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SUPERMAN 2600 - Remastered

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Saw this posted in AA and then followed the link to the remastered game from 2018.  The AA thread is here:  Superman Remastered in executable format without coding.

I think this is cool because it is an update of the 2600 version with newer graphics but for computer play.  Check it here:  Superman Remastered

You are Superman. Receiving a tip on a bomb scare, you rush to the Metropolis waterfront. Dropping into a nearby phone booth, you change into Clark Kent, mild- mannered reporter for the Daily Planet, and continue east (right) toward the Metropolis Memorial Bridge. As you approach the bridge, it explodes! Lex Luthor, arch enemy of Superman, is seen leaving in a hell-pack. Some of the Lex Luthor henchmen rush from the scene. A helicopter flies by carrying Lois Lane. Is she in trouble, or has she hired the helicopter to scoop the story? Another crook sneaks away. This is a job for Superman! You rush back to the phone booth and emerge as the Man of Steel.

This game is a remaster of the 1st ever Superman game to grace the video gaming world!  Superman for the Atari 2600!


🖖 Going to the final frontier, gaming...

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