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Everything posted by Rowsdower70

  1. Someone else would have to host it. I wont be able to kick another one off until after our Expo in November.
  2. Most of these are for the ZedX (which I am fascinated with), but there's some for the C-64 and one for the AtariST that I found particularly amusing.
  3. I had someone log into our Mumble server, and it announced it nice and loud during my recording!
  4. Hey no sweat, I want to keep the Ecto anyway, I'll wait 10 years...mail it to Ashens and see if he'll drink it. Tron is in perfect shape, thanks!
  5. Here's what came back. Man I wish my Vado wouldn't have died. Here's some loose games. I didn't do well at all picking out these, I got a TON back. Awesome Tron in Shrink wrap, thanks NSG! Some comics and misc. An Ecto Cooler! (I can't drink it....low carbs) More misc. That's a 25th anniversary SNL dvd, and I'm not sure what the doohicky is with the joystick inputs. Something by EA so I assume its for Genesis? Couple more Atari carts I got back, a PC controller I got back, a game gear game I got back, I think a HALO figurine? An Avengers puzzle I got back, a mario ring, a RF hookup for an NES, and some cool Topps wacky stickers. Manuals, misc, Candy corn, a Megaman cartoon thingie, a fox/tiger with a spring loaded anus, and a USB wall plug. That's what made it back to Texas. Thanks for playing along guys, sorry so much was unwanted. I'm sure the next fella that hosts might have some better junk!
  6. Well today is the day my Vado dies. (what a lousy purchase thing thing was) Sorry guys. I may can salvage a video off of it of what I put in, but still pics will have to do for what I got back. I'll post those when I can.
  7. The Junk Box has made it home safely. It is more tape than box now....twisted and evil. Great decorations, guys! I haven't even peeked yet because I plan on trying to get a video done tonight or tomorrow so stay tuned!
  8. new batch for trade or stock if nobody wants em.
  9. I still love Raiders, but can't enjoy it again. The problem with Raiders is that once you solve it, it becomes pretty tedious on repeat plays. It doesn't do nearly as much randomization as Adventure does for game 3.
  10. Thank you correagonzales for another great trade!
  11. I'm not worried about getting new junk, I just feel bad for putting in actual junk!
  12. Thanks NSG for the great trades! My first double-ender.
  13. I have this dreaded feeling that my before and after video is going to look strikingly similar.
  14. Im confused as to why he/she weighed it to begin with. Flat rate means flat rate.
    1. RickR


      those are more fun than they should be


    2. Rowsdower70


      I know lol, I felt bad for enjoying the ISIS bomber one, but I got to repeatedly blow up Trump.


  15. Hope you enjoy Space Checkers. I think it was made in 1965 and it actually WAS used in a Star Trek episode. (Twice if you count DS9 going back in time)
  16. I'm sure I can find something, I'll PM you.
  17. Here's some PS2, the first pic with factory sealed games: A couple of PS1 games in the last pic.
  18. Updating my trade stuff in some pictures to come before we do our final tallying for Arcade Expo. Starting with Atari 2600:
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