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Everything posted by socrates63

  1. Love it! And your camera on your new phone is way better.
  2. Welcome to the I/O, @whisperingloon! I have a feeling there's an interesting story behind the name 🙂
  3. 🎉 Woot! Welcome to the I/O, T-man! I also came here a couple of months ago after watching NSG's monthly give-away video and stuck around. Very friendly welcoming bunch here.
  4. That sounds like a very good reason to pick up and try out Star Cruiser. Thanks, Jesse. If you have other repro or game suggestions, please share.
  5. Welcome to the I/O, GGG! Stampede is fun one. Can you earn the patch? Check out https://forums.atari.io/topic/4985-activision-patch-worthy-scores-of-atari-io/ for a list of I/O members who have achieved patch-worthy scores on Activision games. The I/O Stampede high score is kept here: https://forums.atari.io/topic/4947-stampede-atari-2600/
  6. Wow, that's incredibly generous @cjherr. You truly embody the spirit of the hobby and community. Lucky young man, that Harry. Must be doing something right 😉
  7. 😮 For real? I need to upgrade my audio on my CRT. I miss having a full stereo system hooked up to the TV.
  8. The one annoying thing about Demon Attack is that there is no pause. You finish one wave, and the next starts like in 0.5 seconds. But the most annoying thing is when you die in the middle of the screen, and the demon that killed you is still sitting on top of you when you new cannon appears. I died 2 or 3 times in like a 2 second span.
  9. Thanks for the recommendation @CrossBow! Yes, I did buy from Shawn when he offered buy 2 get 1.
  10. Me, too. Those are the toughest. They're so much smaller than the other demon types.
  11. 46,515 Just when I thought 50k was in sight, 💥 Hubris, my friend, hubris. This game is tough. Those guided missiles/lasers!
  12. Two of my favorite YouTubers, Dave Sundstrom and @nosweargamer, are both in Utah -- coincidence? They both have this sorta laid back delivery and tone. Might be the same person with two channels and personas. One channel covers pop TV culture from 60s, 70s, and 80s and the other covers geek culture from the same time periods -- you know, the good stuff.
  13. @nosweargamer I don't know how you do what you do (as a content creator) on top of your personal, family, and job obligations. I barely manage being entertained by you and playing a few Atari games. Edit: And I haven't had a chance to listen to your 7800 podcasts yet
  14. The blocky players always reminded me of cartoon illustrations of football players from way back like the 60s, but I see where you're coming from, Rick -- very close resemblance 🤣
  15. I'm surprised that I never associated playing certain games with the time of the year 🤔 With this giveaway, I am going to fix that. I'm going with American football 🏈 and will play the original Football for the 2600 in all its 4 on 4 smash mouth glory. It'll be a new tradition. I haven't played it since the early 80s. I also picked up Backyard Football from GoodDealGames recently, and this gives a very good reason to play it.
  16. 41,155 Woot! Broke 40k rather unexpectedly, jumping past the previous high mark of 27k from earlier today. Once you survive the two "donut" waves as Rick called them, reaching 20k isn't too tough.
  17. No offense taken. I actually don’t even remember the story, but I love the character design and that’s why I’m a fan. And I like Tim Burton’s work with animated movies.
  18. That’s awesome @Dinobot711! I love Jack. I think I need to get one myself.
  19. That sounds fun, Harry. With Halloween coming up, Haunted House deserves to be played. But I may only last a minute or two before I start feeling a headache.
  20. MC, if you want to play third-party 2600 cartridges on the 7800 and don't want to mess with the 7800 hardware, you gotta get the Lock-on 2600. I had tight fit issues with 2600 Activision cartridges on my 7800, and there was no way Demon Attack would fit. But this little adapter makes it buttery nice and smooth.
  21. @Dinobot711 what are you wearing? I think we need a photo of your pants 😆🙃 Great score!
  22. 27,130 Hey, I got a shout-out during NSG's live stream -- woohoo! Every time I crop and edit the photo, I love the scan lines and the glow. Looks very clean on the actual TV but in the photos, the bright parts are fuzzy and glowy and makes me feel warm inside.
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