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Squad Challenge - Secret Quest (Atari 2600)


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Secret Quest
Atari 2600
Difficulty Level: Default (None)

Achieve high score to win challenge
Play on: Real Hardware / Dedicated Console / Emulation OK!
Squad Challenge ends 11:59 pm PST February 14th, 2016

Objective: Play for the highest possible score using the difficulty settings defined in the challenge. Post a photo or video of your score in this thread. Scores must be achieved between February 1st through February 14th, 2016. Screen captures are not allowed as they are easily manipulated for falsified scores. Multiple submissions are permitted. The player with the highest score at the end of the 2-week competition is the victor.

Eligibility: Anyone can join in. All players are welcome!

Play Rules: Games may be played on real hardware, dedicated console, or emulation, using any controller or keyboard, following rules and game settings as delineated in the Squad Challenge. Enhancements and hacked versions of this game are not allowed.

Difficulty Level: There are no difficulty settings for this game. Special Instructions are in effect for this Squad Challenge prohibiting use of continues. You must start at the beginning of the game and complete your score without the use of continues.

Fair Play: Players should play fairly, be honest, and have fun! Falsified scores will result in your immediate removal from the site. It goes without saying that no use of cheats, hacks, cartridge frying, enhancements, Photoshop, subterfuge, or any other unfair advantage is allowed. Everybody hates a cheater.

More: To review detailed rules on how to play, please visit the High Score Squad page here: http://forums.atari.io/index.php/topic/1219-high-score-squad-how-to-play/ 

Welcome to our 5th Squad Challenge! Secret Quest is one of the best Action/Adventure games on the system. It was released in 1989 as one of the last major releases for the Atari 2600. Secret Quest plays like an early Nintendo NES game, and is like Atari’s answer to The Legend of Zelda and Phantasy Star. Growing up as a 7800 gamer, Secret Quest became one of my favorite 2600 games to play.


As you navigate the maze-like levels, you kill enemies with what appears to be a lightsaber, stock up on energy and oxygen, collect codes that allow you to set a time bomb and then transport off a space station before it’s destroyed. A photo of Nolan Bushnell is on the box cover and cartridge label. Secret Quest was developed by Nolan Bushnell's company Axlon and programmed by Steve DeFrisco.


I hope all of you have a good time, and remember this is for "nerd cred" and meant to be fun for all! I encourage you to share your strategies and experiences with all of us! You have until 11:59 pm PST February 14th, 2016 to complete this challenge and successfully submit your score. The ROM is readily available online, and the Instruction Book is provided for you below. GOOD LUCK, SQUAD!

Secret Quest.pdf



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I've heard of it but never have played it.

Its the only title to have Nolan on the cover and one of the last titles published by Atari..........


Brian Matherne - owner/curator of "The MOST comprehensive list of Atari VCS/2600 homebrews ever compiled." http://tiny.cc/Atari2600Homebrew

author of "The Atari 2600 Homebrew Companion" book series available on Amazon! www.amazon.com/author/brianmatherne

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Yeah, pretty misleading. He may have came up with the general idea and oversee the project, but he didn't program it. Steve DeFrisco did.


Here's some more games SD did from his website.

Imagic                1983 - (Intellivision) Tropical Trouble
Axlon                   1986 - R&D (Atari 2600) Secret Quest
Data East           1987 - Design, voice for Wacky Gator
Atari (contract)   1989 - (2600) Moto Rodeo, Klax
                                          (Lynx)  Baseball Heroes
Digital Pictures 1992 - (SEGA CD) Prize Fighter, Slam City, Citizen X
SONY                  2004 - R&D (PS2, PS3, PSP)
Volition  (THQ)   2006 - (XBox, PS3, PC) Red Faction Guerrilla
                                          (XBox, PS3, PC) Red Faction Armageddon
                                          (XBox, PS3, PC) Saints Row: The Third

The No Swear Gamer on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChtJuo040EOCTVziObIgVcg

Host of The Atari 7800 Game by Game Podcast on iTunes, Stitcher and YouTube

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I will see what I can do, but I could use help from my teammates. 

It's a 2600 game, so it should be up Ferg's alley, however, I do believe it's Willies turn to bring the heat and I would never rule out a surprsie showing from Shinto ;)

The No Swear Gamer on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChtJuo040EOCTVziObIgVcg

Host of The Atari 7800 Game by Game Podcast on iTunes, Stitcher and YouTube

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I'm going to try this game tonight.  I'll post my best score ;)


As for Steve DeFrisco...I heavily enjoy the Saint's Row Series and, thanks to XBOX Games With Gold, have The Third.  Thanks to the wife I picked up Saint's Row IV (digital download) on sale and Saint's Row 2 from a used game store.  They are really fun games so I hope this one is going to be interesting.

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I will see what I can do, but I could use help from my teammates. 

It's a 2600 game, so it should be up Ferg's alley, however, I do believe it's Willies turn to bring the heat and I would never rule out a surprsie showing from Shinto ;)

Those would be wonderful surprise showings! I would love to have those guys more involved in Squad!

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I think we may give another one away sometime this year. It's been a while since we've done a prize.


Nice.  I'm in!!



So you guys gonna tell us what the game is, or is it still a secret quest? 


Ba-dum-dum!  Thank you folks.  I wrote that joke myself. 


Guys, RickR will be appearing in Late Night Atari Chat this Friday and Saturday performing his stand-up act.


Warm-up act is greenween and his sarcastic Jeff Dunham muppets feat. Julio Wrinkles, Mr. Bo-Peep, and Franklin Delano Bluth.


No cover charge, 2 drink minimum.

:rofl: You guys are a comedy act.  But I will always love this comedian...

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Excellent choice!  Never played this until a few years ago, but I think it's really good.  I'll play this weekend and put something up!


Thank you! Trying to churn up some under-appreciated games. We'll be focusing more on staples like Asteroids, Space Invaders and Missile Command in the Atari Cup Tournament coming up soon. It's a nice mix.

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