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Everything posted by LeeJ07

  1. Phantasy Star Online. Oh, and Crazy Taxi. Two of my top faves. I also hear Grandia 2 and Skies of Arcadia are amazing. Don't miss Sonic Adventure, or Shenmue, either.
  2. This Coleco fiasco is actually making ATARI, of all things, seem like a 100% legitimate business.
  3. Oh my gosh, I've actually got that Big Loader around here somewhere. Awesome toy.
  4. Oh my, I have two that are hugely beat up. I didn't know they could be restored.
  5. Been doing a little shopping online, snatched up a couple games for relatively cheap. I'll post pics when I can.

  6. This site might help. http://www.intellivisionlives.com/site.shtml It has a list of every game programmed and released for the Intellivision, as well as who did the programming. (So far as I know the Blue Sky Rangers didn't do anymore work after Mattel ended all INTV development, but someone can correct me if I'm wrong.)
  7. I spy the Dreamcast microphone, too. $10 is a real steal, and I can't say I'm not a little jealous. Where do you guys find these awesome Goodwill stores? I'm lucky if I even find one Wii game at the ones around here.
  8. XBox One X is really the most idiotic name for a console in years.
  9. Oh, don't get me wrong... I could still kill for an NES Mini. I still want that damn thing. Nothing makes me want something more than NOT being able to get it. Ugh. But the SNES Mini? Uhh, NO. Not just no, but HELL NO. There is a small part of me that DOES want it, but my bitter, cynical side reminds me of my still festering resentment regarding the last one, and so the LAST THING I'm gonna do is get my hopes up again.
  10. Your cynical laughter sums up my feelings exactly. I'm just extremely jaded about the whole thing, and I will NOT go out of my way to buy one. If I happen to see one at Wal*Mart, then maybe I'll buy. But I refuse to repeat last year.
  11. I have absolutely ZERO enthusiasm or excitement for this thing, not after how pissed off I was (and still am) regarding the NES Mini. There was a time I would have been completely ecstatic for this news, but not any more. Sorry, Nintendo. I still love you, but you will never be able to get that kind of anticipation from me again.
  12. What with Sega Forever and Ataribox, I'm sensing a bit of a trend this year...
  13. I want a Switch really badly. Super Mario Odyssey looks awesome.
  14. Fantasy General is free on GOG until 9 AM tomorrow. http://www.pcgamer.com/gogs-summer-sale-is-giving-free-copies-of-fantasy-general-to-everyone/
  15. Got my room mostly cleaned out now. It looks like I dodged a bullet and most of my videogame collection was unscathed. A lot of my Wii and PC games boxes need to dry out, though.

  16. As most of you are probably aware, a tree fell on our house last Sunday during a bad storm and destroyed the bedroom I'd been using. Things have been pretty miserable here since then. Today, however, as I was digging through what used to be the closet in my room, I found this! I would guess it's my older brother's old NES, and I guess my Granny must have squirreled it away in that closet without ever telling anyone. I'd been pretty down in the dumps about the whole thing, but finding this has lifted my spirits considerably. Just look at that BOX!!!!
  17. Well, the tree has finally been removed from the house. What a week.

    1. Rowsdower70


      Hurricane Rita dropped a huge pine tree on our house. It was a lot of work from us pulling up wet carpet and padding before the contractors ever got there.

  18. A few off the top of my head... StarTropics, which only had two games on the NES, and then never returned. I think a third one could be fun. Ristar, which only ever got one title on the Genesis. A really interesting character. He deserves another game. Skies of Arcadia, because SKY PIRATES. I'd love to see a new one. Chrono Cross/Chrono Trigger. Two of the greatest RPGs ever made. There needs to be a third.
  19. A tree has fallen on our house. I believe my entire videogame collection may have been destroyed.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Atari 5200 Guy

      Atari 5200 Guy

      The consoles that got wet might be OK. Give them time to dry out. Might take a month or two but they might still work. Glad you guys are alright.

    3. LeeJ07


      Things are settling down a bit. The tree is being removed today. In better news, I managed to ascertain that my games are all apparently fine, aside from several cases getting wet. My Wii and PS2 are sitting out to dry. Sadly, my two VCS's had water literally pouring out of them. Hopefully they weren't destroyed, but 40 year old electronics? It probably isn't too good.

    4. Atari 5200 Guy

      Atari 5200 Guy

      VCS systems are built like tanks! But you could help them out. Remove the screws and pull the mainboard out. Use compressed air of some kind or a blow dryer to dry off the board. At least try to dry off the cart slot...it would most likely rust before other components.

  20. A tree has fallen on our house. I believe my entire videogame collection may have been destroyed.

  21. I actually thought the video did a rather good job of dismissing the tall tales of E.T. being the only factor that caused the crash. E.T. wasn't the cause, but it was undoubtedly a symptom of the troubled waters ahead, and a sign that not all was well in the house that Atari built.
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