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New 3D printed case for the TI-99/4A's FlashROM 99

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5 minutes ago, RickR said:

Whoops!  "Video Unavailable"


Yeah, sorry.  The video was 5 years old and out of date, so I deleted it.  However since the FlashROM was effectively been replaced with the FinalGROM, the best I can do is give you this link: https://corei64.com/shop/index.php?route=product/category&path=72_73 which in my opinion has the BEST 3D printed for the TI-99/4A that there is.


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1 minute ago, RickR said:

Thank you, that is actually very good info.  I think I need to invest in one of the 3d printed cases for the 32k sidecar.  It's good to have a recommendation from someone you trust. 


Thanks!  This will give you a closeup of his quality level



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