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Everything posted by RickR

  1. Yes, I do the power strip (with surge suppression) and switch it off when done playing. I get the kind that has a lighted power switch, which makes it easier to remember to turn it off. The downside is that you have to leave the power strip somewhat visible, and that's kind of an ugly looking thing. But better to be safe than sorry I think.
  2. More experimentation. I've found an interesting solution. I can't believe it works, but it does. I took a standard cable splitter and installed it backwards. Three "outputs" become "inputs" for my systems. I attached an RF adapter to each one. Then the original "input" becomes an "output" to the TV antenna-in. The picture quality is shockingly good. You just have to make sure only one system is on at a time or the picture gets very scrambled. I'm not sure if there's any downside to this.
  3. Nice. Thank you for that link. I'll give it a bid. Looks perfect.
  4. Just thought I'd share. I want to have all of my classic systems out and available to play. But I'm not sure about an RF switchbox. My 7800, Intellivision, and Colecovision all use RF (not composite). My theory was that I could use a good-old plentiful composite switchbox (the kind with yellow/white/red connections). Just hook the RF cables into the yellow connectors, then yellow out to an RF adapter. But alas, it does not work. I tried several different switchboxes and an RF amplifier. The switch boxes just add too much interference. The pictures is fuzzy even with the highest quality cables. Sharing so that no one else has to bother with this experiment. It does not work. So I'm now using two 2-position antenna sliders. It works, but it's a little cumbersome. They look like this: What solutions are you guys using for this?
  5. Not Space Shuttle? It's gotta be a plane game then. I'll go with "Tomcat F14".
  6. Dang it! I was wracking my brain about where I've seen that one! Nicely done. My guess was going to be Robot Tank. Looking forward to your review NSG. Space Shuttle was an ambitious game, that's for sure.
  7. The more I look at this thing, the more I suspect it's nothing but a Raspberry Pi in a fancy case. We shall see...
  8. The updated shipping list. Thanks everyone. jmjustin6 (GA) Ballblazer (MD) correagonzales (NY) - Out Sept 2-6 chas10e (ME) Willie! (NC) AtariBrian (NY) Starbuck66 (MI) - vacation mid-Sept. TrekMD (FL) nosweargamer (TN) greenween (CO) MalakZero (CA) RickR (OR)
  9. Oh wow, that's really nice stuff Brian. I love the Tomy Bunmble Boxing. Nice picks!
  10. Going to dive into "Super Scribblenauts" on DS today. Recovering from surgery on the couch.

    1. greenween


      Take it easy and heal up Rick! I'm doing the same with some PS2!


  11. Really makes me wonder how retro gaming will work for some of the newer systems without physical media.
  12. I've only seen on-line reviews of the game, but never played it. It looks awesome. Lots of options. I love that they included a port of the original version. I'm going to give this game a try and possibly buy at PRGE if they have it.
  13. The updated screen shots look great! I like the new name.
  14. You bet your buns I noticed the nice label on DD. And yeah, I totally dig the TRU price tag too. Really cool. Enjoy the games.
  15. Looks very interesting. Will be $150. https://the64.computer/
  16. 7800 games from nosweargamer! Thanks very much.
  17. RE - the Klingons -- It bothers me mostly because they've changed the Klingons already a couple of times as you said. Why do it again? I can't think of a good reason for it. I loved that episode of Enterprise too! And the DS9 episode "Trials and Tribblations" with the Worf line: "We don't talk about it with outsiders." Awesome! I think I should say my complaints are mostly minor in my mind. If it was free or on Netflix, I'd watch it.
  18. Can't blame you there. Dreamcast was the console I had back then too, and I loved it. I didn't get a PS2 until much later. The absolute beauty of the PS2 is that the systems right now are dirt cheap as are the games. I think that generation of systems was the last in which they all really had a different feel to them. Dreamcast had the beautiful bright graphics that none of the other systems had. Very cartoony or arcade-like. PS2 was kind of a jack-of-all trades with the most games. XBOX had the best graphics. Gamecube was a little weaker, but had some great Nintendo exclusives. For me personally, these are kind of the end-of-the-line systems for my gamie collecting.
  19. I'm a huge Trek fan. I only watched the first episode of Discovery and decided to pass. To me, this seems more like a comic-book version of Trek. It's very visually-oriented. It looks spectacular. But it doesn't look like Star Trek. I also am not a big fan of the re-design of the Klingons. That seems unnecessary to me. And a smaller complaint, but still...is that everything seems just so different and even more advanced than TOS. It's supposed to be set 10 years prior to TOS. And I get it...it's the alternate timeline. So I call this a small complaint. It just gives it an unfamiliar feel. Doesn't even feel like the new Abrams movies. I do like the characters they came up with and especially the alien crew-member. They also chose really good actors. Production values are fantastic. I'll say it again...it looks great. Those are theater quality visuals. But mostly, like you, I don't really have any desire for another monthly charge. So that's really why I stopped at episode 1. If it were free or on Netflix or some other service with more than just Star Trek (that I'd actually watch), I'd probably give it more of a chance. But time is precious, as are funds. I think they made a big mistake here. It's probably going to end up being pirated like crazy, and I don't want anything to do with that. Maybe when it comes out on blu-ray I'll give it a go.
  20. Keep looking. It looks good, and it's fun to see all the ships rendered so nicely. But the controls are needlessly difficult. If you find it for less than $5, I'd say it's worth it for Star Trek fans with low expectations. But otherwise, not too great.
  21. I'll be looking for it at the Portland Retro Gaming show next month. Thank you.
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