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Posts posted by socrates63

  1. Nice! I saw your post on FB. But why is it classified as drinkware?

    Not quite as big as Target 🙂 but I have a few that stand out in my memories: 

    • Probably the most recent experiences were when Joe Decuir and Ed Fries replied to my posts on Facebook.
    • As a kid, I was excited when Bob Polin responded with a personal letter to my letter about Blue Max that I mailed to Synapse. I wish I still had it.
    • Around a similar time, I wrote a letter to Dragon Magazine about the need for an index of the content published in the magazine. My letter was published with a short editor reply. I can't recall which issue although it's likely somewhere in the #60-#100 issue range.
  2. I saw this posted in a Facebook group and loved the question:

    Can you name 3 or 4 games that have had a big influence on your gaming tastes, or your memories of playing games early in your life?


    My list is longer than 4 😜 and in no particular order:

    1. Space Invaders hooked me and made me a video gamer. 
    2. Robotron 2084 made me love twin stick shooters. 
    3. Doom made me an FPS fan. I've probably spent more time with this genre than any other.
    4. Final Fantasy 7 turned me into a JRPG fan. Previously, I hated the JRPG graphics style with the big headed scrunched characters and favored the more realistic graphics style of Western RPGs.
    5. Halo and Uncharted for story-driven action adventures. I love adventure games and games that tell great stories, but these games felt cinematic with action thrown in.
    6. 2600 action games (e.g., Demon Attack, Room of Doom, Mines of Minos...) recently helped me realize that I favor simple action games.
    7. WarCraft turned me on to RTS games. After WarCraft, I spent a lot of time with Age of Empires I and II.
    8. Empire by Interstel helped me to see the joy of turned based strategy games. However, I never found another one that grabbed me as much.

    I'm probably missing a couple games.

    What games shaped your gaming tastes?

    il_570xN.1676044542_55p0.jpg.8b6e8a3f35884f7ab6ce07fb676b7f91.jpg robotron-2084_marquee.jpg.c9bd4e105fa4ff2d593f7d34e15f3c73.jpg Doom_cover_art.jpg.8ee606c7df63bf9974717fe1368eb9f7.jpg 588604318_51tkmb93AiL._AC_UL600_SR600600_.jpg.4a094791885df93ae86ea8dd77a654a2.jpg Uncharted-Drakes-Fortune.jpeg.ae4dd782832554096169ddc8132fb2d0.jpeg e6c2a287-f8c1-44b9-9ed8-5c5899767815.png.7fa3c1cd810430c992bc96e9e18357eb.png Empire-Wargame-of-The-Century.jpg.dcf37b3cd52239286fe59e6d63ca664d.jpg Warcraft-image.jpg.de8d90412df7e1762865fa8160283497.jpg

  3. I thought the Star Trek magazine was for you @RickR because you're a Trekkie (my assumption based on your profile cover image)! I didn't think that you put it there.

    One item I particularly struggled with was the modded Wii as I've always wanted one (I have a Wii) and the bowling bag. I love Wii Sports and the bag was perfect! Alas, I don't have space for it.

    Notes on some of the stuff I put in and photos below:

    • The iam8bit sticker went on the outside of the box.
    • Pointmaster joystick was part of the lot where I picked up the heavy sixer a couple of months ago.
    • Stuff that did not make it in the box: the ET lego (shown below), a larger set of LotR figures, an Atari 8-bit CIB game, a plushy, and some other stuff.
    • The Alan Wake game with the MS employee store sticker -- that was purchased by me way back in the day, and 1845, that's my employee number on the sticker. I was going to buy another copy to send (since I recommended it to RickR in another thread ) but decided to put a more personal touch on it 🙂 Rick, feel free to sell or trade it -- I don't mean to imply anything. 









  4. Sorry the loose 2600 cartridges weren't in better shape, Harry. I gave your list of 2600 games to a local gamer, and this is what he came back with. Price was very good though. You can upgrade to better condition ones later and trade or give these away later 🙂 

    If you ever visit Pink Gorilla, be sure to wear the beanie for a 20% discount on used games on Fridays. I believe the discount is 10% on all other days. My PG t-shirt has paid for itself a few times over.

    I'm glad to have passed on some goodies from the junk box. My eyes are too old for tiny screens and handhelds 🤣 so that Coleco went to you. Since you and I have yet to win a NSG card pack drawing, well, we now have our own 🙃

    When I saw the PoP Christmas ornament, I thought about you and your tree, so I had to grab it. I haven't seen the movie either.

  5. I don't have any pets. I used to have a German Shepherd Dog back in the 90s. His passing was tough on the family, so we decided not to get another pet. It took me a year before I could look at the backyard without grieving. We still talk about him from time to time especially when we spot other GSDs.

    I love cats, dogs, and all animals. I regularly watch the Dodo channel and other animal videos on YouTube to get my fix. I hope to get a dog when I retire.

  6. 43 minutes ago, nosweargamer said:

    I'm sure cards had more of a smell when sealed with an unwrapped piece of gum, but that has long been done away with and my included Bazooka Joe bubble gum is wrapped, so the smell doesn't get attached as easily to the cards.

    And yes, while about half of the cards are typically 80's & 90's baseball and football cards, the other half are usually non sports cards from tv shows, movies, games and more. As a matter of fact, I think at least one of my recently made packs includes a temporary tattoo and one contains a sticker card, although I don't know which pack those are or if those packs made it in the box or not.

    I'm excited to get my own NSG card pack. Thanks for including enough packs for everyone @nosweargamer! I collected some sports cards in the early 80s. If I remember correctly, my most valuable card was Dave Winfield... it's amazing that I still remember something so useless for nearly 40 years. The 🧠 works in mysterious ways 🤔

  7. 13 minutes ago, RickR said:

    Really nice stuff.  Interestingly, there's stuff you took that I put in there hoping it would make it to you! 

    What's the plastic-wrapped thingie front/left? 

    😮 Hmmm... I'm going to have go over the stuff and try to guess what you put in there for me

    There's a couple of videos by our resident YouTubers on that Coleco handheld:

    NSG: https://youtu.be/-o4ym2Da7i4

    Willie: https://youtu.be/UGCkQifpKoo


  8. 17 minutes ago, nosweargamer said:

    Side note: I don't think anyone has ever said "I had more than enough room to fit in everything I wanted to put in!" 😂

    🤣 So true. I was very tempted to build a second box. I actually did fill a second box at one point but decided that would ruin the purpose of the exercise -- to cause mental anguish and decision-making.

  9. 8 hours ago, aaron1677 said:

    Does anyone know if these are available to purchase anywhere? This link says they are on back order: 


    For those that purchased this year, any idea when they might be available on this site, or if they might be available anywhere else?


    Thanks in advance!

    Aaron, have you tried sending email to Lance? He’s been responsive whenever I send email to place an order. I bought mine a couple of months ago but it didn’t show as back ordered then. 

  10. Ok, here's what I took out. Even with what I took out, I still couldn't fit in a few things, so I'll save those for the next time. The box is leaving the house with a slightly bigger bulge than when it arrived -- kinda like mah belly after dinner

    I've been reconnecting with some 80s movies lately, so it's good to have these DVDs. I now have NES and N64 cartridges in the collection 🙃 Maybe I'll get the consoles later 😋


  11. The junk box arrived yesterday from @chas10e. It is heavy and bulging! Good thing it's a flat rate box. I can't believe some of the stuff that's in it. It's going to be tricky to figure out how to make room to fit in my stuff. @RickR I plan to send it your way tomorrow.

    And @HDN your box will go out tomorrow when I ship this one back to Rick. Thanks for waiting and sorry for keeping you waiting, but I wanted you to wait as long as I did 😄 That was part of my reasoning for not shipping it to you sooner.



  12. 10 hours ago, HDN said:

    Is Qubes really that rare?

    According to the AA rarity guide, my rarest VCS game is Private Eye. However, I don't agree with that. I've seen a lot more Private Eyes in the wild than Tunnel Runners or Planet Patrols. Not that those are particularly rare, either. 

    Perhaps my frequency at which I see Private Eye is just luck? It's not common, but I'd give it a four at most. That rarity guide could use a good update.

    I also saw a few entries that I didn't agree with my shopping experience (primarily ebay). I suppose multiple factors can affect what we see in the marketplace that we frequent at any given slice of time, so the rarity guideline is just that, a guideline.

  13. @HDN Rick mentioned it early on. The first key is mastering the duck and jump maneuvers. Besides that, I try to eliminate as many agents as I can when riding on elevators. Killing agents is your biggest source of scoring points. Their point value increases from 100 to 150 from floor 20 or whatever floor it is once you get past the initial floors where all the floors are lit up. So, what I’m trying to say is I’m not rushing to get to the car in the garage. I try to score at least 8k-10k on each level. If I sped through the first level, I’d only score 5k-6k when I reach the car.

    The only other pointer I can think of is this. I do most of my kills while riding the elevator. I get the enemy to take a shot so I can shoot them safely without evading return fire while they reload. I do this by while coming down on the elevator, I pull back up the elevator when the bottom of the elevator reaches the chest of the enemy. He will draw his gun and shoot. I then go back down and kill him in safety. In the early levels, they reload slowly. Killing enemies on higher floors while riding up in the elevator is easier as I can kill them without exposing myself to their bullets and don’t need to get them to shoot first. I shoot right when the my gun clears the bottom of the floor and then move the elevator back down. I can try to video record this if it isn’t clear.

    One other tip is to avoid engaging in a shoot out while on a wide floor (where the elevator is on the left or right edge of the floor). You can easily get surrounded to the right and left. Also, when there are multiple enemies to one side of you, sometimes one will shoot high and the other shoots low and you can’t dodge both. This is why I like to shoot and kill while riding an elevator.

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