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  1. Sad
    AtariSphinx reacted to Sabertooth for a status update, R.I.P. Fry's Electronics. Fry's closed all locations on Wednesday with no forewarning   
    R.I.P. Fry's Electronics. 
    Fry's closed all locations on Wednesday with no forewarning. It was one of the last places I could still buy electronics components in-person. Need a 7805 regulator for that ailing 2600? How about a few resistors for that AV mod? Replacements for a leaky cap? They had me covered without the wait of an online order. 
    It was a quirky, hodgepodge type store with a lot of "As seen on TV" products along side computer, electronics and stereo equipment. It shall be missed. 
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    AtariSphinx reacted to nosweargamer for a status update, I'm closing in on both my 250th Atari 2600 game review and my 700th episode. So I'm p   
    I'm closing in on both my 250th Atari 2600 game review and my 700th episode. So I'm planning to do something special for my next three episodes...

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