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Price Tag Thread


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8 hours ago, Justin said:

Galaxian for the Atari 8-Bits, how cool is that!?

It's a cool game and my favorite version of Galaxian to play. It's not arcade perfect, but I actually prefer that way in this case.


The No Swear Gamer on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChtJuo040EOCTVziObIgVcg

Host of The Atari 7800 Game by Game Podcast on iTunes, Stitcher and YouTube

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On 4/17/2020 at 5:02 PM, RickR said:

And finally, a bunch I'm not terribly familiar with.  Murphy's Mart.  Woolworth, some other "W", and so on.

One of the Adventure photos I posted has that same "W" sticker, and here's another Skiing with the same:


And here's a box for a pirate version of River Raid:


Edited by Scott Stilphen
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I asked about the "W" price tags on Facebook, and got the answer.  Those are from "Woolco", a branch of "Woolworth's".  They went out of business in the US in 1983.  Although they lived longer than that in Canada, I assume most of our "W" price tags are from USA stores, probably from the mid-west.



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I though Waterworld was an Atari Club exclusive game? I don't recall ever seeing that for sale locally when I was kid, although I do remember earthworld and fireworld?

I didn't keep any of the boxes for my games when I bought them new back in the day. Had no idea that would be a thing I would want later in life you know? But I can tell you that a majority of my atari games back then did NOT have price stickers on them because I bought them at service merchandise or Toys' R Us where we just took a tag off the shelf and handed it to a cashier to pay for it. Then waited at a pick up location elsewhere in the store where a mint out of the carton boxed game was then handed to you. So they didn't have price stickers on them in my case. There were a few times where I or my parents purchased from TG&Y but I think those had shrink wrapping on them and the stickers were on the shrink wrap and not on the actual boxes. 

One thing I do remember doing was that when the silver label boxes and games were released, I would carefully peel off the little holographic oval sticker from the box and applied it to empty negative space on the cartridge labels. I know that is heresy now, but back them when I was 8 - 10 years old, I thought it was pretty cool. I think only my Kagaroo 2600 cart still has that sticker on it to this day. I know my Joust for the 2600 used to have it, but I don't think it is there anymore and fell off sometime ago taking a bit of the silver off the label with it! LOL!


See what I'm up to over at the Ivory Tower Collections: http://www.youtube.com/ivorytowercollections


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On 4/20/2021 at 5:18 PM, CrossBow said:

I though Waterworld was an Atari Club exclusive game? I don't recall ever seeing that for sale locally when I was kid, although I do remember earthworld and fireworld?

From what I understand, unsold Atari Club exclusives eventually found their ways to store shelves, although, as you can imagine, they weren't as widely available as normal releases. 

The No Swear Gamer on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChtJuo040EOCTVziObIgVcg

Host of The Atari 7800 Game by Game Podcast on iTunes, Stitcher and YouTube

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