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WANTED: Feedback for Super Pac-Man for Atari 7800


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I'm looking for feedback for a future episode of the Atari 7800 Homebrew Podcast (you can find it on iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play, or use this feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/homebrew78 )


What are your thoughts on Super Pac-Man on the 7800?


This game will be covered on Episode 8. Yep, that's right: episode 8. And I'm posting this when episode 4 is still a week and a half away. Why am I posting this so early? Well, I'm not going to get into the details right now, but I'd just like to start prep on this particular one ASAP.


You can also e-mail text or audio to homebrew78 -at- fab4it -dot- com.


Deadline is, kinda-sorta, 11:59pm CST on Friday, April 7. Any comments from after then will be addressed in a later episode.

Supernatural, perhaps...baloney, perhaps not.

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Bob has always made great games for the 7800 and this one does not disappoint one iota. The game is a superb adaptation of the arcade original and, though this is not a favorite version of Pac-Man by many, it still its own charm.  I always found the game fun to play for the very reason many people don't like it, it is a different take on the Pac-Man formula.  Having Pac-Man eat keys and other objects and then go super to eat through anything is cool.  This game mechanic, though, does make the game easier to play than the usual Pac-Man game.  This 7800 port looks great and really captures the essence of the arcade well.  The mazes look great, the colors are bright, and the arcade sounds are replicated quite well despite the limitations of the TIA chip. This is one title that should be owned by everyone with an Atari 7800. 

🖖 Going to the final frontier, gaming...

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Just wanted to bump this one, as I posted it a long time ago. If you care to share any feedback about Super Pac-Man, you may reply to this thread. Or you can e-mail homebrew78 (at) fab4it (dot) com -- text or audio!

Supernatural, perhaps...baloney, perhaps not.

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I always liked the Super Pac-Man arcade game growing up, mainly because it was so unusual to see it in arcades or bowling alleys. In terms of gameplay, I much prefer Ms.Pac-Man and Jr. Pac-Man. They are more intuitive and the changing mazes add needed variety. That being said, Super Pac-Man has a charm all its own. The addition of the super pellet and the keys is novel. The graphics are bright and fun. It's still Pac-Man, it's just a different kind of Pac-Man.


Super Pac-Man was the first boxed homebrew that I picked up for the 7800. I got it during PRGE 2013 at the Atari Age booth along with some other homebrew items. When I got back to California later that week, I spent considerable time with the game. As with most of Bob's ports, the controls and gameplay elements are spot on. The graphics are well represented. Sound - well, it's the 7800. The arcade sounds are approximated as well as they possibly could be using the TIA. It's actually quite admirable given the limits of the system. Compared to other ports on classic systems, this is one of the very best.

Edited by atarilbc
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