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Everything posted by RickR

  1. NES Anticipation Rocket Ranger Captain Skyhawk Baseball City Connection Win, Lose, or Draw SNES Super Tennis Tecmo Super Baseball Mario Paint The Lawnmower Man (for Super Famicom) Championship Pool Speedy Gonzales Los Gatos Banditos Porky Pig's Haunted Holiday N64 Star Wars Rogue Squadron
  2. Here are pictures of my games available for trade:
  3. Get out your "duplicate" games box...it's time to clean up for spring. List what you've got here, and set up trades with other members via PM. Some very simple rules: Keep it simple! 1 for 1, 2, for 2, etc. trades. Some games may be worth more -- just keep it simple and fair. Remember, the goal is to get rid of your dupes for something you don't have. Trades are preferred, but sales are fine too if you see something you want, but don't have a trade item. It's fine to ask for pictures in PM. No need to get fancy in this thread though. Make a list, take a pic...whatever is easiest for you. Have fun, be cool.
  4. No problem at all! Besides, I came before you on the box list. That's just how it works. Maybe if you ever get tired of its cool look, or can't find a console, we can trade at some future point. But no worries at all.
  5. RickR

    eBay Finds

    I gotta admit, I thought this was an "April Fools" joke. But I just sold one "Buy it now" for $20!
  6. Absolutely fantastic video Chris. You got some really cool stuff. The TI version of Demon Attack is spectacular. You gotta grab the computer from your mother-in-law and give this game a shot. If you've got a voice module too, this game does a little taunting. Gorf for 8-bit - really nice indeed. I don't have this one on cart, but the disk version is great. Space Vultures! WOW! I collect for Arcadia 2001, and it's really hard to find games. That's one I don't have, but there's a lot I don't have. Don't feel bad about keeping it. Part of the fun of the junk box is to take stuff that just looks cool to you. Enjoy!
  7. Nice job all! I brought up the rear in all cases! But had a lot of fun anyways. I'm trying to share these events on social media sites to attract more players. I will keep on trying. Thanks!
  8. More notes from the show. I think I've posted this before for other shows, but it's become more obvious and clear now -- the focus of retrogaming has shifted forward to some of the newer systems. The first generation consoles that I love the most are no longer really represented very well at the modern retro gaming expo. Atari, Intellivision, Odyssey2, etc are just no longer offered or featured any more. Most vendors that have Atari carts have them listed for $1 or less, and they don't move. Everyone is either not interested or already has them. The focus now is on newer systems. Lots of Nintendo 64, Wii, Xbox 360, etc. And those of us that are aged 50 or more are way outnumbered by a younger set of people. I think it's a good thing. The hobby lives on for new generations.
  9. I was just thinking about putting together a list of everything I have in my "duplicates" box and posting it in a new "Trading Post" post here on a 1 for 1 trade basis, then sharing that on Facebook to see if we could get a few new faces here. We did this a few years back and I ended up sending out a ton of games.
  10. I think the main issue we have right now is that a lot of us participating on the box already have HUGE collections. It's hard to find stuff not only to take, but to put back in (for example, I have a hard time thinking of stuff to put in that Willie or NSG, etc, might not already have). We need to get some new collectors involved and sandwich them on the list between us old-timers. And I completely agree with The Atari Creep -- it isn't about the money for me either...more about fun and trying to share good stuff with others.
  11. Have you ever used "Paint.NET" on Windows (it's a free program)? It would be a good program to put together your logo.... You can type in lines of text, change the font, change colors, and move them pixel by pixel if you want. And it can draw in lines as a border. I think you're trying to come up with a logo that looks kind of like the Empire Strikes Back logo, which is a great idea. Me? I don't have the artistic eye for such things, or I'd try to help.
  12. Yes, very sorry indeed. It was bound to happen. But still, sorry to see it.
  13. Just got back from the 2018 show. It was great, as always. Some pics: Free play area: They had a TurboGrafx 16, so I played some Victory Run for Justin. The show in general: And the RickR loot. Mostly Lynx and SMS games. And I won a box of Mario cereal in a raffle! Oh my. And finally, a few of the silent auction items I was interested in. Sadly, I didn't want to wait the few hours for the auction to end.
  14. To upload pictures: Click the "More Reply Options" below and then you should see attachment options. This assumes you are using a laptop or desktop computer. Those test voltages you mention are too low. 9V and 5V are what you want.
  15. It's one of those things....how often does the corporate office contact and ask their most valuable asset (front-line employees) about things instead of making changes arbitrarily? And honestly, how many customers care or notice about things like uniform changes? Not to mention the added expense to the company with no real benefit. Reminds me of a local store here in Oregon that got bought and then spent a ton of money changing the name of the store from "GI Joe's" to "Joe's". Dumb, dumb, dumb....the old name had a long history in the area. Wasted money for no benefit. They were out of business within a few years. (PS - GI Joe's is where we got our first Atari VCS. The original box I still have has a GI Joe's price tag on it).
  16. I love the idea of a monthly format. I think you've got some good ideas already on a name. I'd just make sure to label your videos with the month and year so they are easy to see and find. Example: The Kamakazi Video Game Monthly - March 2018. Weird Paul does a similar thing where he does his monthly thrift store haul videos. Those things are great.
  17. Those Coleco arcades are one of those things that I've never found for a reasonable price.
  18. We had a Dachshund once that hated men too. Why? It's because the home he was in before us -- the man would beat the woman. So this little dog considered himself protector of women. He'd do like your dog does -- when my wife was home, he'd be glued to her. When she wasn't home, my best buddy, but with an eye on the window for when my wife got home.
  19. Darkness 2 gets an 80% rating from PC Gamer. Looks like a good one. Thank you for posting.
  20. The fact that they keyboard is non-functional tells me all I need to know about this thing. Still, the C64 is a really spendy machine to collect for. Finding a working C64 is pricey. Getting an SD card device is spendy. Adding in a modern power adapter is spendy. I have a pretty nice C64 collection, but I'd argue that it's almost better to run an PC emulator for C64 instead of buying the C64 mini.
  21. The C64 classic is now available for the Atari 8-bit computers! 128k required. + all features of the C64 version + improved frame rate + music + rich SFX + QR-code generation for "High Score Cafe" (in the "Hall of Fame" enter "1"-"8" for the QR-code of the best lap time or [OPTION]+"1"-"8" for the race time, [ESC] to leave QR screen) + PAL & NTSC compatible It's a homebrew project by Atariage forum member Fandal. Download it here: http://a8.fandal.cz/detail.php?files_id=7541 Original AtariAge post is here: http://atariage.com/forums/topic/276082-stunt-car-racer/
  22. Game A - 35000 Game B - 44500 Game C - 103800
  23. A very comprehensive review from The 8-Bit Guy: What do you guys think?
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