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  1. Like
    RickR got a reaction from LeeJ07 in Thrift Store Finds   
    A Wii (with cords, but no Wiimotes), one Wii game, and one PS2 game.
    The Wii is in the cheap collector sweet spot right now.  I got this one for $20.  Games and systems are plentiful and very low priced.  Grab em if you don't have em!

  2. Like
    RickR reacted to Ballblaɀer in Ballblaɀer's collection: 2600, 5200, Vectrex, and...   
    Let's change gears and look at a few of my favorite carts from my favorite system, the 5200.
    Many folks are familiar with the two SuperSystem games Atari released with no title on the cartridge.  Anywhere.  At all.  Ballblazer and Rescue on Fractalus, both Lucasfilm Games games, were unleashed upon the world during Atari's mid-80s limbo: after the sale of Atari Inc and after the discontinuation of the 5200, but before the major resurgence (sorta) of Atari Corp.  The music in Ballblazer and the 3D/fractal landscapes in RoF were both things that made a big impression on me as a kid -- I could tell that some serious work had gone into these games.  They're also both a ton of fun to play.
    The surprise that shows up in the later levels of RoF! also made a big impression on me as a kid -- but I don't want to spoil it for anyone who's never played it...

    It's hard to tell with the lighting in these photos, but these cartridges have dull gray labels that Atari Corp was using for their 5200 games in 1985-1987 -- both their new games and re-releases.  They were almost certainly cheaper than the previously-used reflective silver style labels.  I think the labels look really sharp without a title, honestly, though I think I'd love them even more if they were the older silver labels.  And -- if Atari had done the proper thing (in my opinion) from the start and put end labels on their 5200 cartridges... they'd be pretty much perfect.
    Now, have a look at this beauty!

    Yep, that's Vanguard -- re-released in 1986 in the same gray, title-less style.  I've only ever seen a few of these, though they're probably not as uncommon as I hope they are.  By my count, Atari re-released 16 of their games in the mid-80s with gray Atari Corp labels, but this is the only other one known to feature the artwork with no title.  My favorite thing about it (other than the clean artwork design): because the game title isn't present on the cartridge, the asterisk next to the the Centuri licensed trademark ends up referring to nothing.
    Rumors of a Space Invaders re-release in the same title-less style persist, but I'll believe it when I see one.
    I've never seen a satisfactory answer to the "why no title on these releases?" question.  Someone wondered on AA whether it was related to the Lucasfilm license agreement -- I could see that, sure, but then what about the Vanguard re-release?
    Look closer at the cartridge label design: Ballblazer and Rescue on Fractalus have artwork that's exactly as wide as the text up top, but Vanguard does not.  Strange -- why would that be?  Now, think back for a moment to my post about some Atari Corp re-releases for the 2600.  If you remember, they appeared to be using their own instruction manual covers as the basis for the re-release label artwork.
    Let's now look at some 5200 boxes/manuals.  Ballblazer and Rescue on Fractalus have unique boxes and manuals that were designed in or before 1984 -- that's another story for a different day.  The cartridge labels' artwork appear to be square crops of the box art -- they're nearly identical, with just a bit trimmed off the top and bottom.  With Vanguard's box/manual design, on the other hand... the square crop can't be as neatly done since the ships extend outside the main artwork border (in that same faux-3D style that shows up on many Atari Corp re-releases for the 2600).  But it looks like they did it anyway, as that's exactly how the art appears on the re-release cartridge!  So was Atari Corp doing the same thing with the 5200 title-less cartridge label artwork?  Essentially lifting the artwork from older boxes and manuals?  I say yes.
    My final bit of evidence (for now!) is subtle.  Compare the re-release Vanguard cartridges to the first-release cartridges for Vanguard.  One obvious difference was already mentioned: the spaceships are fully contained within the artwork and aren't straddling the artwork border.  But on top of that, look at some of the detail in the artwork itself, especially that horizontal orange glow below the lower left of the player's ship.  On the originally release carts the horizontal glow appears more sharply defined -- there's a distinct LINE, and some of the background detail even shows through the orange glow.  But on the re-release cart, we see the same indistinct orange blotch that shows up on the Vanguard box and and manual.
    So... what's the deal?  My best guess is that Atari Taiwan wasn't given the original cartridge artwork and design files for one reason or another, so they were forced to use box & manual artwork to make their own from scratch.  It's more noticeable with some of the 2600 re-releases, but seeing what looks like the same thing happening with the no-title 5200 carts lends stronger support to this theory, I think.
  3. Like
    RickR reacted to Ballblaɀer in Show Off Your Successful Trades!   
    Some 2600 games in BEAUTIFUL condition from Rowsdower70.  Had all these titles already, but these looked so good I couldn't pass them up.  The manuals are just as nice!

  4. Like
    RickR got a reaction from Rowsdower70 in Thrift Store Finds   
    A Wii (with cords, but no Wiimotes), one Wii game, and one PS2 game.
    The Wii is in the cheap collector sweet spot right now.  I got this one for $20.  Games and systems are plentiful and very low priced.  Grab em if you don't have em!

  5. Like
    RickR got a reaction from Arenafoot in Thrift Store Finds   
    A Wii (with cords, but no Wiimotes), one Wii game, and one PS2 game.
    The Wii is in the cheap collector sweet spot right now.  I got this one for $20.  Games and systems are plentiful and very low priced.  Grab em if you don't have em!

  6. Like
    RickR got a reaction from MaximumRD in Thrift Store Finds   
    A Wii (with cords, but no Wiimotes), one Wii game, and one PS2 game.
    The Wii is in the cheap collector sweet spot right now.  I got this one for $20.  Games and systems are plentiful and very low priced.  Grab em if you don't have em!

  7. Like
    RickR reacted to Ballblaɀer in Show Off Your Successful Trades!   
    Ooh, Atari Corp cart!  Multiple fonts in the copyright line!  No controller info on the cart!
    It's... *sniff*  beautiful.
    /I have problems
  8. Like
    RickR reacted to StormSurge in Show Off Your Successful Trades!   
    Thank you Senor Zap!

  9. Like
    RickR reacted to Rowsdower70 in Show Off Your Successful Trades!   
    Thanks to StormSurge and Ballblazer for the excellent trades!

  10. Like
    RickR got a reaction from MalakZero in The Art of Atari book   
    $39.95.  Looks like something that a lot of us here would love.

  11. Like
    RickR got a reaction from chas10e in Thrift Store Finds   
    You got some really nice stuff there.  That Namco plug and play is excellent.  I have that exact one.  And I can spot the model 101 GBA SP.  Those things are the very best.  And man, the Pokemon games are easy to sell. 
  12. Like
    RickR got a reaction from Rowsdower70 in Show Off Your Successful Trades!   
    From Mr. Rowsdower70.  Most appreciated. 

  13. Like
    RickR reacted to Greyfox in The Art of Atari book   
    I myself with living and breeding Atari through the out my entire life, This will be the opus to that past, I simply loved this art form and works by so many incredible artists , I didn't even have to think twice, instantly preordered and like Lost Dragon, it cat get here quick enough.
    It will be savoured to last page and then start all over again
  14. Like
    RickR got a reaction from greenween in The Art of Atari book   
    $39.95.  Looks like something that a lot of us here would love.

  15. Like
    RickR got a reaction from jmjustin6 in Show Off Your Successful Trades!   
    From Mr. Rowsdower70.  Most appreciated. 

  16. Like
    RickR got a reaction from StormSurge in Show Off Your Successful Trades!   
    From Mr. Rowsdower70.  Most appreciated. 

  17. Like
    RickR got a reaction from Rowsdower70 in Thrift Store Finds   
    You got some really nice stuff there.  That Namco plug and play is excellent.  I have that exact one.  And I can spot the model 101 GBA SP.  Those things are the very best.  And man, the Pokemon games are easy to sell. 
  18. Like
    RickR reacted to Rowsdower70 in Thrift Store Finds   
    We busted our butts this weekend, came away with some pretty good loot!

  19. Like
    RickR got a reaction from Retrogamer81081 in Game Systems + Accessories for Trade   
    You literally threw smoke on that console? 
    I've got a C64C that smells like cat.  Danged if that smell will ever go away.  

    Smoke is easier IMO.  You just need to take the thing apart and clean it very carefully/thoroughly.  For anyone who needs a 7800, this looks like a winner to me. 
  20. Like
    RickR reacted to nosweargamer in Game Systems + Accessories for Trade   
    Just the system right now (I'd prefer to just trade the system, although for the right trade I may try to find a plug and cable for it)
    I bought this from a smoker and I can still smell smoke on it when I sniff it. I also looked strange to anyone around when I sniffed it.
    Hard to put a value on it since it is the rarer, expansion port model, but it has the smoke thing going.
    So I'm throwing it out there to see if anyone is interested in doing a trade.
    (Note: Do not physically throw systems)

  21. Like
    RickR reacted to Rowsdower70 in Show Off Your Successful Trades!   
    A delivery today from No Swear Manor for Zap himself! 

  22. Like
    RickR reacted to Ballblaɀer in Show Off Your Successful Trades!   
    It's a criminal offense that this game wasn't a light gun game for the 2600.  Ah well.  Love the cover art on this one -- thanks, nosweargamer!

  23. Like
    RickR reacted to Ballblaɀer in Ballblaɀer's collection: 2600, 5200, Vectrex, and...   
    Okay, rounding out the handheld electronic games from home...

    Fact: Tiger's Electronic Bowling is loud enough to wake the dead.  Or at least this particular one is!

    Marble Madness was the one game I just could not get working, and that's a big disappointment as I remember having tons of fun with it back in the day.  It may not be *totally* dead, as every now and then it makes a sad little crunch of a buzz when I try to turn it on... probably it's just pining for the fjords, though.  Don't leave batteries inside your games, kids!

    This little thing went with me EVERYWHERE, for years.  This is another one that must wait for the LR44s to arrive to be tested.  Really hoping Epoch Man will live on!  Epic, man.

    Mattel's Auto Race (1976), the ancestor of them all.  Gotta figure out a better way to clean it -- the textured plastic surface just seems to have absorbed dirt.  I'm also hoping that I'll eventually find the battery compartment door...

    I'll need to ask my soldering-capable friend to re-attach one of the battery connector wires, but I think it'll be okay once it's fixed.  Hoping so, anyway.
    Finally, the centerpiece of my handheld collection...

    It's not in perfect shape, but it's full of great memories.


    The last time I tried to turn this thing on was probably 15+ years ago.  4 C batteries later...

    Success!  It still runs like the day it was manufactured. 
  24. Like
    RickR got a reaction from Retrogamer81081 in Nintendo Vans Sneakers   
    A great merchandising idea!
  25. Like
    RickR reacted to StormSurge in Nintendo Vans Sneakers   
    I've never owned a pair of Vans but I may have to pick up my first pair soon.



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