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Everything posted by LeeJ07

  1. No, apparently according to the Atari Age group on Facebook, that is not custom. https://www.facebook.com/groups/atariage/permalink/10155289914535255/
  2. This will reveal all: http://trekmovie.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/tosphaser.jpg
  3. LeeJ07

    eBay Finds

    Just a couple truckers playing a game of chicken.
  4. LeeJ07

    eBay Finds

    Those posters are beautiful.
  5. If they can do it way better than the Nokia N-Gage, then I'll be interested.
  6. At least it has that super SEXY '70s Woodgrain.
  7. Umm... Nightmare fuel? That is one freaky looking baby...thing... I'm gonna say Gremlins.
  8. Okay, I gotta know: Why is that Sega INTV cart case design the EXACT SAME as the Imagic carts? I'm guessing Sega was just being cheap, but man... To rip off another company's cart design in virtually every way.
  9. I suppose there isn't any way to tell without taking it apart, something I don't do with my consoles anymore. Good to know, though, because I'd like to get a System Changer in the future.
  10. With the addition of Beauty & the Beast, Mission X, Royal Dealer, and Utopia, my Intellivision collection is now up to 16 games. Only 109 to go.
  11. Not really a trade per sé, but these came from NSG for a good price. Beauty and the Beast is my first ever Imagic game. Can't wait to try these all out.
  12. Speaking of Intellivision, is it true what I've heard that the System Changer won't work on INTV 1 without a modification to the board?
  13. See? I'd heard of Crystal's Pony Tale somewhere ages ago. Totally forgot about it, but that picture jogged my memory. Just wish I'd remembered exactly what it was called.
  14. Finally dragged out my PS2 again, after making sure it was totally dried out, only to discover the only controller I have seems to have totally crapped out. Which is just great. I guess I'm back on the market for a PS2 controller, and in the meantime, no PS2 games. :(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. LeeJ07


      Dang, I wish I did, but I only have one Gamecube controller. I'll just have to troll Ebay or the local game store when I have time, but either of those options will likely cost more than I'd really like to pay. Sadly, PS2 controllers pretty much never show up at the thrift stores around here.

    3. LeeJ07


      I'm guessing my PS2 controller got wet or somehow damaged back when the tree fell on the house, I don't know, but none of the four action switches on the right side work anymore. Bizarrely, the d-pad and analog stick on the left side work just fine.

    4. Atari 5200 Guy

      Atari 5200 Guy

      I have tons of PS controllers but not sure how many PS2 controllers I have. I'll look and may have a 3rd party model. Hmm...can you take things apart comfortably? You might try taking the PS2 controller apart and cleaning the carbon contacts on the button pads and the flex circuit inside. That might work.

  15. I'm interested Beauty & the Beast, Mission X, Royal Dealer, and Utopia. I'll PM you.
  16. Seems to be an awful lot of brand new, still in the box Dreamcast VMUs out there.
  17. My rarest is probably my Dragster cart that has a foam protector insert stuck inside it. It's most definitely not valuable or highly sought after by any means, but I would say it's probably hard to find. Possibly also my copy of Pitfall 2, which is apparently a lot more scarce in the wild than Pitfall. EDIT: Oh, I finally reached 900 posts. Huzzah.
  18. As promised, my latest acquisitions. The Dr. Mario and Virtua Racing were Facebook finds. Dr. Mario was $5, and Virtua Racing was $15. Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, Namco Museum Megamix, and Okami were Gamestop purchases.
  19. Despite its very brief time on the market, the Dreamcast managed to amass a library of 626 games, which is very respectable indeed. Some more suggestions are Metropolis Racing, SeaMan, ChuChu Rocket, Space Channel 5, The Typing of the Dead, Jet Grind Radio, and Ikaruga.
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