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    DeLorean reacted to Justin in Coleco Chameleon (formerly Retro VGS)   
    More is coming.
  2. Like
    DeLorean reacted to Justin in Coleco Chameleon (formerly Retro VGS)   
    Statement tonight from Collectorvision:


  3. Like
    DeLorean reacted to Justin in Coleco Chameleon (formerly Retro VGS)   
    Compare with the recent images removed from Facebook:



  4. Like
    DeLorean reacted to MaximumRD in Coleco Chameleon (formerly Retro VGS)   
    And BEHOLD with some sleuthing by some others the actual content of the "prototype" revealed! 
    That's it, anyone STILL wanting to believe Mike Kennedy has not been purposely lying and deceiving? 
    How much more proof is needed at this point? 
    The internal board is from a DVR capture card. No matter how you slice it, however some choose to spin it there have just been to many questionable coincidences and too much double talk etc. Even if the Chameleon actually appears in some form (as apparently is the promise after the missed kickstarter launch) I am surprised anyone would seriously back anything to do with this now. 



    With this evidence the images have disappeared from the Facebook page. That's all she wrote folks. 
  5. Like
    DeLorean reacted to Justin in Coleco Chameleon (formerly Retro VGS)   
    To their credit, delaying the Kickstarter until it's ready is better than trying to launch it when it's not. Probably the wisest move at this point if they had that choice. Anything less is digging a deeper hole.
    Our friends at Warpo Toys launched a successful Kickstarter with their Legends of Cthulhu action figure line in 2014. Needless to say it was an awesome project with an authentic team. They were successful in part because they kept the wraps on things until they were ready to go. Hardly anyone knew about the project until Warpo had all of their pre-production Cthulhu figures, artwork, packaging, sizzle video and website complete. Only then did their project become known to the public.
    This in my opinion has been the Coleco Chameleon's biggest misstep. Most all upstarts have major challenges to overcome, but they do so while working quietly in the garage where it's okay to make mistakes, not in the public eye after they've already set expectations and set their own deadlines. The public has been focusing attention on this project since the idea first popped into Mike Kennedy's head. Mike could have quietly purchased the Jaguar tooling and sold Jaguar shells without any mention of a new retro console until they were ready to go with a pre-production prototype that would wow the world. This would've enabled them to manage expectations and garner positive press and public sentiment. 
  6. Like
    DeLorean reacted to The Professor in Coleco Chameleon (formerly Retro VGS)   
  7. Like
    DeLorean reacted to Clint Thompson in Coleco Chameleon (formerly Retro VGS)   
    Can't forsee them getting much of any support now that they've deceived and lost the trust of anyone and everyone. Such a shame too, considering the free press of gaming sites they were given and the amount of people that were actually interested in something like this to materialize. Those poor Jaguar molds.... such a shame I don't have the money or means of obtaining them.
  8. Like
    DeLorean reacted to Dan Iacovelli in Coleco Chameleon (formerly Retro VGS)   
    oh  ok the way you put it seemed like it was.
    but yeah the press/media do trend blow things out of hand.
    no harm no foul ,we good.
  9. Like
    DeLorean reacted to Arenafoot in Coleco Chameleon (formerly Retro VGS)   
    now SEGA is stepping up and giving us the SEGA Dreamcast 2 - "Cyclone"!!!    

  10. Like
    DeLorean reacted to btbfilms76 in Coleco Chameleon (formerly Retro VGS)   
    I feel the same way, its sad because at the heart of the script its about the love of retro gaming.  It's sad to see how far this got out of hand, it's been quite a lesson my kids have been learning this week about telling the truth and how one lie can turn into a nightmare.  Thanks for the kind words about the Jag Bar, I try to take the high road on most things but this part of the story needed to get out, today was the day.
  11. Like
    DeLorean reacted to btbfilms76 in Coleco Chameleon (formerly Retro VGS)   
    So I've been sitting on this story for a while but I think its now time to tell another part of the story... The Jag Bar was once involved with the Coleco Chameleon kickstarter.

  12. Like
    DeLorean got a reaction from AlamoAtari in Coleco Chameleon (formerly Retro VGS)   
    Um..... Excuse me.. How is Collectorvision disavowing themselves of the Coleco Chameleon like they're victims kept in the dark just as much as we have been, when in fact they've been making posts leading people to believe their games "play great" on the Chameleon prototype?

    Right before the Toy Fair, Collectorvision posted this photo of the Coleco Chameleon "Prototype 1" dev unit and cartridge next to a TV that makes it look like the Chameleon prototype is playing their game. Collectorvision posted the following message:

    "One of our games we're working one, (sic) Sydney Hunter and the Caverns of Death running on the upcoming Coleco Chameleon prototype system. It plays great on it, and it will be playable at this weekend's New York Toy Fair event."


  13. Like
    DeLorean got a reaction from Lost Dragon in Coleco Chameleon (formerly Retro VGS)   
    Um..... Excuse me.. How is Collectorvision disavowing themselves of the Coleco Chameleon like they're victims kept in the dark just as much as we have been, when in fact they've been making posts leading people to believe their games "play great" on the Chameleon prototype?

    Right before the Toy Fair, Collectorvision posted this photo of the Coleco Chameleon "Prototype 1" dev unit and cartridge next to a TV that makes it look like the Chameleon prototype is playing their game. Collectorvision posted the following message:

    "One of our games we're working one, (sic) Sydney Hunter and the Caverns of Death running on the upcoming Coleco Chameleon prototype system. It plays great on it, and it will be playable at this weekend's New York Toy Fair event."


  14. Like
    DeLorean got a reaction from The Professor in Coleco Chameleon (formerly Retro VGS)   
    Um..... Excuse me.. How is Collectorvision disavowing themselves of the Coleco Chameleon like they're victims kept in the dark just as much as we have been, when in fact they've been making posts leading people to believe their games "play great" on the Chameleon prototype?

    Right before the Toy Fair, Collectorvision posted this photo of the Coleco Chameleon "Prototype 1" dev unit and cartridge next to a TV that makes it look like the Chameleon prototype is playing their game. Collectorvision posted the following message:

    "One of our games we're working one, (sic) Sydney Hunter and the Caverns of Death running on the upcoming Coleco Chameleon prototype system. It plays great on it, and it will be playable at this weekend's New York Toy Fair event."


  15. Like
    DeLorean got a reaction from The Professor in Coleco Chameleon (formerly Retro VGS)   
    I was thinking the same thing. It's obvious they ran into a delay with the prototype going into the toy fair. If they didn't have it ready to go this week they can't launch their Kickstarter. I expected they were delayed and that's why I was curious to see what they'd announce today.
  16. Like
    DeLorean got a reaction from MaximumRD in Coleco Chameleon (formerly Retro VGS)   
    Um..... Excuse me.. How is Collectorvision disavowing themselves of the Coleco Chameleon like they're victims kept in the dark just as much as we have been, when in fact they've been making posts leading people to believe their games "play great" on the Chameleon prototype?

    Right before the Toy Fair, Collectorvision posted this photo of the Coleco Chameleon "Prototype 1" dev unit and cartridge next to a TV that makes it look like the Chameleon prototype is playing their game. Collectorvision posted the following message:

    "One of our games we're working one, (sic) Sydney Hunter and the Caverns of Death running on the upcoming Coleco Chameleon prototype system. It plays great on it, and it will be playable at this weekend's New York Toy Fair event."


  17. Like
    DeLorean got a reaction from Cybermario in Coleco Chameleon (formerly Retro VGS)   
    Um..... Excuse me.. How is Collectorvision disavowing themselves of the Coleco Chameleon like they're victims kept in the dark just as much as we have been, when in fact they've been making posts leading people to believe their games "play great" on the Chameleon prototype?

    Right before the Toy Fair, Collectorvision posted this photo of the Coleco Chameleon "Prototype 1" dev unit and cartridge next to a TV that makes it look like the Chameleon prototype is playing their game. Collectorvision posted the following message:

    "One of our games we're working one, (sic) Sydney Hunter and the Caverns of Death running on the upcoming Coleco Chameleon prototype system. It plays great on it, and it will be playable at this weekend's New York Toy Fair event."


  18. Like
    DeLorean got a reaction from MaximumRD in Coleco Chameleon (formerly Retro VGS)   
    I was thinking the same thing. It's obvious they ran into a delay with the prototype going into the toy fair. If they didn't have it ready to go this week they can't launch their Kickstarter. I expected they were delayed and that's why I was curious to see what they'd announce today.
  19. Like
    DeLorean reacted to Dan Iacovelli in Coleco Chameleon (formerly Retro VGS)   
    I kind of suspected that they pull the product after toy fair to work on a far better proto then what they did at toy fair.
    I will support them but prob not buy the system
  20. Like
    DeLorean reacted to Arenafoot in Coleco Chameleon (formerly Retro VGS)   
    not surprised! 
  21. Like
    DeLorean reacted to Clint Thompson in Coleco Chameleon (formerly Retro VGS)   
    Final verdict: They blew it!
    Rarely do you ever get a second chance to try and make right on your first, very royal screw up. Yet somehow, they managed to buy themselves a second chance AND a second name, even landing some very generous gaming news coverage. All for nothing.
    They made announcement after announcement, endlessly hyping a non-proven to exist prototype, clearly shoved what is still proven to be nothing other than an SNES into a Jaguar shell, then daily went into the different KS goals, packages, etc. finally leading to the "Tomorrow is the big day!!!" announcement, and then last minute decide to pull out? What a load of crap. They played everyone. Wasting everyone's time and seriously screwed themselves out of being taken serious to any degree of possible recovery. It's a running joke now and can you really trust someone that mass-deletes every single comment on their social media outlets? It'll be a miracle if this thing ever materializes but I wouldn't place bets to it actually happening, especially now.
  22. Like
    DeLorean reacted to StormSurge in Coleco Chameleon (formerly Retro VGS)   
    Not surprised at all. It's like watching one of those videos from an ice storm, with cars sliding down a hill crashing into each other. Over & over & over again.
  23. Like
    DeLorean reacted to MaximumRD in Coleco Chameleon (formerly Retro VGS)   
    I expected anything except the Kickstater to kick off ! So in that respect yes I guess........
    I see nothing in the announcement except excuses, more hype and BIG SURPRISE they are already back to deleting posts and comments and anything that is not 100% supportive on the Facebook announcement post as well as outright blocking people from commenting, I know this for a fact and it is the behavior I keep seeing from them. Anyone in doubt post and comment or question that challenges their position and just wait for the result  see, that is a big part of the problem people are not seeing those deleted posts and comments so they think everyone is completely on board with their decisions. I knew the kickstarter was not launching today and in the final hour that is exactly what happened. Honestly I would have been amazed and eaten my words if the Kickstarter launched but I was not too worried. 
  24. Like
    DeLorean got a reaction from MaximumRD in Coleco Chameleon (formerly Retro VGS)   
    Show of hands... is this more or less what everyone expected to happen today?
  25. Like
    DeLorean got a reaction from Dan Iacovelli in Coleco Chameleon (formerly Retro VGS)   
    Show of hands... is this more or less what everyone expected to happen today?
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