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The Poltergeist House is For Sale!


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We don't normally go into real-estate here, but this one deserves some attention.  The Simi Valley home used in "Poltergeist" is for sale, and it's a lot of fun to look at the pictures.


This brings up a lot of thoughts.  If one were to own this home, would you feel compelled to leave things as "original" as possible to maintain the connection to the movie?  Or do you upgrade and modernize to make it more livable?

The house currently very much keeps the 80's vibe, and I love it. 

If I were the listing agent, I might throw some skeletons in the pool, put a CRT console TV in the family room (playing static), or pile the chairs onto the dining room table!




Edited by RickR
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So did they add a double set of sliding doors from the kitchen to the backyard then? Originally there was just the one door by the entrance to the adjacent room and then a window. Now there is a sliding door where that window used to be and what I assume is another sliding door setup in place of the original door?

Wonder how much other stuff inside has been changed or if most of what we saw in the movie was on a sound stage?

I just looked and it appears that the kitchen counters are the same still! That's pretty cool! But I think many other aspects of the interior have already been changed quite a bit.

Edited by CrossBow

See what I'm up to over at the Ivory Tower Collections: http://www.youtube.com/ivorytowercollections


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