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  1. Like
    DeLorean got a reaction from Atari Adventure Square in Stranger Things - GREAT new show!   
    I'm starting this show this weekend. Everybody's been bugging me to watch. It looks great!
  2. Like
    DeLorean got a reaction from Justin in Ultimate Yars' High Score Squad Challenge (Atari 2600)   
    Yars' Revenge
    Atari 2600
    Controller: PLAYER'S CHOICE
    Difficulty Level: GAME 6 - ULTIMATE YARS
    Achieve high score to win challenge
    Play on: Real Hardware / Dedicated Console / Emulation OK! ✔
    Squad Challenge ends 11:59 pm PST July 30th, 2016

    Objective: Play for the highest possible score using the difficulty settings defined in the challenge. Post a photo or video of your score in this thread. Scores must be achieved on Howard Scott Warshaw Day, July 30th, 2016! Screen captures are not allowed as they are easily manipulated for falsified scores. Multiple submissions are permitted. The player with the highest score at the end of the HSW Day competition is the victor.

    Eligibility: Anyone can join in. All players are welcome!

    Play Rules: Games may be played on real hardware, dedicated console, or emulation, using any controller or keyboard, following rules and game settings as delineated in the Squad Challenge. Enhancements and hacked versions of this game are not allowed.

    Difficulty Level: ULTIMATE YARS: GAME 6 - Ultimate Yars features a bouncing Zorlon Cannon, plus some unusual twists that distinguish it from the other Yar games. First, you must bounce the Yar against the left side of the screen to make the Zorlon Cannon appear. Also, to make the cannon appear, you need five TRONS. TRONS are units of energy which you can collect at the following rate:
    Eat a cell from the shield: 1 TRON Touch the Qotile: 2 TRONS Catch a Zorlon Cannon shot after it bounces off the shield: 4 TRONS  
    If a Yar bounces on the left side with less than five TRONS, it will not get a shot, but it won't lose the TRONS it has either. (Each time a Yar is destroyed, it loses its TRONS). Each Yar has a capacity of 255 TRONS. If a Yar tries to take on more than that, it will short out and the Yar will lose all its TRONS. The count of TRONS is not displayed on the screen. Yar scouts understand the count instinctively. 

    Fair Play: Players should play fairly, be honest, and have fun! Falsified scores will result in your immediate removal from the site. It goes without saying that no use of cheats, hacks, cartridge frying, enhancements, Photoshop, subterfuge, or any other unfair advantage is allowed. Everybody hates a cheater.

    More: To review detailed rules on how to play, please visit the High Score Squad page here: http://forums.atari.io/index.php/topic/1219-high-score-squad-how-to-play/ 

    HAPPY HOWARD SCOTT WARSHAW DAY 2016! For our 14th Squad Challenge we're doing something fun to celebrate HSW! Yars' Revenge is one of the best original Atari 2600 games. Today we're playing the highest difficulty setting, GAME 6: ULTIMATE YARS!
    Remember this is for "nerd cred" and meant to be a fun celebration of Howard Scott Warshaw! You have until 11:59 pm PST July 30th, 2016 to complete this challenge and successfully submit your score. The ROM and Instruction Book are provided for you below. Good luck you guys!


  3. Like
    DeLorean got a reaction from greenween in Ultimate Yars' High Score Squad Challenge (Atari 2600)   
    Yars' Revenge
    Atari 2600
    Controller: PLAYER'S CHOICE
    Difficulty Level: GAME 6 - ULTIMATE YARS
    Achieve high score to win challenge
    Play on: Real Hardware / Dedicated Console / Emulation OK! ✔
    Squad Challenge ends 11:59 pm PST July 30th, 2016

    Objective: Play for the highest possible score using the difficulty settings defined in the challenge. Post a photo or video of your score in this thread. Scores must be achieved on Howard Scott Warshaw Day, July 30th, 2016! Screen captures are not allowed as they are easily manipulated for falsified scores. Multiple submissions are permitted. The player with the highest score at the end of the HSW Day competition is the victor.

    Eligibility: Anyone can join in. All players are welcome!

    Play Rules: Games may be played on real hardware, dedicated console, or emulation, using any controller or keyboard, following rules and game settings as delineated in the Squad Challenge. Enhancements and hacked versions of this game are not allowed.

    Difficulty Level: ULTIMATE YARS: GAME 6 - Ultimate Yars features a bouncing Zorlon Cannon, plus some unusual twists that distinguish it from the other Yar games. First, you must bounce the Yar against the left side of the screen to make the Zorlon Cannon appear. Also, to make the cannon appear, you need five TRONS. TRONS are units of energy which you can collect at the following rate:
    Eat a cell from the shield: 1 TRON Touch the Qotile: 2 TRONS Catch a Zorlon Cannon shot after it bounces off the shield: 4 TRONS  
    If a Yar bounces on the left side with less than five TRONS, it will not get a shot, but it won't lose the TRONS it has either. (Each time a Yar is destroyed, it loses its TRONS). Each Yar has a capacity of 255 TRONS. If a Yar tries to take on more than that, it will short out and the Yar will lose all its TRONS. The count of TRONS is not displayed on the screen. Yar scouts understand the count instinctively. 

    Fair Play: Players should play fairly, be honest, and have fun! Falsified scores will result in your immediate removal from the site. It goes without saying that no use of cheats, hacks, cartridge frying, enhancements, Photoshop, subterfuge, or any other unfair advantage is allowed. Everybody hates a cheater.

    More: To review detailed rules on how to play, please visit the High Score Squad page here: http://forums.atari.io/index.php/topic/1219-high-score-squad-how-to-play/ 

    HAPPY HOWARD SCOTT WARSHAW DAY 2016! For our 14th Squad Challenge we're doing something fun to celebrate HSW! Yars' Revenge is one of the best original Atari 2600 games. Today we're playing the highest difficulty setting, GAME 6: ULTIMATE YARS!
    Remember this is for "nerd cred" and meant to be a fun celebration of Howard Scott Warshaw! You have until 11:59 pm PST July 30th, 2016 to complete this challenge and successfully submit your score. The ROM and Instruction Book are provided for you below. Good luck you guys!


  4. Like
    DeLorean got a reaction from The Professor in Ultimate Yars' High Score Squad Challenge (Atari 2600)   
    Yars' Revenge
    Atari 2600
    Controller: PLAYER'S CHOICE
    Difficulty Level: GAME 6 - ULTIMATE YARS
    Achieve high score to win challenge
    Play on: Real Hardware / Dedicated Console / Emulation OK! ✔
    Squad Challenge ends 11:59 pm PST July 30th, 2016

    Objective: Play for the highest possible score using the difficulty settings defined in the challenge. Post a photo or video of your score in this thread. Scores must be achieved on Howard Scott Warshaw Day, July 30th, 2016! Screen captures are not allowed as they are easily manipulated for falsified scores. Multiple submissions are permitted. The player with the highest score at the end of the HSW Day competition is the victor.

    Eligibility: Anyone can join in. All players are welcome!

    Play Rules: Games may be played on real hardware, dedicated console, or emulation, using any controller or keyboard, following rules and game settings as delineated in the Squad Challenge. Enhancements and hacked versions of this game are not allowed.

    Difficulty Level: ULTIMATE YARS: GAME 6 - Ultimate Yars features a bouncing Zorlon Cannon, plus some unusual twists that distinguish it from the other Yar games. First, you must bounce the Yar against the left side of the screen to make the Zorlon Cannon appear. Also, to make the cannon appear, you need five TRONS. TRONS are units of energy which you can collect at the following rate:
    Eat a cell from the shield: 1 TRON Touch the Qotile: 2 TRONS Catch a Zorlon Cannon shot after it bounces off the shield: 4 TRONS  
    If a Yar bounces on the left side with less than five TRONS, it will not get a shot, but it won't lose the TRONS it has either. (Each time a Yar is destroyed, it loses its TRONS). Each Yar has a capacity of 255 TRONS. If a Yar tries to take on more than that, it will short out and the Yar will lose all its TRONS. The count of TRONS is not displayed on the screen. Yar scouts understand the count instinctively. 

    Fair Play: Players should play fairly, be honest, and have fun! Falsified scores will result in your immediate removal from the site. It goes without saying that no use of cheats, hacks, cartridge frying, enhancements, Photoshop, subterfuge, or any other unfair advantage is allowed. Everybody hates a cheater.

    More: To review detailed rules on how to play, please visit the High Score Squad page here: http://forums.atari.io/index.php/topic/1219-high-score-squad-how-to-play/ 

    HAPPY HOWARD SCOTT WARSHAW DAY 2016! For our 14th Squad Challenge we're doing something fun to celebrate HSW! Yars' Revenge is one of the best original Atari 2600 games. Today we're playing the highest difficulty setting, GAME 6: ULTIMATE YARS!
    Remember this is for "nerd cred" and meant to be a fun celebration of Howard Scott Warshaw! You have until 11:59 pm PST July 30th, 2016 to complete this challenge and successfully submit your score. The ROM and Instruction Book are provided for you below. Good luck you guys!


  5. Like
    DeLorean reacted to Justin in Coleco Chameleon (formerly Retro VGS)   
    Polygon is reporting that David Giltinan, managing editor of Retro Magazine (owned by Mike Kennedy) has quit, leaving the Coleco Chameleon project and Retro Magazine citing "the controversy surrounding the console and questions of its legitimacy" raised this week.
    On March 5, David Giltinan posted a note on his LinkedIn page (screen cap below) saying "everything going on with the Coleco Chameleon is a major reason why I have to separate myself from everything associated with it."

    From David Giltinan's note:
    "I am not aiming to throw anyone under the bus for why things went south with the project. The blame is shared by all on the team, including myself. With that, I apologize for any ignorance on my part for not fully following through with my desire for the truth when speaking about the console. Instead I allowed myself to become a vessel for misinformation, and for that I am again sorry.
    Those of you who believe we were simply trying to scam consumers or take advantage of the retro gaming community don't know the whole picture. There was no ill intent or maliciousness on the part of the team. All we had in mind was to make a modern day retro-inspired console, nothing more and nothing less. I won't go into specifics as to what went wrong (especially since none of us know the full story yet), although I will apologize on behalf of the team for the poor messaging of the product and the way we handled interacting with the community."
    David's note in full:


    From Polygon:
    Key figure quits beleaguered project to make a new Coleco console
    Prototype unit was accused of being 'a SNES Jr. duct-taped into a Jaguar shell'
  6. Like
    DeLorean got a reaction from Yo-Yo in Coleco Chameleon (formerly Retro VGS)   
    Yep here they come...
    Gamester81 is a male bimbo. He's a likable guy but he doesn't seem very intelligent to me. He kinda just stands there with his box of stuff and goes "yup, that's cool." He’s a total bimbo. He went to the biggest party school ever, seriously google it, it churns out mediocre porn workers like a sausage factory and his YouTube show is basically 1st grade show and tell.
    Classic gaming has too many clueless male bimbos (not you guys!) in power roles. ALL of these bad situations in classic gaming are because of this!!! They prance around YouTube with their hats on backwards and end up in charge of things that they're totally unqualified to be doing. Passion project or not. When they try to milk their popularity for money, they get in over their heads and people get burned. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. Whenever there's a new "retro" console/module/ pie in the sky something that doesn't live up to the hype, you can always bet there’s a stumblebum male bimbo there with his hand out asking for your money and not getting the job done. These guys are absolutely clueless.
    The bimbo part comes in when they think they can lie to us, manipulate us, deceive us and play us for fools like we can't see EXACTLY what they've done. They rely on the "good ‘ol boy" network of ditzy male bimbos to support them and to attack people as a hater or a mob if you have the balls to ask them to just clear this up. This is absolutely outrageous and everyone attached to this from Gamester81 to Mike Kennedy had better get real transparent real fast before they're hit with serious lawsuits from every side. Coleco holdings already has reason to believe they're in breach of contract. People go to jail for stuff like this!
    It's not just Mike Kennedy pushing this circus show, it's Gamester81 and every other ditzy male bimbo who let this get as far as it did. These guys are totally incompetent and nobody seems to be talking about mass support of mass incompetence as a problem. These guys F--ed their way into this mess and they'll try to F-- their way out.
  7. Like
    DeLorean got a reaction from The Professor in Who else is a TurboGrafx-16 / PC Engine fan?   
    Our friends at Lost Ark Video Games gettin' down with the PC Engine:

  8. Like
    DeLorean got a reaction from Lost Dragon in Coleco Chameleon (formerly Retro VGS)   
    Yep here they come...
    Gamester81 is a male bimbo. He's a likable guy but he doesn't seem very intelligent to me. He kinda just stands there with his box of stuff and goes "yup, that's cool." He’s a total bimbo. He went to the biggest party school ever, seriously google it, it churns out mediocre porn workers like a sausage factory and his YouTube show is basically 1st grade show and tell.
    Classic gaming has too many clueless male bimbos (not you guys!) in power roles. ALL of these bad situations in classic gaming are because of this!!! They prance around YouTube with their hats on backwards and end up in charge of things that they're totally unqualified to be doing. Passion project or not. When they try to milk their popularity for money, they get in over their heads and people get burned. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. Whenever there's a new "retro" console/module/ pie in the sky something that doesn't live up to the hype, you can always bet there’s a stumblebum male bimbo there with his hand out asking for your money and not getting the job done. These guys are absolutely clueless.
    The bimbo part comes in when they think they can lie to us, manipulate us, deceive us and play us for fools like we can't see EXACTLY what they've done. They rely on the "good ‘ol boy" network of ditzy male bimbos to support them and to attack people as a hater or a mob if you have the balls to ask them to just clear this up. This is absolutely outrageous and everyone attached to this from Gamester81 to Mike Kennedy had better get real transparent real fast before they're hit with serious lawsuits from every side. Coleco holdings already has reason to believe they're in breach of contract. People go to jail for stuff like this!
    It's not just Mike Kennedy pushing this circus show, it's Gamester81 and every other ditzy male bimbo who let this get as far as it did. These guys are totally incompetent and nobody seems to be talking about mass support of mass incompetence as a problem. These guys F--ed their way into this mess and they'll try to F-- their way out.
  9. Like
    DeLorean got a reaction from Greyfox in Coleco Chameleon (formerly Retro VGS)   
    Yep here they come...
    Gamester81 is a male bimbo. He's a likable guy but he doesn't seem very intelligent to me. He kinda just stands there with his box of stuff and goes "yup, that's cool." He’s a total bimbo. He went to the biggest party school ever, seriously google it, it churns out mediocre porn workers like a sausage factory and his YouTube show is basically 1st grade show and tell.
    Classic gaming has too many clueless male bimbos (not you guys!) in power roles. ALL of these bad situations in classic gaming are because of this!!! They prance around YouTube with their hats on backwards and end up in charge of things that they're totally unqualified to be doing. Passion project or not. When they try to milk their popularity for money, they get in over their heads and people get burned. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. Whenever there's a new "retro" console/module/ pie in the sky something that doesn't live up to the hype, you can always bet there’s a stumblebum male bimbo there with his hand out asking for your money and not getting the job done. These guys are absolutely clueless.
    The bimbo part comes in when they think they can lie to us, manipulate us, deceive us and play us for fools like we can't see EXACTLY what they've done. They rely on the "good ‘ol boy" network of ditzy male bimbos to support them and to attack people as a hater or a mob if you have the balls to ask them to just clear this up. This is absolutely outrageous and everyone attached to this from Gamester81 to Mike Kennedy had better get real transparent real fast before they're hit with serious lawsuits from every side. Coleco holdings already has reason to believe they're in breach of contract. People go to jail for stuff like this!
    It's not just Mike Kennedy pushing this circus show, it's Gamester81 and every other ditzy male bimbo who let this get as far as it did. These guys are totally incompetent and nobody seems to be talking about mass support of mass incompetence as a problem. These guys F--ed their way into this mess and they'll try to F-- their way out.
  10. Like
    DeLorean got a reaction from The Professor in Coleco Chameleon (formerly Retro VGS)   
    Yep here they come...
    Gamester81 is a male bimbo. He's a likable guy but he doesn't seem very intelligent to me. He kinda just stands there with his box of stuff and goes "yup, that's cool." He’s a total bimbo. He went to the biggest party school ever, seriously google it, it churns out mediocre porn workers like a sausage factory and his YouTube show is basically 1st grade show and tell.
    Classic gaming has too many clueless male bimbos (not you guys!) in power roles. ALL of these bad situations in classic gaming are because of this!!! They prance around YouTube with their hats on backwards and end up in charge of things that they're totally unqualified to be doing. Passion project or not. When they try to milk their popularity for money, they get in over their heads and people get burned. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. Whenever there's a new "retro" console/module/ pie in the sky something that doesn't live up to the hype, you can always bet there’s a stumblebum male bimbo there with his hand out asking for your money and not getting the job done. These guys are absolutely clueless.
    The bimbo part comes in when they think they can lie to us, manipulate us, deceive us and play us for fools like we can't see EXACTLY what they've done. They rely on the "good ‘ol boy" network of ditzy male bimbos to support them and to attack people as a hater or a mob if you have the balls to ask them to just clear this up. This is absolutely outrageous and everyone attached to this from Gamester81 to Mike Kennedy had better get real transparent real fast before they're hit with serious lawsuits from every side. Coleco holdings already has reason to believe they're in breach of contract. People go to jail for stuff like this!
    It's not just Mike Kennedy pushing this circus show, it's Gamester81 and every other ditzy male bimbo who let this get as far as it did. These guys are totally incompetent and nobody seems to be talking about mass support of mass incompetence as a problem. These guys F--ed their way into this mess and they'll try to F-- their way out.
  11. Like
    DeLorean got a reaction from Doctor Octagon in Coleco Chameleon (formerly Retro VGS)   
    Yep here they come...
    Gamester81 is a male bimbo. He's a likable guy but he doesn't seem very intelligent to me. He kinda just stands there with his box of stuff and goes "yup, that's cool." He’s a total bimbo. He went to the biggest party school ever, seriously google it, it churns out mediocre porn workers like a sausage factory and his YouTube show is basically 1st grade show and tell.
    Classic gaming has too many clueless male bimbos (not you guys!) in power roles. ALL of these bad situations in classic gaming are because of this!!! They prance around YouTube with their hats on backwards and end up in charge of things that they're totally unqualified to be doing. Passion project or not. When they try to milk their popularity for money, they get in over their heads and people get burned. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. Whenever there's a new "retro" console/module/ pie in the sky something that doesn't live up to the hype, you can always bet there’s a stumblebum male bimbo there with his hand out asking for your money and not getting the job done. These guys are absolutely clueless.
    The bimbo part comes in when they think they can lie to us, manipulate us, deceive us and play us for fools like we can't see EXACTLY what they've done. They rely on the "good ‘ol boy" network of ditzy male bimbos to support them and to attack people as a hater or a mob if you have the balls to ask them to just clear this up. This is absolutely outrageous and everyone attached to this from Gamester81 to Mike Kennedy had better get real transparent real fast before they're hit with serious lawsuits from every side. Coleco holdings already has reason to believe they're in breach of contract. People go to jail for stuff like this!
    It's not just Mike Kennedy pushing this circus show, it's Gamester81 and every other ditzy male bimbo who let this get as far as it did. These guys are totally incompetent and nobody seems to be talking about mass support of mass incompetence as a problem. These guys F--ed their way into this mess and they'll try to F-- their way out.
  12. Like
    DeLorean got a reaction from AlamoAtari in Coleco Chameleon (formerly Retro VGS)   
    Yep here they come...
    Gamester81 is a male bimbo. He's a likable guy but he doesn't seem very intelligent to me. He kinda just stands there with his box of stuff and goes "yup, that's cool." He’s a total bimbo. He went to the biggest party school ever, seriously google it, it churns out mediocre porn workers like a sausage factory and his YouTube show is basically 1st grade show and tell.
    Classic gaming has too many clueless male bimbos (not you guys!) in power roles. ALL of these bad situations in classic gaming are because of this!!! They prance around YouTube with their hats on backwards and end up in charge of things that they're totally unqualified to be doing. Passion project or not. When they try to milk their popularity for money, they get in over their heads and people get burned. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. Whenever there's a new "retro" console/module/ pie in the sky something that doesn't live up to the hype, you can always bet there’s a stumblebum male bimbo there with his hand out asking for your money and not getting the job done. These guys are absolutely clueless.
    The bimbo part comes in when they think they can lie to us, manipulate us, deceive us and play us for fools like we can't see EXACTLY what they've done. They rely on the "good ‘ol boy" network of ditzy male bimbos to support them and to attack people as a hater or a mob if you have the balls to ask them to just clear this up. This is absolutely outrageous and everyone attached to this from Gamester81 to Mike Kennedy had better get real transparent real fast before they're hit with serious lawsuits from every side. Coleco holdings already has reason to believe they're in breach of contract. People go to jail for stuff like this!
    It's not just Mike Kennedy pushing this circus show, it's Gamester81 and every other ditzy male bimbo who let this get as far as it did. These guys are totally incompetent and nobody seems to be talking about mass support of mass incompetence as a problem. These guys F--ed their way into this mess and they'll try to F-- their way out.
  13. Like
    DeLorean got a reaction from MaximumRD in Coleco Chameleon (formerly Retro VGS)   
    Yep here they come...
    Gamester81 is a male bimbo. He's a likable guy but he doesn't seem very intelligent to me. He kinda just stands there with his box of stuff and goes "yup, that's cool." He’s a total bimbo. He went to the biggest party school ever, seriously google it, it churns out mediocre porn workers like a sausage factory and his YouTube show is basically 1st grade show and tell.
    Classic gaming has too many clueless male bimbos (not you guys!) in power roles. ALL of these bad situations in classic gaming are because of this!!! They prance around YouTube with their hats on backwards and end up in charge of things that they're totally unqualified to be doing. Passion project or not. When they try to milk their popularity for money, they get in over their heads and people get burned. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. Whenever there's a new "retro" console/module/ pie in the sky something that doesn't live up to the hype, you can always bet there’s a stumblebum male bimbo there with his hand out asking for your money and not getting the job done. These guys are absolutely clueless.
    The bimbo part comes in when they think they can lie to us, manipulate us, deceive us and play us for fools like we can't see EXACTLY what they've done. They rely on the "good ‘ol boy" network of ditzy male bimbos to support them and to attack people as a hater or a mob if you have the balls to ask them to just clear this up. This is absolutely outrageous and everyone attached to this from Gamester81 to Mike Kennedy had better get real transparent real fast before they're hit with serious lawsuits from every side. Coleco holdings already has reason to believe they're in breach of contract. People go to jail for stuff like this!
    It's not just Mike Kennedy pushing this circus show, it's Gamester81 and every other ditzy male bimbo who let this get as far as it did. These guys are totally incompetent and nobody seems to be talking about mass support of mass incompetence as a problem. These guys F--ed their way into this mess and they'll try to F-- their way out.
  14. Like
    DeLorean got a reaction from Retrogamer81081 in Coleco Chameleon (formerly Retro VGS)   
    Yep here they come...
    Gamester81 is a male bimbo. He's a likable guy but he doesn't seem very intelligent to me. He kinda just stands there with his box of stuff and goes "yup, that's cool." He’s a total bimbo. He went to the biggest party school ever, seriously google it, it churns out mediocre porn workers like a sausage factory and his YouTube show is basically 1st grade show and tell.
    Classic gaming has too many clueless male bimbos (not you guys!) in power roles. ALL of these bad situations in classic gaming are because of this!!! They prance around YouTube with their hats on backwards and end up in charge of things that they're totally unqualified to be doing. Passion project or not. When they try to milk their popularity for money, they get in over their heads and people get burned. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. Whenever there's a new "retro" console/module/ pie in the sky something that doesn't live up to the hype, you can always bet there’s a stumblebum male bimbo there with his hand out asking for your money and not getting the job done. These guys are absolutely clueless.
    The bimbo part comes in when they think they can lie to us, manipulate us, deceive us and play us for fools like we can't see EXACTLY what they've done. They rely on the "good ‘ol boy" network of ditzy male bimbos to support them and to attack people as a hater or a mob if you have the balls to ask them to just clear this up. This is absolutely outrageous and everyone attached to this from Gamester81 to Mike Kennedy had better get real transparent real fast before they're hit with serious lawsuits from every side. Coleco holdings already has reason to believe they're in breach of contract. People go to jail for stuff like this!
    It's not just Mike Kennedy pushing this circus show, it's Gamester81 and every other ditzy male bimbo who let this get as far as it did. These guys are totally incompetent and nobody seems to be talking about mass support of mass incompetence as a problem. These guys F--ed their way into this mess and they'll try to F-- their way out.
  15. Like
    DeLorean got a reaction from Dan Iacovelli in Coleco Chameleon (formerly Retro VGS)   
    Yep here they come...
    Gamester81 is a male bimbo. He's a likable guy but he doesn't seem very intelligent to me. He kinda just stands there with his box of stuff and goes "yup, that's cool." He’s a total bimbo. He went to the biggest party school ever, seriously google it, it churns out mediocre porn workers like a sausage factory and his YouTube show is basically 1st grade show and tell.
    Classic gaming has too many clueless male bimbos (not you guys!) in power roles. ALL of these bad situations in classic gaming are because of this!!! They prance around YouTube with their hats on backwards and end up in charge of things that they're totally unqualified to be doing. Passion project or not. When they try to milk their popularity for money, they get in over their heads and people get burned. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. Whenever there's a new "retro" console/module/ pie in the sky something that doesn't live up to the hype, you can always bet there’s a stumblebum male bimbo there with his hand out asking for your money and not getting the job done. These guys are absolutely clueless.
    The bimbo part comes in when they think they can lie to us, manipulate us, deceive us and play us for fools like we can't see EXACTLY what they've done. They rely on the "good ‘ol boy" network of ditzy male bimbos to support them and to attack people as a hater or a mob if you have the balls to ask them to just clear this up. This is absolutely outrageous and everyone attached to this from Gamester81 to Mike Kennedy had better get real transparent real fast before they're hit with serious lawsuits from every side. Coleco holdings already has reason to believe they're in breach of contract. People go to jail for stuff like this!
    It's not just Mike Kennedy pushing this circus show, it's Gamester81 and every other ditzy male bimbo who let this get as far as it did. These guys are totally incompetent and nobody seems to be talking about mass support of mass incompetence as a problem. These guys F--ed their way into this mess and they'll try to F-- their way out.
  16. Like
    DeLorean reacted to Arenafoot in Baby Pac Man for Atari 7800   
    interesting homebrew hack for the Atari 7800.............. Baby Pac Man?!?!?!

    wonder how the pinball portion plays on a 7800?????
  17. Like
    DeLorean reacted to nosweargamer in Thunder Castle - Intellivision   
    Thunder Castle
    Difficulty: None
    High Score: 18,100
    March 3rd, 2015
  18. Like
    DeLorean reacted to Justin in Coleco Chameleon (formerly Retro VGS)   
    It's happening..

    From Engadget:
    Coleco Chameleon Kickstarter over before it even begins (update)
    An image removed from Facebook indicates a big problem.
    From Gizmodo:
    Retro Gaming Console Coleco Chameleon's Launch Date Is Being Delayed Indefinitely 
    Retro Video Game Systems, Inc.'s Coleco Chameleon is a Farce
  19. Like
    DeLorean reacted to Arenafoot in Coleco Chameleon (formerly Retro VGS)   
    press release from Coleco via J2Games.com today:


    The ColecoVision: Coleco Chameleon drama continues. 


    "It has come to our attention that the community has certain concerns over the prototypes involving the Retro VGS model. The team at Retro remains confident that their product is developed to the extent as describe; HOWEVER, in order to confirm or debase these concerns, Coleco has demanded to inspect the prototype units within a seven day time frame. At which time, independent engineers will review their findings and determine if those units are up to our standards. We will report some or all of those findings to the community so as long as they do not interfere with proprietary information. We remain hopeful that the community's concerns are merely speculations, but if there is merit to the concerns, then we have no choice but to abandon the project rather than release a sub-par product. During this time, we ask that the community allow us time to complete these inspections. Time extensions will only be granted if requested by the independent engineer. Time extensions and results will be posted here."


    source: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=10153867520339651&id=193998669650

  20. Like
    DeLorean reacted to Doctor Octagon in Coleco Chameleon (formerly Retro VGS)   
    I don't think there's going to be a Kickstarter. How do you do a Kickstarter now that the prototype was revealed as a hoax?
  21. Like
    DeLorean reacted to btbfilms76 in Coleco Chameleon (formerly Retro VGS)   
    Here we go folks... 
    [MIKE KENNEDY LEAD-IN]  Hi everyone, I’m Mike Kennedy and we are very excited to introduce you to the Coleco Chameleon.  The Coleco Chameleon is a new cartridge based video gaming console that is designed to play both a variety of classic games from the 80’s and 90’s and also new retro inspired games coming from today’s homebrew, indie and mainstream developers.  We have spent the last few months creating a working prototype as well as seeking out launch games that will scratch that retro itch in all of you.  We hope you will consider backing our campaign and help to spread the word of our campaign to your gaming friends and family.
    [sTUDIO SET KIDS PLAYING GAMES WITH FADE TO GAMEPLAY VIDEO MONTAGE-Montezuma’s Revenge, Pepper II, Astrosmash, Night Stalker]
    Remember when video-games looked like video-games?  When colorful, imaginative sprites popped off the screen and into your living room.  When games were more than an impulsive download; they were highly prized, magical transports into a fantasy world all delivered inside plastic cartridges. 
    [GAMEPLAY VIDEO MONTAGE-Iron Commando, Dorke & YMP]
    Remember when games were hard but you still couldn’t tear yourself away from playing?  When they didn’t include lengthy tutorials or unlimited continues or saves?  Remember when games came with instruction books that you actually wanted to read cover-to-cover? 
    Remember that feeling you had buying a game in the store and bringing it home and playing it for the first time with your friends and family, all in the same room?  We want to bring those magical times back with the introduction of the COLECO Chameleon.  The COLECO Chameleon is the first new home console in nearly 20 years that will play new games on cartridges and once again give today’s gamers something to buy, play, trade and collect for a lifetime.
    It also marks the return of the COLECO brand name, a brand synonymous with the history of electronic handheld games and video games.  COLECO was a pioneer bringing some of the first PONG systems into the home in the 1970’s followed by the hugely successful Colecovision in the 1980’s, the first system to bring near arcade perfect graphics into over two million living rooms.  And it was the company that made Nintendo a house-hold name when Donkey Kong was packed into every Colecovision retail box sold.
    The COLECO Chameleon is designed to be the ultimate retro gaming system.  It has the ability to accurately play a variety of your favorite classic video games, available as compilation cartridges, while also being an outlet for many all-new, classically inspired games being programmed by some of today’s best homebrew, indie and mainstream game developers. Now recognized as art form in of itself, retro gaming is once again a mainstay in today’s gaming landscape as developers are realizing classic graphics and gameplay mechanics are still entertaining even in this age of triple A, big budget cinematic titles. The COLECO Chameleon is the best way to experience this new wave of RETRO.  Get ready to Play Again.
    If you’re as excited as we are after viewing this, you have a chance to be one of the first gamers to have a Coleco Chameleon before it’s introduced commercially.  Now, you can play the old games you loved when you were younger, help your friends and family make memories of their own, and enjoy the new games from our collection. 
    On behalf of my team at Retro Video Game Systems, Inc. and Coleco Holdings we ask for your consideration to help us bring the COLECO Chameleon into homes around the world.  This is a product that needs grass roots support to grow as it is so completely opposite of where the video-game industry is heading.  Help us change the future of gaming by bringing back the RETRO.

  22. Like
    DeLorean reacted to AlamoAtari in Coleco Chameleon (formerly Retro VGS)   
    John Lester is taking a page from Mike Kennedy and is starting to delete everything involved with this, I wish that he would be a bit more honest as to what was his involvement. If he was just being a mouthpiece or got paid for his actions. But to act like nothing happened is a bit childish. But then again here comes the pitchforks and torches....
  23. Like
    DeLorean reacted to AlamoAtari in Coleco Chameleon (formerly Retro VGS)   
    Absolutely rediculous, I feel bad about so many people getting the wool pulled over their eyes with this ponsy scheme that Mike Kennedy drummed up. I mean seriously, a lot of people that were being used in this name dropping thing that Mike was playing. Like some sort of playground game, "hey we are going to ditch class, Jeff, Pat and Keith are going too, meet behind the gym at The bell." But it ends up that only 2 people show up just you and Mike and when you ask where everyone else is, he tells you that they're around the corner, another lie. I just hope actual money wasn't taken from people, and if so, maybe they can get it back. The pitch forks and torches are out in full force now.
  24. Like
    DeLorean reacted to Justin in Coleco Chameleon (formerly Retro VGS)   
    BTB did a fantastic job with this. Here's Pat's post:

  25. Like
    DeLorean reacted to Justin in Coleco Chameleon (formerly Retro VGS)   
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