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TEMPEST ELITE for Atari 400/800 XL XE


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Anyone who is looking to purchase Tempest Elite and play it on their VBXE system, please hold off until we get this latest update checked by our beta tester. There appears to be some issues with other hardware present, such as Ultimate 1MB, other memory upgrades, and with various versions of the firmware. There is something called a color map which allow VBXE to change the color registers in different areas of the screen. Similar to a Commodore 64 color screen map, or think of doing DLIs, but able to split sections vertically. The color map set up of Tempest Elite had to removed because it was cause the sprite overlay map not to appear on top of the web. May possibly not working with certain system hardware configurations.


In VBXE mode the web background will be a strait 320x192 mode without any lane highlighting and the spikes will be a dotted line to distinguish them from the web lane lines. VBXE has the ability to make the pixel and background two true separate colors.


 been watching the fix on youtube, hopefully we have a winner.




22735 Congo St. NE, Stacy, MN 55079

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