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Squad Challenge - 2018 F-ZERO Christmas Challenge (Super Nintendo)


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19 hours ago, RickR said:

Who has tips for making it through the minefield section?  That's where things always go wrong for me. 

This is how I'm currently doing it (more or less). On the first lap, I turn early into the corner of the rough area, which gives me a comfortable path to the corner of the other rough area, which I try not to hit at all. During all of this,  I never let go of the accelerator. Like so:


On the laps afterwards, I use my boost just after the space starts to open up, and go diagonally all the way through:


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5 hours ago, RickR said:

Here is my typical path....



I could not keep myself from laughing out loud when I saw this.  That would have been my first few times trying Mute City III.  But draw one line over the edge, jumping into oblivion, and that would have been me.  I don't know how it happened but another craft ran into me at that section and blew up which caused my car to leave the track, like I hit a ramp.  BOOM!  I ended up being a firework show.

I can't express enough how much I love this game!  I think I know what my New Resolution is going to be.  Get this game and get my SNES completed so I can enjoy it.  I could spend days on this game.

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I was stuck for a while, but I think I found some ways to shave off a few milliseconds here and there. I may have been taking the corners too sharply early in the first lap. Or maybe I just had a change in luck.

I'm playing it without sound, now. I think it may help me concentrate. And it is Mute City after all.

Your turn, Kid A!

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:pole_position_blimp_big: Congratulations Kid A!


WOW!! I'm truly thrilled to see this kind of turnout and enthusiasm for our first Super Nintendo Squad Challenge! Congrats to all our racers who showed up to play, F-ZERO was so much fun! Lots of friendly competition all around this challenge, this is really the sort of thing that fuels my passion for classic gaming deep down. I love that there was a real battle for a high score and yet you guys were all drawing maps and sharing different strategies. Kid A and Atari Creep have been live streaming these events on Instagram lately and it's been really cool to get to watch other people here play. I always find myself playing F-ZERO around this time of year, we may revisit F-ZERO in a future Squad Challenge racing a different track. Congratulations to Kid A on his score! It was great watching Kid A and RadioPoultry battle it out and launch this game into the stratosphere. Lots of "nerd cred" to go around this challenge! Kid A came in with a score of 2'01"59 and RadioPoultry was right on his tail at 2'01"70. I have a feeling this may continue back and forth in the Scoreboard and both of these players will break the 1 minute mark. I posted a time of 2'11"90, our newcomer Lauren Tyler posted 2'15"82, nosweargamer posted 2'15"90 and RickR rounds things out with an impressive 2'19"55. All of you showed how it was done, a huge congratulations to everybody who turned out for this Squad Challenge and posting absolutely incredible scores! And once again a very special welcome to our new member Lauren Tyler who jumped right into High Score Squad and played along! Welcome Lauren! Congrats to everyone who played! I'd encourage Kid A to post his new high score on the Scoreboard, and maybe this Challenge can continue on! I hope everybody enjoyed changing it up with SNES, we'll have more 16-Bit Challenges coming up very soon and throughout the year with Super Nintendo, Sega Genesis, TurboGrafx-16, Atari Lynx and more. Way to go everybody!





1   KID A                              2’01”59

2   RADIOPOULTRY           2’01”70

3   JUSTIN                          2’11”90

4   LAUREN TYLER            2’15”82

5   NOSWEARGAMER       2’15”90

6   RICKR                             2’19”55




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16 minutes ago, RickR said:

Wow, incredible scores.  I don't feel very bad at all coming in last.  It was a lot of fun to try this game out and get better over time.

You posted a superb score Rick, you should be proud! This is one of the harder tracks, anybody that can even finish is in great shape.

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