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    RickR got a reaction from Justin in Squad Challenge - Moon Patrol (Atari 2600)   
    43,140.  I think I need a Red Bull to do any better than this. 

  2. Like
    RickR got a reaction from RadioPoultry in Squad Challenge - Moon Patrol (Atari 2600)   
    Dang, @RadioPoultry, great score!  I was hoping I wouldn't have to play anymore, but I will make another attempt! 
  3. Like
    RickR got a reaction from MaliciousCarp in Squad Challenge - Moon Patrol (Atari 2600)   
    Finding the time is the true challenge 😅
  4. Like
    RickR reacted to Justin in Squad Challenge - Moon Patrol (Atari 2600)   
    Closing in on 40,000 points. Wish I had more time to play this. Great scores everyone, we're really pushing this game.

  5. Like
    RickR got a reaction from Justin in Squad Challenge - Moon Patrol (Atari 2600)   
    Dang, @RadioPoultry, great score!  I was hoping I wouldn't have to play anymore, but I will make another attempt! 
  6. Like
    RickR reacted to RadioPoultry in Squad Challenge - Moon Patrol (Atari 2600)   
    51,580. Managed to get through the first course without losing any lives! Then quickly lost them when I got to a couple tricky spots I wasn't very experienced with.
    I used to play the Apple II version of this game pretty often many, many years ago. The one signicant feature of that version that is absent here were the moon plant obstacles. This version is smoother, though. I'm surprised by just how much activity can occur on the screen at once!

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    RickR got a reaction from RadioPoultry in Squad Challenge - Moon Patrol (Atari 2600)   

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    RickR got a reaction from MaliciousCarp in Squad Challenge - Moon Patrol (Atari 2600)   

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    RickR got a reaction from Justin in Squad Challenge - Moon Patrol (Atari 2600)   

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    RickR got a reaction from TrekMD in Squad Challenge - Moon Patrol (Atari 2600)   

  11. Like
    RickR reacted to Justin in Squad Challenge - Moon Patrol (Atari 2600)   
    Stepping it up! High Score: 36,080 😎

  12. Like
    RickR got a reaction from Justin in ColecoVision vs. Atari Commercials   
    Lots of gold there in those commercials!
  13. Like
    RickR reacted to Justin in ColecoVision vs. Atari Commercials   
    Here's a YouTube video of CBS commercial breaks from November 19, 1983 featuring some of the GREAT commercials from the ColecoVision vs. Atari vs. Commodore era (what I believe SHOULD be referred to as "the 3rd Generation" video game consoles)
    "Sorry Atari" ColecoVision vs. Atari 2600 (at 5:51): 
    "It Doesn't Work on ColecoVision!" Atari's Response, Atari 5200 vs. ColecoVision (at 10:52):
    Commodore responding to Coleco and Atari (at 14:22):
  14. Like
    RickR reacted to Justin in Squad Challenge - Moon Patrol (Atari 2600)   
    Closing in on 30,000 points. Current score: 26,700

  15. Like
    RickR reacted to Justin in Squad Challenge - Moon Patrol (Atari 2600)   
    Just broke 20,000 points 

  16. Like
    RickR reacted to Atari Creep in Squad Challenge - Moon Patrol (Atari 2600)   
    For fun, here is a Moon Patrol garage kit I built. Got this from @nosweargamer who I think got it from @Willie! who got it from a dude names Arkay. 
  17. Like
    RickR reacted to Atari Creep in Squad Challenge - Moon Patrol (Atari 2600)   
    14700 using a 2600jr and OG joystick. So ungood at this game. Always have been, too much going on for my punch drunk brain. So fun though. 

  18. Like
    RickR got a reaction from Gianna in Squad Challenge - Moon Patrol (Atari 2600)   

  19. Like
    RickR got a reaction from Justin in Must have Atari Lynx games?   
    I've had both a I and a II, and I like the II a  lot better.  The screen is bigger, and the controls fit better in my hands.  But they are both fine, really. 
  20. Like
    RickR got a reaction from Sabertooth in Must have Atari Lynx games?   
    I've had both a I and a II, and I like the II a  lot better.  The screen is bigger, and the controls fit better in my hands.  But they are both fine, really. 
  21. Like
    RickR got a reaction from Justin in Deep Space Nine "VHS List" & "Skip List" - What are your TOP 5 and BOTTOM 5?   
    DS9 has turned out to be my favorite incarnation of Star Trek, which is interesting because in it's initial run, I didn't like it.  I thought it was too political.  But now, I can fully appreciate how good it was right out of the gate.  A brilliant story line and excellent world-building story telling. 
    Here are my lists:
    Must Watch:
    The Visitor (I consider this the very best Star Trek episode of them all) Emissary - A pilot episode that hits it way out of the park. In the Pale Moonlight Far Beyond the Stars - when Star Trek does real science-fictiony Star Trek, it's pure magic. By Inferno's Light - A master class on packing a lot of material into an hour of TV. Stinker List
    Profit and Loss Let He Who is Without Sin The Passenger - Alexander Siddig's acting here makes me cringe every time Fascination Move Along Home  
  22. Like
    RickR got a reaction from Justin in Atari 7800 0ne on One Basketball vs. Atari XE version   
    This is one of my all-time favorite games.  Mostly due to the simple controls that let you do so much and the realistic movements of the players.  
    I grew up with the 8-bit/C64 versions.  Once I finally discovered the 7800, this became my favorite 7800 game.  It's got the same gameplay and controls, but it plays a bit faster and looks better.  A+ game on both, with a slight edge to the 7800.  
  23. Like
    RickR reacted to TrekMD in Must have Atari Lynx games?   
    I've only owned a Lynx II and I really like how it feels in the hands.  I have been able to hold a Lynx I at retro events and it doesn't feel like the same.  I also don't like the pain issue.  It cheapens the system. 
    By the way, make sure to get Ms. Pac-Man.  The game has the original mazes but also has extra mazes that take advantage of the wide screen on the Lynx.
  24. Like
    RickR reacted to TrekMD in Deep Space Nine "VHS List" & "Skip List" - What are your TOP 5 and BOTTOM 5?   
    DS9 is the best Star Trek series, I believe, because of character development and the overall story for the series.  It has been interesting seeing the rediscovery of the show by so many Star Trek fans recently and recognizing just how good this show is.  Yes, like all series, it does have some stinkers but that's the nature of the business.  Can't bat 100% when there so many episodes.  I'll have to think of the list of episodes to recommend and avoid but "The Visitor" is certainly on the top of the must-watch episodes.  If you don't get teary watching it, you are not human.  I remember going to the the live concert "Star Trek Ultimate Voyage"  and they played the music for his episode with clips from the episode.  You could hear the sobbing through the audience. 
  25. Like
    RickR reacted to Justin in Deep Space Nine "VHS List" & "Skip List" - What are your TOP 5 and BOTTOM 5?   
    What would your Top 5 and Bottom 5 be for this magnificent series?
    "VHS List" Must Watch Episodes:
    In The Pale Moonlight Sacrifice of Angels Duet Children of Time By Inferno's Light  
    "Skip List" Bottom 5 Episodes:
    Move Along Home Q-Less If Wishes Were Horses Meridian The Muse
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