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Coleco Chameleon (formerly Retro VGS)

Atari Creep

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Um..... Excuse me.. How is Collectorvision disavowing themselves of the Coleco Chameleon like they're victims kept in the dark just as much as we have been, when in fact they've been making posts leading people to believe their games "play great" on the Chameleon prototype?


Right before the Toy Fair, Collectorvision posted this photo of the Coleco Chameleon "Prototype 1" dev unit and cartridge next to a TV that makes it look like the Chameleon prototype is playing their game. Collectorvision posted the following message:


"One of our games we're working one, (sic) Sydney Hunter and the Caverns of Death running on the upcoming Coleco Chameleon prototype system. It plays great on it, and it will be playable at this weekend's New York Toy Fair event."


Assuming Collectorvision is being honest in their statement tonight, it's possible they developed their game for SNES, provided the SNES ROM to the Coleco Chameleon team who then sent the above photo back to Collectorvision with the good news that their game "plays great" on the prototype. If Collectorvision is being upfront about all this, that would be my best guess.

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Well it is blowing up all over Facebook, various forums, youtube etc. Feeling vindicated and oddly none of those on Facebook who insisted I was a troll or just some guy who had no proof and was just "hater" seem to be saying anything now lol. I always call them as I see them which is not always popular when you are conveying things people just don't want to hear so it is pretty sweet to see this outcome. 

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 - M. Bison

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If they developed an SNES game for the Coleco Chameleon it's entirely plausible that Collectorvision had the wool pulled over their eyes and had no idea what was up. There's a lot more to this story, that I assure you. Let's wait for the other shoe to drop and see what they say.

Why have we already accepted this notion that a SNES game developed for a "retro console" to run on its "SNES core" is really a game for that retro console? How did we get okie-doked into accepting this fallacy? The fact that were even having this conversation shows you just how far things have gone. It's still an SNES game whether it's running on an original hardware, emulation, Retron 5, Coleco Chameleon, or Omnivision.

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Brian Matherne - owner/curator of "The MOST comprehensive list of Atari VCS/2600 homebrews ever compiled." http://tiny.cc/Atari2600Homebrew

author of "The Atari 2600 Homebrew Companion" book series available on Amazon! www.amazon.com/author/brianmatherne

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Can't forsee them getting much of any support now that they've deceived and lost the trust of anyone and everyone. Such a shame too, considering the free press of gaming sites they were given and the amount of people that were actually interested in something like this to materialize. Those poor Jaguar molds.... such a shame I don't have the money or means of obtaining them.

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Absolutely rediculous, I feel bad about so many people getting the wool pulled over their eyes with this ponsy scheme that Mike Kennedy drummed up. I mean seriously, a lot of people that were being used in this name dropping thing that Mike was playing. Like some sort of playground game, "hey we are going to ditch class, Jeff, Pat and Keith are going too, meet behind the gym at The bell." But it ends up that only 2 people show up just you and Mike and when you ask where everyone else is, he tells you that they're around the corner, another lie. I just hope actual money wasn't taken from people, and if so, maybe they can get it back. The pitch forks and torches are out in full force now.

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well, Gamester81 (John Lester) is not a tech guy, may be the guy with less or null knowledge of coding and programming in that company. Either he hypes the product out of ignorance or is a sellout, you decide.

John Lester is taking a page from Mike Kennedy and is starting to delete everything involved with this, I wish that he would be a bit more honest as to what was his involvement. If he was just being a mouthpiece or got paid for his actions. But to act like nothing happened is a bit childish. But then again here comes the pitchforks and torches....

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Thanks for sharing your experiences with the project BTB. Its very interesting to get the perspective of someone that was involved. I also appreciate that you maintained your principles by refusing to do the video without a working prototype. The high ethical standards of the Jag-Bar apparently eclipse those of Engadget and CNET!


Now, I don't know MK personally but I did initially have high hopes for the first RVGS campaign. Prior to the Indiegogo attempt, I had purchased a Lynx from him through Game Gavel, backed the first Retro Magazine Kickstarter and picked up a translucent Jaguar shell. Based on those experiences and his general reputation in the scene, I thought he might be able to pull it off. The John Carlsen video soured me on that project though and when the it quickly reemerged with Coleco branding, I opted to wait in quiet skepticism. As it is, this appears to have been an outright deception and I will not support any MK projects moving forward. If I had kept my subscription to Retro, I would cancel it.

Edited by atarilbc
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