Also, that's why I sent you the Coleco handheld and the card pack, Harry -- a little personal contact with a local celeb 🌟 🤩

  8. 4 hours ago, HDN said:

    Overall, I like my new label for Adventure.

    Me, too 🙂 The drawings are a very nice touch 👍 🎨 and really make it uniquely yours. I, on the other hand, am not very good about customizing things. Heck, I often don't even customize Windows or MacOS outside of maybe changing the default wallpaper.


    @Atari Creep the box giveth and taketh away 🤣🤣

    Yes, I was very happy to have the MK cartridge. I also had to think long and hard about that Wii. You packed in a lot of awesome stuff!

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