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nosweargamer last won the day on April 8 2022

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  1. About to go live with my attempt (EDIT 59,175 from the 21:00 mark)
  2. It's also a shame they can't give the Capcom built in EXP bundle a physical cart, so it too is portable only.
  3. That's great! When was that. I've heard of several other getting the silent treatment.
  4. Steam was great about the return. Easy to request, processed in about 90 minutes, which is about how much time I played it. (You can return a Steam game within 2 weeks if you played it less than 2 hours) Too bad Intellivision can't process refunds like that (I hear that some people are still waiting after many many months for the pre-order refunds they requested)
  5. Thank you. Despite trying to keep and open and objective mind, I never experienced anything like the reaction I got from covering the system. Before that things were generally civil, with just an oddball here and their. Then Amico opened the floodgates. Everything from praise to vicious name calling and accusations. It even lead me to spending less time online due to all the visceral. It does sadden me that some in the retro community can't have honest discussions and learn how to civilly disagree at time. I usually read all my comments, but sometimes with the Amico stuff, I just post my video and ignore the comments after awhile for my own mental health. So thanks again for the kind words.
  6. Here's my review of Shark! Shark! which was originally going to be on the Amico. It give you a taste of what the system would have offered.
  7. Thank you. I never saw a clear shot of the back. And they are using Stella without paying? So it that illegal, or is it legal and Hyperkin simply gave the Stella people a monetary gift for using it on the Retron77? And does Stella support 7800 cartridges? (pardon my ignorance on Stella. I never used it directly myself)
  8. Has Atari mentioned if the screen resolution can switch between 4:3 and widescreen?
  9. Although I'd be game, I don't think the demand is strong enough for all it would take to make a Jaguar+. A limited run Jaguar mini at premium price is more likely, but even that seems unlikely, since it was only recently we saw Jaguar games re-released on Atari 50. Even Sega said they wouldn't do a Dreamcast mini due to the cost and perceived lack of demand, and that's a console that far outsold the Jaguar. I think the best hope for Jaguar fans is that games continue to be included in compilations in the future, and maybe individual games eventually sold on the Atari VCS.
  10. Hi all. Sorry for my long absence. Short story, I got busy. Longer story, I was juggling a lot, and in many ways, still am. One thing I did a while back was basically stop using Facebook & AtariAge for the most part, just to help simplify life. Atari I/O was not the plan, is just sorta happened by accident, and that accident turned into a habit. I'm not saying you'll see me everyday, but I may drop by from time to time and I am still a fan of the I/O.
  11. I finally return to reviewing Evercade cartridges with their first foray into arcade titles. Ep 751: Technos Arcade 1
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