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  1. Like
    DeLorean got a reaction from Lost Dragon in Atari I/O Interviews _Art of Atari_ Author Tim Lapetino   
    It's cool of Tim Lapetino to talk about the 2700 in the book. There's a new 2700 section on Atari I/O that's about to go full blast. I wonder how much he goes into the 2700 in his book. It's my favorite version of the 2600 I wish they had been sold
  2. Like
    DeLorean reacted to Sabertooth in The Atari Jaguar Game by Game Podcast   
    DOOM is an epic episode. Amazingly, its more info packed than the Wolf3D episode. Great job!
  3. Like
    DeLorean reacted to Shinto in The Atari Jaguar Game by Game Podcast   
    Episode 15 for Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story is now available directly, on iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play, or your favorite RSS podcast app.  Thank you for listening, and for your patience.
    In the next episode, we'll be platforming in the Nth Dimension with Zool 2.  If you have any feedback for this one, please post here, or send it in (text or audio) to jaguar@gamebygamepodcast.com.
  4. Like
    DeLorean reacted to Shinto in The Atari Jaguar Game by Game Podcast   
    Thank you for the kind words, Lost Dragon.  It was a lot of work putting that episode together, more so than any previous episode, but I'm pretty happy with how it turned out.  There are things I forgot to mention, though, like who wrote the music (Bobby Prince!), how long the songs are (the intermission theme is surprisingly the longest), how there's a volume control in the Options screen, and how when you die, you turn to face the monster which dealt the killing blow (even following it around the screen after you die).  These are the types of things that come to me when I'm around 80% done editing.  I'm pretty good at editing, but there's only so much I can do.
    Just yesterday I downloaded a demo of the new DOOM for the PC.  I haven't tried it out yet, and I'm not sure when I will, but from what I've seen, it does seem to be more of an attempt to re-capture the guns-blazing feel of the original DOOM, as opposed to the spooky jump-scare environment of DOOM 3.  I was surprised in 1993 when I saw the DOS shareware version took up TWO floppy disks.  The new DOOM demo would take about 4,500.
  5. Like
    DeLorean reacted to Shinto in The Atari Jaguar Game by Game Podcast   
    Hey look, Jaguar DOOM: Episode Download & Show Notes
    (I'm keeping this post short because the podcast episode is so long.  I hope you enjoy it.)
  6. Like
    DeLorean reacted to Shinto in The Atari Jaguar Game by Game Podcast   
    I would strongly recommend checking out the ANTIC podcast's interview with Bob Brodie, who was Atari's Director of Communications.  He has surprising (well, to me) insight on why Atari exited the computer market.  I need to find some way to include mention of this interview in an upcoming episode of the Atari Jaguar Game by Game Podcast; it's pretty significant.
    So with the Jaguar now serving as the basket for all their eggs, Atari wanted Jaguar games more than they wanted Falcon games, and since the Jaguar already had an abundance of space(-ish) games on the lineup, Atari wanted something different, and we got Iron Soldier (yay!).
    That's the impression I got from Eclipse interviews like this and this, both included in the show notes for the Iron Soldier episode.
  7. Like
    DeLorean reacted to Shinto in The Atari Jaguar Game by Game Podcast   
    Thank you!
    I assume you meant to say Panther here instead of Jaguar.
    It's funny how rumor and speculation can morph into "common knowledge" over time.  I once subscribed to the thought that some/most of the early Jaguar games started out life on the Panther.  It made sense.  But the more I researched it, and interacted with actual people inside Atari at the time who were in the position to know, I found not only a lack of supporting evidence, but outright refutation of a Panther origin for Jaguar launch titles.
    It was surprising to me, since I, like others, am fascinated by What Could Have Been with the Panther, and found some appeal in having a firm link between that abandoned console and a few of the Jaguar games which actually saw the light of day.  But the evidence to the contrary is overwhelming, and in my opinion, rather conclusive.  The rumors will persist, I'm sure.  After all, my podcast has a fairly small listener base.
  8. Like
    DeLorean reacted to Shinto in The Atari Jaguar Game by Game Podcast   
    Achung!  The episode all about the Jaguar port of the pioneering FPS, Wolfenstein 3D, is now available for download.  You can find it here, or hit up iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play Music, or your favorite podcast app.  jaguar.gamebygamepodcast.com has all the links and show information.
    The next episode is covering DOOM.  I'd love to hear your feedback on this one!  Please send text or audio to jaguar@gamebygamepodcast.com, or PM here, that's fine, too.  I'm hoping to have all feedback in by the end of the month to make sure it gets in the episode.
  9. Like
    DeLorean reacted to Kid A in What's your thing?   
    To name a few....
    Sigur Rós
    Arcade Fire
    Smashing Pumpkins 90's era
  10. Like
    DeLorean reacted to greenween in What's your thing?   
    I do love metal, Hank Williams the 3rd, can't believe Hank 3 or Ween didn't make the list.I also love old school rap and metal.
    oh, and Joe Jackson! Oh and Beastie Boys and Tribe tried called Quest!
  11. Like
    DeLorean reacted to greenween in What's your thing?   
    It's an odd mix for me. Tom Waits, Weezer, Velvet Underground, 80's new wave and the Dead Kennedys.
  12. Like
    DeLorean reacted to greenween in What's your thing?   
    I really am curious about what music everyone listens to! Not just " I listen to everything" what 3-5 bands/ musicians are your go to music.
  13. Like
    DeLorean got a reaction from The Professor in MaximumRD's YouTube Videos   
    Yes!! You've always been so nice MaximumRD! The gaming world needs you
  14. Like
    DeLorean reacted to RickR in Would Atari Lynx have worked as a Nintendo Switch style game console?   
    I can say this would have been incredible  Play any Lynx game on an emulator...the graphics are fantastic even on a larger screen. 
  15. Like
    DeLorean reacted to Atari 5200 Guy in Would Atari Lynx have worked as a Nintendo Switch style game console?   
    I've heard rumors that the Lynx was going to be a controller for the Jaguar.  I can't say where I've heard it but that was the rumor I heard.  It would have been nice if the system could have connected to a standard TV for home gaming by a A/V out port similar to how the AtGames portable Sega handheld connects.  The system would essentially also be the controller.  That would have been enough for me.  I'm not complaining, however, as I still believe the Lynx II was by far the most sexy handheld console made...and comfortable.  I just didn't care for the built-in display sometimes because it had this awful contrast issue that would "ghost" the images.  
    As it stands the Lynx was a very powerful game system in a portable package and should have outperformed Nintendo and Sega in the handheld market.  I really don't think doing anything like the Switch is doing would have helped...it's all about the game play.  All game consoles are at the mercy of the developers to create games that engulf the player in an experience they can't forget.  It's what made Atari 2600 so popular.  Gamers generally don't buy a new console unless there was a game that they simply had to have...which would encourage the purchase of a new console.  So, as it stands, Lynx might have had to step up its game and bring to the table games that were not arcade ports.  It would have needed games like SMB on the NES, Phantasy Star on the Master System, and similar games.  The games it got were good but the library begged for more unique games.  Just my opinion.
  16. Like
    DeLorean reacted to Clint Thompson in Would Atari Lynx have worked as a Nintendo Switch style game console?   
    That image and thought makes my heart skip a beat. Thankfully we can almost do that now with the exception of connecting external controllers.
  17. Like
    DeLorean reacted to AlamoAtari in Would Atari Lynx have worked as a Nintendo Switch style game console?   
    BTB has a LYNX with A VGA output. He uses it on LYNX lounge.
  18. Like
    DeLorean reacted to nosweargamer in Would Atari Lynx have worked as a Nintendo Switch style game console?   
    That would have been amazing tech at the time and may have got Atari a lot of buzz, but as was mentioned before, the Lynx really needed more NES style games.
  19. Like
    DeLorean reacted to Justin in Would Atari Lynx have worked as a Nintendo Switch style game console?   
    Would Atari Lynx have worked as a Nintendo Switch style game console? Imagine if Atari had boosted its resolution and released the Lynx with a docking station, TV connections and standard control pads for under $249? Lynx could have been Atari’s 16-Bit console and Atari's handheld. Had Atari done this in 1989 Lynx could’ve enjoyed a solid 4-5 year run as a console, and continued compatibility with Atari Jaguar via Comlynx. What do you think?

  20. Like
    DeLorean reacted to RickR in Atari I/O Interviews _Art of Atari_ Author Tim Lapetino   
    They had the book for sale at PRGE, and the authors were there to sign.  The issue for me was that they had sold out the standard version ($30), and the deluxe version was $80.  I'm a cheap SOB, we all know that.  I couldn't justify that higher price with 1 kid in college and another on the way next year. 
    I will tell you that the book looks absolutely stunningly awesome.  So much better than I imagined.  For those that bought it, I can promise you are going to love it.  Trust me on this.  I agonized about buying the deluxe version.  I do feel thankful that they let me thumb through it. 
    I also had the opportunity at PRGE to purchase an Intellivision flash cart that looked awesome.  But it was $120.  Well worth it...but did I mention that I'm a cheap SOB?  I thought very hard about this one too, but imagined my wife with her hands on her hips making angry eyes....I had to leave it. 
  21. Like
    DeLorean reacted to chas10e in Atari I/O Interviews _Art of Atari_ Author Tim Lapetino   
    I may put it on My Christmas wish list. but honestly I'd prolly just look at the pictures  

  22. Like
    DeLorean reacted to Justin in Atari I/O Interviews _Art of Atari_ Author Tim Lapetino   
    Thank you Ballblaɀer! You did an incredible job with this! Your really put so much thought into your interview with Tim Lapetino. Thank you, sincerely, for creating something of such quality and choosing to share it with us.    
    This is a fantastic interview. I honestly enjoyed reading this and thought that you asked the questions we'd really want to ask. This book is really a compilation of video game archeology with so many stories and lore behind each piece of artwork, and so many questions about what has been left undiscovered. You did such a nice job with this. I think your article looks great on the site. 

  23. Like
    DeLorean reacted to StormSurge in Atari I/O Interviews _Art of Atari_ Author Tim Lapetino   

    I pre-ordered this on April 9 & I cannot wait!!!
    Thanks for the interview! Great stuff!
  24. Like
    DeLorean reacted to fergojisan in Atari I/O Interviews _Art of Atari_ Author Tim Lapetino   
    Looking forward to reading, thanks!
  25. Like
    DeLorean reacted to StormSurge in Atari I/O Interviews _Art of Atari_ Author Tim Lapetino   
    And I still think that whoever has the licensing rights to these images needs to sell some posters!
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