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Everything posted by socrates63

  1. They are! They look like they were designed this way by Atari. And they almost got me to re-consider getting the 7800 Pro-Line controller. I briefly tried it at PRGE last year and didn't like it, and my 7800 didn't come with it anyway.
  2. @btbfilms76 I couldn't wait until December so I bought my own CX-30 paddles. They arrived today, and I tried them out on the 2600 with Super Breakout. You are 💯 percent correct in your description -- "super smooth feel" almost velvety. I also found them more comfortable to hold than the 2600 paddles. I am a controller guy, and I am extremely happy with the CX-30. I may get another in my next order with Video 61.
  3. I loved Fanta as a little kid in Korea. We only had the orange one in Korea iirc. I have a 43 year old story about orange Fanta... 📖 Once upon a time, there was an eight year old boy who had newly immigrated to the US in April of 1977, just in time to partake in May the historic cultural event that forever changed the US and the world over -- the premiere of Star Wars. But this story isn't about that event. This story centers on a very unassuming and ordinary circumstance, one that people engage in daily, but for one little boy who had been in the country for only 6-8 months and possessed very limited English communication skills, nothing could be taken for granted as ordinary. One day, he followed his classmates to Burger King for lunch (open❗ campus elementary school back in the late 70s, just bring a note from home). He got in line to order lunch along with his classmates. When it was his turn, he saw a familiar drink on the menu and promptly asked for "oh-wren-jee." "What?" Burger King's assistant replied. "Oh-wren-jee," repeated the newly transplanted little Korean boy. "Excuse me?" "Oh-wren-jee." What's wrong with this person? Why doesn't he understand? I said 오렌지. That's what the drink is called. After the miscommunication ensued for another round of exchange, one of the little boy's classmates stepped in and said, "Orange. He wants the orange soda." ==== end part 1==== Saving part 2 for another day and what happened after the boy received his orange soda
  4. I didn't think of that! I commuted to school from home. I did however take advantage of free food towards the end of quarters when my (girl) friends, who had too much meal allowance remaining (it didn't roll over), called the guys over for dorm food feasts. My favorite was beef stroganoff at University of Washington 🙂🍽️
  5. You kool kids who grew up with cable in the house -- I missed a lot of great shows because I had to fiddle with the TV antenna and aluminum foil. I remember Ultra Man was on Turner, but I only saw it the one time when I was at my friend's house.
  6. Ah yes, Waterworld. Earlier this year, I bought the blu-ray release by Arrow that is supposed to have a longer and better cut... which I haven't watched yet 🙁 Have you seen it?
  7. Ooh, I think you're right, Harry 👍 Thanks for the photo. I was thinking of a different joystick.
  8. I was thinking that too because of the button color. But I think it's the Atari joystick. The stick looks little too thin and tall to be the GemStik. I think the button color came out that golden color because of the pixelation effect.
  9. Happy Atari Day! My first one 🙂 I posted this in a few Facebook groups today. I'm going to have to get more Atari shirts. I only have 2 and they have the same design and look very similiar (one has a smaller logo than this one is all).
  10. While the 520ST (maybe 1040ST too) was my primary computer back in the 80s and early 90s, I've never fully embraced it from a nostalgia perspective because of the connection to Jack Tramiel. Where's that angry old man shaking his fist emoji?
  11. I agree with what everyone has said so far. Outside of saving physical space, I don't see benefits that justify the price to me. I'd rather use original hardware with a tube TV and call it a day. At this moment, I'm done with trying to get older consoles connected to a modern TV. For casual fans like me of other consoles outside the PlayStation and Xbox world, there are cheaper alternatives like the mini consoles, PC emulation, and maybe even MiSTeR.
  12. Wow, same price for loose and CIB? Either the loose carts are expensive there or the CIB games are dirt cheap, and I'm guessing it's the latter. I got into buying 2600 games before I had an Atari console, and it started because of Immortal John Hancock's videos. He has shelves of 2600 games all nice and purty 🌷. I then got into the Art of Atari book and attended the author's panel at PRGE. I've started to appreciate the box and art as much as I do the game itself.
  13. A 5200 controller with a paddle knob? Sounds very intriguing, and yes, please do share a pic when you get a chance. What games do you use that with? Tempest? Yes, all these 5200 and 2600/7800 controllers are taking up a lot of space. Fortunately, I have a large display cabinet/shelf right next to the TV and consoles but I do need to reshuffle things a bit.
  14. That looks nice! I need a credenza/TV stand/media cabinet or whatever it's called. My current TV stands don't have enough shelf space to fit my consoles.
  15. I picked up an SNES couple of weeks ago to use for CRT TV calibration. Yesterday, I visited Pink Gorilla in Seattle and saw NBA Jam TE hanging on the rack and decided to buy my first ever SNES game. I don't know my SNES carts from NES carts so had to check with the store clerk first 🙂 Why this game? It was a game that I played a lot during the early to mid-90s. My girlfriend's brothers had an SNES and NBA Jam. We played basketball together regularly and also played NBA Jam. I loved it for its over-the-top silliness and game mechanics and especially for Shawn The Reign Man Kemp and Gary The Glove Payton repping the Seattle SuperSonics. Looking for to the BOOM-shakalaka
  16. I picked up the Genesis arcade controller yesterday to use with the DB9 adapter. I tried it out with Moon Patrol and Pac-Man and it worked perfectly without any fuddling around. Initially I was a little concerned about the softness of the joystick (I've gotten used to leaf switch sticks) but it felt great and was responsive. My 5200 controller setup is now complete 🙂 and in my 5200 controller stable are controllers rebuilt by Best Electronics, trak-ball, Wico joystick, and now the Genesis arcade joystick.
  17. I ordered from an AtariAge user some boxes for cartridges that were released without them -- four for 2600 games and four for 5200 games (Battlezone was an unexpected freebie). These boxes weren't cheap (14 euros a pop), but the quality is there, so I'm happy with them. They also came with inserts for 2600 cartridges (not shown). I currently only have Kabobber and Astro Grover 2 but I intend to get carts for the remaining boxes in the near future. I'm probably not alone in this, but I like boxes on the shelf and usually collect CIB games if I can.
  18. I saw some NSG videos that showed off the Intellivoice and was very impressed. It almost made me wish for an Intellivision but then remembered that controller with the disc pad. Any thoughts on the Playstation VR? It seems to have been received well and sold decently enough that Sony is probably working on PSVR 2. The PS4 Pro was my entry into the PS4 world. The VR accessory was a compelling reason for me.
  19. Atariwriter! Yes, I used that quite a bit. I remember the very first time I was introduced to this thing called a “word processor” in middle school. I had a hard time wrapping my head around the concept. I believe it was Bank Street Writer. The first PC I used was a 286 in the late 80s. My own first PC was the 386/33 by Northgate right when the 486 was released. I am extremely jealous that you kept your original hardware. 👍👏
  20. As a fellow 12 year old from 1981, my experiences mirror what @RickR said. While we appreciate them much more today, there were a lot of 2600 games that we perceived at the time as disappointing. Activision showed what was possible on the 2600 -- games with great mechanics and attractive colorful flicker-free graphics -- and games like Pitfall! raised my expectations. Atari had a lot of great licenses but released many clunky ports on the 2600. Colecovision Donkey Kong was mind-blowing -- graphics at home that looked just like the arcade -- and that thing was heavily advertised on TV. It really showed that time was up on the 2600, and I moved on to the 800. Thanks for the link to Electronic Games! That magazine was awesome. I subscribed for years.
  21. Very cool @CrossBow especially the fact that you can adjust the VGA output resolution. I just bought the OSCC from the sale post you shared. I had seen it and had been thinking about it, and your post was the nudge I needed. I'm curious what it can do with the component signal from my OG Xbox and PS2.
  22. Freeway Atari 2600 Difficulty: Game 7, B/B High Score: 20 July 13, 2020
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