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Everything posted by RickR

  1. And I owe Mayor Greenween a world of thanks for my favorite 5200 game: Berzerk. I was just now playing PS2 Star Trek: Encounter. So many great games on PS2.
  2. Cool! Thanks Willie and everyone else. It's been moving along very nicely; a real credit to the fine members of this forum.
  3. Guys, the Windows Store version of EMU7800 is version 2.2.
  4. For windows 10, go to the "Store" app and search for emu7800. Install that one (it does not seem to have a version number). That one works with these files and also does 2600 games. It is free. Arena, I don't know if Win 7 also supports the "store" app. But I think that's the only way to get that newer version that works.
  5. Are you using the very latest version that's available through the Windows app store? That one plays Beef Drop just fine for me in Windows 10.
  6. Oh, and I also disassembled that silver controller and lived to tell about it! My God was it difficult to get it back together.
  7. It was a great system then, and it's great to collect now. The games these days are plentiful and cheap. Just an awesome system. And I have to say, I think the PS2 controller is the pinnacle of gaming controllers. The XBOX is technically a superior machine It has a lot of the same games and a lot of them look better than the PS2 versions. But for whatever reason, the PS2 is the system I keep out and play all the time. I'm not sure why that is. Maybe it's the controller. Maybe it's the tiny size of the slim PS2. Who knows? Here's a fat model I got last week with a cool skin courtesy of an AtariAge member. It was broken, but it's fixed now, and I've been playing a lot with it.
  8. You think Dr. Dill holds a real medical degree?
  9. 28600. It's a very good game. Those pickles are deadly.
  10. Check it out: http://comicbook.com/gaming/2017/09/20/nintendo-switch-golf-iwata-tribute/#2 It's a tribute to Satoru Iwata. How f-ing cool is that?
  11. I'm really starting to dig the N64. My initial reaction was that the graphics are too chunky and the controller too weird. But the games! So many great ones. Goldeneye with my kids (multi-player) is probably my favorite.
  12. I agree. Really cool! The generosity of our forum members is legendary. chas, I don't think they turn off. The one (replica) I have stays on all the time. It has an attract mode.
  13. https://www.digitaltrends.com/gaming/the-all-time-best-n64-games/ This list looks good to me. I need to find some of these and give them a try.
  14. Really cool stuff. The box is looking a little paunchy. That's good I think!
  15. Some "less common" 2600 games for trade or sale. Some of the labels are bad. All games work, though.
  16. And while it's not really a flashback, I do really enjoy the Retron systems (I have a Retron 3). You'll see some folks refer to them as "Garbage". Poppycock! They play most games just fine. And boy do they save a lot of space and wiring. And they let you use original controllers.
  17. Totally agree with you. There are only a few flashbacks I actually use. Listed below. The Intellivision and Colecovision sit in their boxes unused. They are just OK. Not completely accurate emulatiion ruins them for me. But I do dig these: The Atari Flashback 2 (as you noted). It's real hardware. The games play exactly the same as a real system. The Atari Flashback portable. Being able to put games on an SD card makes this one a home run. Love this thing. The ATGames Sega Genesis plug and play. It has a cartridge port. Why don't more of the flashbacks have a cartridge port? I'll never understand. Some games don't work. I don't care. I love this one too. It's tiny and fun. The ATGames Sega Genesis Portable. SD card. Do you see a theme here? I think it boils down to 2 features: Use real hardware and/or give us a cart port or SD card slot.
  18. That does look do-able. Where do you recommend buying the kit?
  19. Oh man RP! You found gold! All three items are great.
  20. Looks great. The upgrade in the PDF file involves only soldering to chip pins. Just a touch easier. But man, yours looks over the top with the composite mod and the USB cable. Sweet!
  21. $5 for a DS Lite is a steal. Nice job.
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