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Updating & Modifying Classic Computers via 3D Printers

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A friend of mine managed to get his hands on a TRS-80 Model 4 in EXCELLENT condition.  Now while everything works, he's not exactly a fan of those old 5.25" low capacity floppy drives.  So in his quest to update the machine he went with the FreHD and Gotek solutions.  I printed up a couple of faceplates to fit in his TRS-80's 5.25" drive bay.



If he's gonna upgrade, he should do it with a little style... right?


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7 hours ago, Atari 5200 Guy said:

Well, I'm the opposite.  I enjoy using those old floppies.  Brings back good memories.  Those mounts you made look nice.  I need to dig and see what all the TI is about.  Having only three games doesn't leave much of an impression.

I agree, the TI is pretty much worthless without at least a 32K expansion card and a FinalGROM cartridge.  Below is my system...


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I think if you have a TI, the speech module, a set of joysticks, and Parsec....you can have a lot of fun.  Alpiner is another good speech game. 

I may have an extra speech module around here.  I will look.  If yes, it will be for sale cheap.  I had extra joysticks, and those sold quickly on the ebay.  I'll look for more of those too.  I'm very close to getting my TI collection down to 1 box.  But that's been on hold for a while. 

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I don't have the speech module but I do have Parsec.  Fun game what little I have played of it.

OK.  Knowing that I'm a TI newbie what all would you suggest for someone new to the system that should wow me?  I know in another post are links to TI Basic and some other things.  Seriously, I have no history with a TI other than what I have.  But I will create a new topic for that as I don't want to get off topic.

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32 minutes ago, CrossBow said:

The Ti version of Microsurgeon has speech as well and was one of the reasons I wanted a Ti since I'm a fan of the Intellivision version of that game as well.


The disk-based version of Demon Attack has speech (but the cart version doesn't), and that is probably my favorite game.  It works well with the SD card carts. 


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