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NSG's Game Endings


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I'm going to try something new.

On most Fridays, I plan to post the ending of a game.

Some might be great. Some not so much. but all were done by your's truly.


Here's the first: JAWS on the NES  :nintendo_nes:



Edited by nosweargamer

The No Swear Gamer on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChtJuo040EOCTVziObIgVcg

Host of The Atari 7800 Game by Game Podcast on iTunes, Stitcher and YouTube

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I always enjoyed playing jaws for the nes. It did take me longer than i like to admit to beat this. And then i was disappointed with the ending. I was hoping for a congratulations speach or something


I like it too (one of the few LJN NES games I like so far).

I'm a big fan of endings in games, but sadly a lot of 8 bit and 16 bit games had even less than what we saw in jaws.

But at the time, I think the animation of the plane was special as most games gave you a static screen.

The No Swear Gamer on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChtJuo040EOCTVziObIgVcg

Host of The Atari 7800 Game by Game Podcast on iTunes, Stitcher and YouTube

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I don't think I've ever played Double Dragon on Sega Master System. This was cool to see. How do you feel KevinMos3's graphical update of the 7800 version holds up to it?


Between the SMS, NES and 7800 version, I think the SMS version is by far the best (especially if you use the continue cheat), although Kev's update does a good job adding a new coat of paint to 7800 versions. He didn't mess with the gameplay, so the game still suffers from having to spam moves to win.

The No Swear Gamer on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChtJuo040EOCTVziObIgVcg

Host of The Atari 7800 Game by Game Podcast on iTunes, Stitcher and YouTube

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Seems about the same as the master system. They just didnt go with the black background. Still a great game!


It's also kinda unique in the fact that it is a 7800 game with an ending.

Very few games on the 7800 had any sort of ending and of those, only a small number actually had some sort of resolution versus just saying "The End" or "You Win".

The No Swear Gamer on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChtJuo040EOCTVziObIgVcg

Host of The Atari 7800 Game by Game Podcast on iTunes, Stitcher and YouTube

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