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The manual mentions the game fully supports the analog controls.  From what I know, there's only 12 games for the 5200 that fully support analog controls:


Centipede *
Galaxian *
Jungle Hunt *
Missile Command *
Pole Position *
RealSports Basketball *
RealSports Football
RealSports Soccer
RealSports Tennis
Space Invaders *
Super Breakout

The ones marked with an asterisk are noted on Atari's 5200 catalog/poster as being Trak-Ball compatible, which would indicate full analog support.  Vanguard is listed on the poster and is not indicated.  So did Atari forget to note it on the poster, or is the manual incorrect?


vanguard _controls.jpg



As @Scott Stilphen noted you don't need a trak-ball because games that support and really use the analog controls will behave differently depending on how far the controller is moved from the center position. In the case of Vanguard's instructions, it clearly states that your ship will move faster the further you move in that direction. That alone would indicate it does support the analog nature of the controllers.

See what I'm up to over at the Ivory Tower Collections: http://www.youtube.com/ivorytowercollections



Someone confirmed for me the game doesn't support full analog movement.  That is to say, the ship moves at the same speed no matter how far over you push the joystick.  I know GCC programmed it but I don't know who the programmer was.  Whether they planned to support full analog movement (perhaps a prototype exists with it?) or if the person putting the manual together made a mistake, who knows.


It's possible, especially with the 5200, analog controls were originally in the game when the instructions were being written.  At last minute the controls could have been changed before the instructions went to press resulting in inaccurate instructions.


The 800 version does have some variable movement with the controls, so if the 5200 version supports analog, then the position of the stick should determine how fast you move in any direction, and not how long you hold the joystick in one direction like it does with the 800 version.


I was thinking but I don't have a whole lot of 3rd party games for my 5200.  I have Blue Print, Star Wars Arcade, Q*Bert, Popeye, Frogger, Buck Rogers, and ... Lemme check...Zaxxon.  I don't think any of those took advantage of the analog controls.  I would have thought Star Wars would due to the arcade setup but I don't remember if it was analog either.  Been way to long since I've seen that game.


Star Wars: The Arcade Game supports analog controls, which it should, since the arcade game did :)  But games like Pengo and Jungle Hunt supporting them makes no sense to me.  I read somewhere Jungle Hunt actually doesn't, even though Atari indicated it was "Trak-Ball" compatible on that poster.

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